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The Twitter modules allow you to monitor, search, create, list, or delete tweets; monitor and list retweets; watch and list followers; manage favorites; watch, send, list, and delete messages; manage lists and mentions, and also search users in your Twitter account.

Getting Started with Twitter


  • A Twitter account

  • Ibexa Connect paid pricing plan. Twitter is a premium app. Therefore, it is not available for users using the FREE pricing plan.


To get access to premium modules, upgrade to any of our paid plans, starting at $9 per month.

In order to use Twitter with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a Twitter account. If you do not have one, you can create a Twitter account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Twitter to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Twitter account to Ibexa Connect follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you click the Continue button, Ibexa Connect will redirect you to the Twitter website where you will be prompted to grant Ibexa Connect access to your account.


Do not forget to check the Follow Ibexa Connect for news checkbox to stay up to date with new Ibexa Connect features.


Confirm the dialog by clicking the Authorize app button.


You may need to unlock your account first.


Follow the instructions from Twitter and grant Ibexa Connect access (above) after the unlocking process is completed.


Watch Tweets

Retrieves tweet details when a new tweet is posted.

I want to watch Select whether you want to watch your own tweets or someone else's tweets.
Screen name Enter the screen name of the Twitter user you want to watch for new tweets. For example, Ibexa Connect.
Prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline If this option is enabled, replies to the tweet will not be returned.
Include retweets Retweets are excluded by default. Enabling this will also allow you to return retweets by this module.
Limit Set the maximum number of tweets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Search Tweets

This action allows you to search for Tweets that match the given criteria. You can get a maximum of the last 100 tweets. The search results are limited to Tweets from the past 7 days.

Search phrase

Enter the search term. You can use search operators.

For detailed information on search possibilities, see the 'Standard search operators' section in the Twitter Rules and filtering API Documentation.

Supported Search Operators (see the list of operators in the 'Standard search operators' section in the Twitter Rules and filtering API Documentation)

Operator Finds Tweets...
watching now containing both “watching” and “now”; this is the default operator.
“happy hour” containing the exact phrase “happy hour”.
love OR hate containing either “love” or “hate” (or both).
beer -root containing “beer” but not “root”.
#haiku containing the hashtag “haiku”.
from:interior sent from Twitter account “interior”.
list:NASA/astronauts-in-space-now sent from a Twitter account in the NASA list astronauts-in-space-now.
to:NASA a Tweet authored in reply to Twitter account “NASA”.
@NASA mentioning Twitter account “NASA”.
politics filter:safe containing “politics” with Tweets marked as potentially sensitive removed.
puppy filter:media containing “puppy” and an image or video.
puppy -filter:retweets containing “puppy”, filtering out retweets.
puppy filter:native_video containing “puppy” and an uploaded video, Amplify video, Periscope, or Vine.
puppy filter:periscope containing “puppy” and a Periscope video URL.
puppy filter:vine containing “puppy” and a Vine.
puppy filter:images containing “puppy” and links identified as photos; including third parties such as Instagram.
puppy filter:twimg containing “puppy” and a link representing one or more photos.
hilarious filter:links containing “hilarious” and linking to URL.
puppy url:amazon containing “puppy” and a URL with the word “amazon” anywhere within it.
superhero since:2015-12-21 containing “superhero” and sent since date “2015-12-21” (year-month-day).
puppy until:2015-12-21 containing “puppy” and sent before the date “2015-12-21”.
movie -scary :) containing “movie”, but not “scary”, and with a positive attitude.
flight :( containing “flight” and with a negative attitude.
traffic ? containing “traffic” and asking a question.


Set the maximum number of tweets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Sort by

Select the type of search results you want to receive.

mixed: Includes both popular and real-time results in the response.

recent: returns only the most recent results in the response.

popular: returns only the most popular results in the response.


Enter the ISO 639-1 code (2 characters) to restrict tweets to the desired language.


Enter the date to return tweets posted before the date. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Geographical Coordinates

Returns tweets by users located within an entered radius of the specified latitude/longitude.

Include Entities

Enable this option to include entities in the result. For more information about entities please refer to the Twitter Entities documentation.

Create a Tweet

Posts a status message on Twitter.


Enter the content of your Twitter post. Max 280 characters.


Select whether you want to upload a video or images file.

Source File

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Google Drive > Download a File), or enter the file name and file data manually.


Use the Add item button to attach an image, video, or GIF file. Select the Media Category that represents how the media will be used.

Size restrictions for uploading:

  • Image 5MB

  • GIF 15MB

  • Video 15MB

Attached images contain sensitive content (nudity, violence, etc).

Enable this option if you upload Tweet media that might be considered sensitive content such as nudity, or medical procedures.

Geographic Latitude

Enter the latitude of the location this Tweet refers to. This parameter will be ignored unless it is inside the range -90.0 to +90.0 (North is positive) inclusive.

Geographic Longitude

Enter the longitude of the location this Tweet refers to. The valid ranges for longitude are -180.0 to +180.0 (East is positive) inclusive.

Display tweets coordinates

Enable this option to put a pin on the exact coordinates a Tweet has been sent from.

List User Tweets

Returns tweets of a specified user.

Screen name Enter the screen name of the Twitter user whose tweets you want to retrieve, e.g. Ibexa Connect.
Prevent replies from appearing in the returned timeline If this option is enabled, replies to the tweet will not be returned.
Include retweets Retweets are excluded by default. Enable this option to also return retweets by this module.
Limit Set the maximum number of tweets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a User Tweet

Retrieves a specified tweet.

Tweet ID Enter (map) ID of the tweet you want to retrieve details about.
Include Entities Enable this option to include entities in the result. For more information about entities please refer to the Twitter Entities documentation.
Include Extra Alternative Text If alt text has been added to any attached media entities, this parameter will return its value in the top-level key for the media entity.
Include My Tweet Enable this option to include an additional current_user_retweet node, containing the ID of the source status for the retweet to any Tweets returned that have been retweeted by the authenticating user.
Include Card URI Enable this option to include a card_uri attribute when there is an ads card attached to the Tweet and when that card was attached using the card_uri value.

Delete a Tweet

Deletes a specified tweet.

Tweet ID Select or enter (map) the ID of the tweet you want to delete.


Watch Retweet

Retrieves tweet details when a tweet has been retweeted.

Tweet ID Select or enter (map) the ID of the tweet you want to watch for retweets.
Limit Set the maximum number of retweets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List Retweets/Retweeters

Returns retweets of a specified tweet or user IDs of users who retweeted the tweet.

List Select whether you want to list retweets or retweeters of the specified tweet or your retweets.
Tweet ID Select or enter (map) ID of the tweet you want to return retweets or retweeters for.
Limit Set the maximum number of retweets/retweeters Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Retweet/Unretweet a Tweet

Retweets or unretweets a tweet.

Choose Select whether you want to retweet or unretweet the tweet specified below.
Tweet ID Select or enter (map) the ID of the tweet you want to retweet or unretweet.


Watch Followers

This module is not available anymore. Use a template to store followers in a data store and add new followers to it on a regular basis: Save new followers from Twitter to Data store.

List Followers

Retrieves followers of a specified user.

List Followers Select whether you want to list followers by Screen Name or by User ID.
Screen Name Enter the screen name of the Twitter user whose followers you want to retrieve, e.g.Ibexa Connect if the field is left empty, only your followers will be returned.
User ID Enter (map) the ID of the user whose followers you want to retrieve. If the field is left empty, only your followers will be returned.
Limit Set the maximum number of followers Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.
Skip Status If you enable this option, the Status collection will not be returned in the result. Status contains information about the user's latest tweet.
Include User Entities Enable this option to include entities in the result.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Watch Followers section above.


Watch Likes

Retrieves like details when you or a specified user likes the tweet.

List Likes Select whether you want to list likes by Screen Name or by User ID.
Screen Name Enter the screen name of the Twitter user whose likes you want to retrieve, e.g. Ibexa Connect. If the field is left empty, only your likes will be returned.
User ID Enter (map) the ID of the user whose likes you want to retrieve. If the field is left empty, only your likes will be returned.
Limit Set the maximum number of likes Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.
Include Entities Enable this option to include entities in the result.

List Likes

Returns the 20 most recent Tweets liked by you or a specified user.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Watch likes section above.

Like/Unlike a Tweet

Likes or unlikes a specified Tweet. Returns the liked Tweet when successful.

Choose To Select whether you want to like or unlike the Tweet.
(Unliked) Tweet ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the Tweet you want to like or unlike.
Include Entities Enable this option to include entities in the result.


Watch Messages

Retrieves message details when you receive a new message.

Limit Set the maximum number of messages Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Send a Message

Sends a direct message to a specified user.

User ID Enter (map) the ID of the user you want to send a message to. Retrieve the ID, for example, using the Search Users or List Pending Followers Requests modules.
Message Text Enter the text content of the direct message.

Get a Message

Retrieves message details.

Message ID Enter the ID of the message you want to retrieve details about.

Delete a Message

Deletes a message.

Message ID Enter (map) or select the message you want to delete.


Watch Tweets in List

Returns tweet details when a new tweet is created on a specified list.

Search List Select whether you want to identify the list by a slug or by the List ID. If you decide to identify the list by a slug, you'll also have to specify the list owner.
List ID Enter (map) or select the list you want to watch for tweets.
Slug Enter the list slug.
Select User Select whether you want to identify the user by User ID or by the Screen Name.
Include Entities Enable this option to also return entities. Entities are a variety of metadata about the tweet in a discreet structure, including: user_mentions, URLs, and hashtags.
Include Retweets Enable this option to also return native retweets (if they exist) in addition to the standard stream of tweets.
Limit Set the maximum number of tweets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Add a Member to a List

Adds a member to a list. You must own the list to be able to add members to it.

List ID Enter (map) or select the list you want to add a member to.
Get User Select whether you want to identify the user by User ID or by the Screen Name.

List Lists

Returns all lists you or the specified user subscribes to, including their own.

List Lists Select whether you want to identify the user by ID or by the screen name.
User ID/Screen Name Enter (map) the User ID or the Screen Name of the user that subscribed to the lists the module will return. Leave the field blank to return only your lists.
Reverse Enable this option to return owned lists first.
Limit Set the maximum number of lists Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Watch Mentions

Returns tweet details when you are mentioned in a tweet.

Limit Set the maximum number of tweets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List Mentions

Returns the 20 most recent mentions.

Limit Set the maximum number of mentions Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Get a User

Retrieves user details.

Get User Select whether you want to identify a user by their User ID or by the Screen Name.
User ID / Screen Name Enter (map) the user ID or screen name of the user you want to retrieve details about.

Search Users

Provides a simple, relevance-based search interface to public user accounts on Twitter. Try searching by topical interest, full name, company name, location, or other criteria. Exact match searches are not supported.

Search Phrase Enter the search term.
Limit Set the maximum number of results Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Profile Image

Allows you to change your profile picture.

Source file Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Google Drive > Download a File), or enter the file name and file data manually.



Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Enter a path relative to E.g. /1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Twitter Developer Docs.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Home Tweets

The following API call returns the most recent Tweets and Retweets posted by you and the users you follow:

URL: /1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body. In our example, 19 Tweets were returned:


List Pending Followers Requests

Returns user IDs of every user following the authenticated user.


This module is especially powerful when used in conjunction with Ibexa Connect an API Call > GET /1.1/users/lookup.json, a method that allows you to convert user IDs into full user objects in bulk.

Connection Establish a connection to your Twitter account.
Limit Set the maximum number of followers Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Common problems

Access to earlier tweets and messages

The Twitter triggers can only process a limited number of the most recent tweets and messages.

  • The Watch tweets and Watch retweets triggers can process up to 3,200 of the most recent tweets.

  • The Watch messages and Watch favorite tweets triggers can process up to 200 of the most recent tweets.

  • The trigger Watch mentions can process up to 800 of the most recent tweets.

  • The search module Search tweets allow searching for tweets that are up to one week old.

Earlier tweets and messages are ignored.

Processing is terminated with a 429: Rate limit exceeded error

Twitter allows every user to send a limited number of requests per a 15- minute interval from their account. If a user exceeds this limit, Twitter returns a 429 Rate limit exceeded error. If this happens, wait until the quota is renewed and run your scenario again.

The number of requests made when executing a scenario differs depending on the trigger used and the number of Tweets Ibexa Connect has to go through.