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The Asana modules enable you to monitor your tasks and manage tasks, projects, teams, users, workspaces, stories, or attachments in your Asana account.

Getting Started with Asana


  • An Asana account

In order to use Asana with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have an Asana account. If you do not have one, you can create an Asana account at

Connecting Asana to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Asana account to Ibexa Connect, follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you click the Continue button, Ibexa Connect will redirect you to the Asana website.


If you are already logged into Asana, the connection will be automatically established. If not, log into your Asana account.

If everything went right, you can now continue creating your scenario.


Watch Projects or Tasks

Triggers when a project or a task is changed, added, removed, deleted, or undeleted depending on the nature of the event.


If Asana is unable to deliver a webhook for 24 hours, the webhook will be deactivated.

Webhook name Enter the name of the webhook, e.g. Watch Personal Project.
Project or task Select whether you want to monitor tasks or projects.
Project ID Select the project you want to watch.
Find task through Select the corresponding object you want to specify the task by.

Watch New Tasks

Retrieves task details when a new task is created.


Select the corresponding object you want to specify the task by.

  • Workspace and assignee: Enter the workspace to filter tasks by. Note: If you specify Workspace, you must also specify the Assignee to filter by.

  • Project: Select the project you want to filter results by.

  • Section

  • Tag ID: Select the tag you want to filter results by.

Completed since

Enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY h:mm format to only return tasks that are either incomplete or that have been completed since this time.

Modified since

Enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY h:mm format to only return tasks that have been modified since the given time.


Set the maximum number of tasks Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List Tasks

Retrieves tasks based on filter settings.

Filter Select the corresponding object you want to specify the task by.

* Workspace and assignee: Enter the workspace to filter tasks by.

Note: If you specify Workspace, you must also specify the Assignee to filter by.

* Project: Select the project you want to filter results by.

* Section: Select the Project ID first. Then you can select the Project Section ID you want to filter results by.

* Tag ID: Select the tag you want to filter results by.
Completed since Enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY h:mm format to only return tasks that are either incomplete or that have been completed since this time.
Modified since Enter the date in the MM/DD/YYYY h:mm format to only return tasks that have been modified since the given time.
Limit Set the maximum number of tasks Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Task

Retrieves task details.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Task or a Subtask

Creates a task or a subtask.

Task destination Select the corresponding object where you want to create a task.

* Workspace: Enter the workspace where you want to create a task.

* Projects: Select the projects you want to create a task for.

* Projects and sections: Select sections of the project you want to create a task for.

* Parent tasks: Creates a new subtask and adds it to the parent task.
Custom fields Enter values to custom fields if needed.

Custom fields can only be added to a task when the task is added to a project, or as a subtask to a task. If you just add it to a workspace, it is not possible to add custom fields. No project -> no custom fields. Also, if you add it under a parent task, then it automatically belongs to the project of that parent task.
Task name Enter the name of the new task.
Notes Enter more detailed, free-form textual information associated with the task.

Caution: This field will be overwritten if the HTML Notes field (below) is filled.

HTML notes

Enter notes of the text with formatting as HTML.


Overwrites the Notes field (above), if filled.

Task assignee

Select the user or map the user ID of the user you want to assign the task to.


Select whether to specify just a due date or a due date and time combination.

  • Date: For example: 2020-01-01

  • Date time combination: For example: 2020-01-01T12:00:00.000Z

Due on

Enter the date (or date and time, depending on your selection in the Due field above) on which this task is due.

Start on

Enter the date (or date and time, depending on your selection in the Due field above) on which the task starts. The due date must be set in order to set the Start On field.

Resource subtype

Select the subtype of this resource.


The Resource Subtype Milestone represents a single moment in time. This means tasks with this subtype cannot have a Start Date.


Approvals are only available for users in an Enterprise or Business plan.


Enable this option if the task is liked by you.

Task completed?

Enable this option to mark the task as completed.


Allows you to add app-specific metadata.

  • External ID: The external gid. Max size is 1024 characters. Can be a URI.

  • External Data: Enter the data of the BLOB (binary large object).


Select the users you want to add as followers of the task.


When no followers are submitted, the task assignee and the task creator are added as followers by default. When submitting followers, the creator and task assignee are not added by default. This also means that the creator can't see the task afterward unless specifically added.


Select tags you want to assign to the task.

Update a Task

Updates a task.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to update.
Workspace ID Select the workspace to display custom fields from.
Custom fields Enter values to custom fields if needed.

When mapping, we can only generate the workspace custom fields for the user. You have to select the correct custom fields (i.e. not submit any custom fields that are not used by the task; a task only has access to custom fields when it belongs to projects using those custom fields).

The displayed custom fields might be disabled; you should not try to use any disabled custom fields.

It's impossible to filter out the disabled fields on Ibexa Connect's side as we can't retrieve the enabled field.
Task name Enter the name of the new task.
Notes Enter more detailed, free-form textual information associated with the task.

Caution: This field will be overwritten if the HTML Notes field (below) is filled.

HTML notes

Enter notes of the text with formatting as HTML.


Overwrites the Notes field (above), if filled.

Task assignee

Select the user or map the user ID of the user you want to assign the task to.


Select whether to specify just a due date or a due date and time combination.

  • Date: for example: 2020-01-01

  • Date Time Combination: for example: 2020-01-01T12:00:00.000Z

Due on

Enter the date (or date and time, depending on your selection in the Due field above) on which this task is due.

Start on

Enter the date (or date and time, depending on your selection in the Due field above) on which the task starts. The due date must be set in order to set the Start On field.

Resource subtype

Select the subtype of this resource.


The Resource Subtype Milestone represents a single moment in time. This means tasks with this subtype cannot have a Start Date. Approvals are only available for users in an Enterprise or Business plan


Enable this option if the task is liked by you.

Task completed?

Enable this option to mark the task as completed.


Allows you to add app-specific metadata.

  • External ID: The external gid. Max size is 1024 characters. Can be a URI.

  • External Data: Enter the data of the BLOB (binary large object).


Select the users you want to add as followers of the task.


When no followers are submitted, the task assignee and the task creator are added as followers by default. When submitting followers, the creator and task assignee are not added by default. This also means that the creator can't see the task afterward unless specifically added.


Select tags you want to assign to the task.

Delete a Task

Deletes a task.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to delete.

Duplicate a Task

Duplicates a task.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to duplicate.
Name Enter the name of the new task.
Include Select fields that will be duplicated to the new task. Tasks are always included.

List a Task's Subtasks

Retrieves subtasks.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve subtasks for.
Limit Set the maximum number of subtasks Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Task's Parent

Updates a parent task.

Enter a task ID

Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.

Task ID

Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve subtasks for.

Parent task

Specify the parent task you want to update.

Enter a task ID

Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.

Task ID

Select or map the ID of the parent task you want to update.

Update a Task's Followers

Adds or removes followers of a task.

Add or remove Select whether you want to add or remove followers of the existing task.
Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve subtasks for.
Followers Select the followers you want to add or remove.

List a Task's Projects

Retrieves projects of a task.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve projects for.
Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Add a Task to a Project

Adds a task to a project or section.


Specify the task you want to add to a project.

Enter a task ID

Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.

Task ID

Select or map the ID of the task you want to add to the project.

Project ID

Select or map the project you want to add the task to.


Select the location where to place the task.

Task ID

Select or enter (map) the task you specified above to be placed after/before.

Section ID

Select the section you want to place the task into.

Remove a Task from a Project

Removes a task from the specified project.

Enter a task ID and project ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID and Project ID or select the task and project manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to remove from the project.
Project ID Select or map the project you want to remove the task from.

List a Task's Dependencies

Retrieves dependencies of a task.

Select a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve dependencies for.
Limit Set the maximum number of dependencies Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Task's Dependencies

Adds or removes dependencies of a task.

Returns an error if you try to remove a dependency that is not a dependency.

Add or remove Select whether you want to add or remove the dependencies of the existing task.
Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to add or remove dependencies for.
Dependencies Select dependencies you want to add or remove.

List a Task's Dependents

Retrieves the compact representations of all of the dependents of a task.

Select a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to retrieve dependents for.
Limit Set the maximum number of dependents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Task's Dependents

Adds or removes a set of tasks as dependents. A task can have at most 30 dependents.

Returns an error if you try to remove a dependent that is not a dependent.

Add or remove Select whether you want to add or remove the dependents of the existing task.
Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to add or remove dependents for.
Dependents Select dependents you want to add or remove.


Watch New Projects

Retrieves project details when a new project is created.

Workspace ID Select the workspace to filter results by.
Archived Enable if you want to return only archived projects.
Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List Projects

Retrieves the projects in your account.

Workspace ID Select the workspace to filter results by.
Archived Enable if you want to return only archived projects.
Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Project

Retrieves project details.

Project ID Select or map the ID of the project you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Project

Creates a new project in a workspace or team.

Workspace ID Select the workspace where you want to create a project.
Team ID If the workspace for your project is an organization, select or map the team that this project is shared with.
Name Enter the name of the new project.
Notes Enter more detailed, free-form textual information associated with the project.
Color Select the color of the project.
Default view Select the default view (list, board, calendar, or timeline) of a project.
Due on Enter the date on which this project is due in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Start on Enter the date on which the project starts in the YYYY-MM-DD format. The due date (above) must be set in order to set the Start On field.
Is template Enable to set the project as a template. This is not possible for archived projects, personal projects, or user task lists.
Public Select the Yes option if the project is public to the organization. If you select No, do not share this project with other users in this organization without explicitly checking to see if they have access.

Update a Project

Updates an existing project.

Project ID

Select or map the project you want to update.


Enter the name of the new project.


Enter more detailed, free-form textual information associated with the project.


Select the color of the project.

Current status

  •                                  Color
    Select the color associated with the status update.
  •                                  Text
    Enter the text content of the status update.


Enable this option if the project is archived. Archived projects do not show in the UI by default and may be treated differently for queries.

Default view

Select the default view (list, board, calendar, or timeline) of a project.

Due on

Enter the date on which this project is due in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Start on

Enter the date on which the project starts in the YYYY-MM-DD format. The due date (above) must be set in order to set the Start On field.

Is template

Enable to set the project as a template. This is not possible for archived projects, personal projects, or user task lists.


Select the Yes option if the project is public to the organization. If you select No, do not share this project with other users in this organization without explicitly checking to see if they have access.

Delete a Project

Deletes a project.

Project ID Select or map the project you want to delete.

Duplicate a Project

Duplicates a project.

Project ID

Enter or select the project you want to duplicate.


Enter the name of the new project.

Workspace ID

Select the workspace that contains the team you want to assign to the new project.

Team ID

Select or map the team for the new project. If the team is not defined, the new project will be in the same team as the original project.


Select the elements that will be duplicated to the new project. Tasks are always included.

Schedule dates

  • Should skip weekends: Enable if auto-shifted dates should skip weekends.

  • Start on: Enter the first start date in the YYYY-MM-DD format in the duplicated project to the given date. The rest of the start dates will be offset by the same amount as the start dates in the original project.

  • Due on: Enter the last due date in the YYYY-MM-DD format in the duplicated project to the given date. The rest of the due dates will be offset by the same amount as the due dates in the original project.

Get a Project's Task Count

Returns the number of tasks in the specified project.


This module is the subject of Asana's rate limits.

Project ID Enter or select the project you want to retrieve a task count for.

List a Project's Sections

Returns sections in the specified project.

Project ID Enter or select the project you want to retrieve sections for.
Limit Set the maximum number of sections Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Project Section

Retrieves project section details.

Enter a project section ID Select whether you want to map the Project Section ID or select the section manually using drop-down menus.
Project section ID Select or map the ID of the section you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Project Section

Creates a new section in a project.

Project ID Select whether you want to map the Project Section ID or select the section manually using drop-down menus.
Section name Enter the text that will be displayed as the section name.

Update a Project Section

Updates a project section name.

Enter a project section ID Select whether you want to map the Project Section ID or select the section manually using drop-down menus.
Project section ID Select or map the ID of the section you want to update.
Section name Enter the new text that will be displayed as the section name.

Move a Project Section

Moves a section in a board view within a project.

Project ID Select the project that contains the section you want to reorder.
Project section ID Select or map the ID of the section you want to move.
Before section ID Select the section to insert the given section immediately before this section.
After section ID Select the section to insert the given section immediately after this section.

Delete a Project Section

Deletes an existing section.


Sections must be empty to be deleted.


The last remaining section in a board view cannot be deleted.

Enter a project section ID Select whether you want to map the Project Section ID or select the section manually using drop-down menus.
Project section ID Select or map the ID of the section you want to delete.

List Project's Statuses

Retrieves the project status history.

Project ID Select the project you want to retrieve statuses from.
Limit Set the maximum number of statuses Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Project Status

Retrieves the specified project's statuses.

Enter a project status ID Select whether you want to map the Project Status ID or select the status manually using drop-down menus.
Project status ID Select or map the ID of the status you want to retrieve.

Create a Project Status

Creates a new status update on the project.

Project ID Select the project you want to create a status update for.
Color Select the color of the new status update.
Text Enter the text content of the status update.

Delete a Project Status

Deletes a project status.

Enter a project status ID Select whether you want to map the Project Status ID or select the status manually using drop-down menus.
Project status ID Select or map the ID of the status you want to delete.

Workspaces, Teams, Users

List Workspaces

Retrieves all workspaces in your account.

Limit Set the maximum number of workspaces Ibexa Connect will work with during one execution cycle.

Get a Workspace

Retrieves workspace details.

Workspace ID Select or map the ID of the workspace you want to retrieve details about.

List a Workspace's Teams

Returns the details of all teams in the specified organization.

Organization ID Select or map the ID of the workspace or organization you want to retrieve teams for.
Limit Set the maximum number of teams Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List a Workspace's Users

Returns the details of all users in the specified workspace or organization.

Workspace ID Select or map the ID of the workspace or organization you want to retrieve users for.
Limit Set the maximum number of users Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Workspace's Users

Adds or removes a user in the workspace.

Add or remove Select whether you want to add a user to the workspace or remove a user from the workspace.
Enter a workspace ID and user ID Select whether you want to map the Workspace ID and User ID or select the Workspace ID and User ID manually using drop-down menus.
Workspace Select or map workspace or organization ID.
User Select or map the user you want to add to the workspace or remove from the workspace.

Get a Team

Retrieves team details.

Enter a team ID Select whether you want to map the Team ID or select the Team manually using drop-down menus.
Team ID Select or map the ID of the team you want to retrieve.

List a Team's Users

Retrieves members of the specified team.

Enter a team ID Select whether you want to map the Team ID or select the Team manually using drop-down menus.
Team ID Select or map the ID of the team you want to retrieve members of.
Limit Set the maximum number of team members Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Add a User to a Team

Adds a user to a team.

Enter a team ID Select whether you want to map the Team ID and User ID or select the team and user manually using drop-down menus.
Team ID Select or map the team you want to add a user to.
User ID Select or map the user you want to add to the team.

Remove a User from a Team

Removes a user from a team.

Enter a team ID Select whether you want to map the Team ID and User ID or select the team and user manually using drop-down menus.
Team ID Select or map the team you want to remove a user from.
User ID Select or map the user you want to remove from the team.

List Users

Retrieves all users in your account.

Workspace ID If you want to filter users by workspace, select the workspace.
Limit Set the maximum number of users Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a User

Retrieves user details.

User ID Select or map the user you want to retrieve details about.

List a User's Teams

Retrieves all teams a user is a member of.

User ID Select or map the user you want to retrieve teams for.
Workspace/Organization ID Select or map the workspace or organization you want to filter teams by.
Limit Set the maximum number of teams Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Watch New Stories

Retrieves story details when a new story is created for the task.

Find task through Select the corresponding object you want to specify the task by.
Task ID Select the task you want to watch for new stories.

List a Task's Stories

Retrieves all stories for a task.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or manually select the task you want to retrieve stories from using drop-down menus.
Task ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the task you want to retrieve stories from.
Limit Set the maximum number of stories Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Story

Retrieves story details.

Enter a story ID Select whether you want to map the Story ID or manually select the story using drop-down menus.
Story ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the story you want to retrieve details about.

Add a Story Comment

Updates a story with a comment.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the task you want to add the story comment to.
Comment Enter the plain text content of the comment.

Update a Story

Updates a story.

Enter a story ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or manually select the task using drop-down menus.
Story ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the task that you want to add the story comment.
Comment Enter the plain text content of the comment.
Is pinned Enable this option to pin the story on the resource.

Delete a Story

Deletes a story

Enter a story ID Select whether you want to map the Story ID or select the story manually using drop-down menus.
Story ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the story you want to delete.


Watch New Tags

Retrieves tag details when a new tag is created for the task.

Workspace ID Select the workspace to filter tags by.
Limit Set the maximum number of tags Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List Tags

Retrieves all tags in your account.

Workspace ID Select the workspace to filter tags by.
Limit Set the maximum number of tags Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Tag

Retrieves tag details.

Tag ID Select or map the tag you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Tag

Creates a tag

Workspace ID Select the workspace if you want to create a tag in a particular workspace.
Tag name Enter the name of the tag.
Color Enter the color of the tag.

Update a Tag

Updates a tag.

Tag ID Map or select the tag you want to update.
Tag name Enter the new name of the tag.
Color Enter the new color of the tag.

List a Task's Tags

Retrieves all tags of a task.

Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or manually select the task you want to retrieve tags for using drop-down menus.
Task ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the task you want to retrieve tags for.
Limit Set the maximum number of tags Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Task's Tag

Adds or removes a tag from a task.

Add or remove Select whether you want to add or remove the tag of the existing task.
Enter a task ID Select whether you want to map the Task ID or select the task manually using drop-down menus.
Task ID Select or map the ID of the task you want to update the tag for.
Tag Select the tag you want to add or remove.

Custom Fields

List a Workspace's Custom Fields

Retrieves custom fields in a workspace.

Workspace ID Select the workspace to filter custom fields by.
Limit Set the maximum number of custom fields Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Custom Field

Retrieves custom field details.

Enter a custom field ID Select whether you want to map the Custom Field ID or manually select the custom field using drop-down menus.
Custom fields ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the custom field you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Custom Field

Creates a new custom field in a workspace.

Workspace ID

Select or enter (map) the ID of the workspace you want to create a custom field for.


Enter the name of the custom field.


Enter the description of the custom field.

Custom field type

Select the type of the custom field.

Enumeration options

  • Option name: The name of the enum option.

  • Option color: Select the color of the enum option.

Has notifications enabled?

This option defines whether a follower of a task with this field should receive inbox notifications about changes to this field.

Update a Custom Field

Updates a custom field.

Custom field ID Select or enter (map) the ID of the custom field you want to edit.
Name Enter the name of the custom field.
Description Enter the description of the custom field.
Number precision Select the number of places. Only relevant for custom fields of type Number. This field dictates the number of places after the decimal to round to, i.e. 0 is integer values, 1 rounds to the nearest tenth, and so on. Must be between 0 and 6, inclusive.
Format Select the format of the custom field.

Delete a Custom Field

Deletes a custom field.

Enter a custom field ID Select whether you want to map the Custom Field ID or manually select the custom field using drop-down menus.
Custom field ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the custom field you want to delete.

Add an Option to a Custom Field

Creates an enum option and adds it to this custom field’s list of enum options.


A custom field can have at most 50 enum options (including disabled options).

Enter a custom field option ID Select whether you want to map the Custom Field Option ID or manually select the custom field option using drop-down menus.
Custom field ID Enter (map) or select the ID of the custom field option you want to insert enum option to.
Insert before enumeration option (ID) Select an existing enum option within this custom field before which the new enum option should be inserted. Cannot be provided together with Insert After.
Insert after enumeration option (ID) Select an existing enum option within this custom field after which the new enum option should be inserted. Cannot be provided together with Insert Before.
Option name Enter the name of the enum option.
Option color Select the color of the enum option.

Update a Custom Field Option

Updates an existing enum option. The name, description, and number precision/format (will be ignored if the type is not a number) can be updated.


Locked custom fields can only be updated by the user who locked the field.

Enter a custom field option ID Select whether you want to map the Custom Field Option ID or manually select the custom field option using drop-down menus.
Enumeration option Enter (map) or select the ID of the Enumeration Option you want to update.
Option name Enter the name of the enum option.
Option color Select the color of the enum option.
Enabled Select whether or not the enum option is a selectable value for the custom field.

List a Project's Custom Fields

Retrieves custom field settings (that contain custom fields) of the project.

Not available for Free Users

Project ID Select or map the project you want to retrieve custom field settings for.
Limit Set the maximum number of custom field settings Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Update a Project's Custom Fields

Adds or removes custom fields in a project.

Add or remove Select whether you want to add or remove the custom field.
Enter a custom fields ID Select whether you want to map the Custom Field ID or select the custom field manually using drop-down menus.
Custom field ID Select or map the ID of the custom field you want to add or remove.
Insert before (Custom field setting ID) The ID of the Custom Field Setting before which the new Custom Field Setting will be added. Cannot be provided together with Insert After.
Insert after (Custom field setting ID) The ID of the Custom Field Setting after which the new Custom Field Setting will be added. Cannot be provided together with Insert Before.
Is important Select whether this field should be considered important to this container (for instance, to display in the list view of items in the container).


List Webhooks

Retrieves all registered webhooks for the specified workspace in your account.

Workspace ID Select the workspace to retrieve webhooks from.
Limit Set the maximum number of webhooks Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Enter a path relative to For example /1.0/projects/9886448865

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Asana API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

  • GET: to retrieve information for an entry.

  • POST: to create a new entry.

  • PUT: to update/replace an existing entry.

  • PATCH: to make a partial entry update.

  • DELETE: to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query string

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Users

The following API call returns all the users in your account.






The result can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data.

In our example, 30 users were returned:
