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The Coupa modules enable you to grant or reject approvals, and update or add approvers to requisitions in your Coupa account.


To use Coupa in Ibexa Connect you must have the Enterprise plan.

All Enterprise apps are currently labeled as premium tier 3 in Ibexa Connect.

Getting Started with Coupa


  • A Coupa account — you can create one at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Coupa to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Coupa account to Ibexa Connect you need to obtain the API key from your Coupa account.

  1. Log in to your Coupa account.

  2. Navigate to Setup > API Keys.


  3. Click the Create button.


  4. Fill in the API key details as follows:

    Login Enter a meaningful name for the API key.
    Description Enter a meaningful description for the API key.
    Contact First Name When an API key is used the First Name and Last Name appear on the Integration History of that object.
    Contact Last Name When an API key is used the First Name and Last Name appear on the Integration History of that object.
    Contact Email Enter your email.
    Expiry Date Select the date when the API key expires.
    Enable Permissions Enable this option to select entities you want to access.
  5. Click Save.

  6. Copy the provided API key.


  7. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the Coupa module's Create a connection dialog.

  8. Enter the API Key you have copied in step 6 to the respective field and click the Continue button to establish the connection.


The connection is established. You can proceed with setting up the module.


Grant an Approval

Approves a requisition.

Enter Approval ID Select whether you want to specify Approval ID manually or select from the list.
Requisition Select the requisition you want to grant approval for.
Approval Select the approval or enter (map) the ID of the pending approval you want to grant.
Note Enter the reason for approval.

Reject an Approval

Rejects a requisition.

Enter Approval ID Select whether you want to specify Approval ID manually or select from the list.
Requisition Select the requisition you want to reject an approval for.
Approval Select the approval or enter (map) the ID of the pending approval you want to reject.
Reason on Rejection Enter the reason for rejection.


Update a Requisition Line

Updates an existing requisition line.

Enter Requisition Line ID Select whether you want to specify requisition line ID manually or select from the list.
Requisition Select or enter (map) the requisition that contains the line you want to update.
Requisition Line ID Select the line or enter (map) the ID of the line you want to update.
Quantity Enter the quantity.
Unit Price Enter the unit price.
Item ID Select item or enter the item unique identifier.
Contract ID Enter (map) the ID of the contract.
Supplier ID Enter (map) the ID of the supplier.
Payment Term Code Enter the code of the payment term.
Currency Code Enter the currency code.
Need by Date Enter the date when the item is no longer useful to you. See the list of supported data and time formats.

Add an Approver to a Requisition

Adds an approver to a requisition.

Requisition ID Select the requisition or enter (map) the ID of the requisition you want to add an approver to.
Position Select whether to add the new approver before or after the current approver.
Approver ID Select the approver or enter (map) the ID of the approver you want to add to the requisition.
Current Approver ID Select or enter the ID of the current approver.


Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.

URL Enter a path relative to https://{your-resource-name} For example: /api/accounts/.

Note: For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Coupa API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we added those for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Requisitions

The following API call returns requisitions in your Coupa account:

URL: /api/requisitions/

Method: GET


The result can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body.
