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Getting Started with Etsy

The Etsy modules allow you to retrieve, search for, or create listings, ledger, receipts in your Etsy account.


  • An Etsy account

In order to use Etsy with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have an Etsy account. If you do not have one, you can create an Etsy account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Etsy to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Etsy account to Ibexa Connect, follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you click the Continue button, Ibexa Connect will redirect you to the Etsy website where you will be prompted to grant Ibexa Connect access to your account.


Confirm the dialog by clicking the Allow Access button.


Get Ledger

Retrieves a shop's ledger.

Shop ID or Name Enter (map) the Shop ID or Name of the shop you want to get ledger details.

Find Ledger Entries

Retrieves entries from the shop's ledger.

Shop ID or Name Enter (map) the Shop ID or Name of the shop you want to retrieve ledger entries.
Minimum Created Enter the minimum creation date of ledger entries you want to return. The list of supported date formats.
Maximum Created Enter the maximum creation date of ledger entries you want to return. The list of supported date formats
Limit Set the maximum number of ledger entries Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Create Listing

Creates a new listing.

Title Enter the listing's title. This string is valid if it does not match the following pattern: /\[^\\p{L}\\p{Nd}\\p{P}\\p{Sm}\\p{Zs}™©®\]/u. The characters %, :, & and + can only be used once each.
Description Enter the description for the item for sale.
Quantity Enter the quantity of items.
Price Enter the item's price (will be treated as private for sold listings).

Note: The price is the minimum possible price.

Shipping Template ID

Select the shipping template you want to associate with the item.


Add materials used in the item.

Non Taxable

If the option Yes is selected, then any applicable shop tax rates will not be applied to this listing on checkout.


Select if the new item should be active or a draft.


Active – the listing is currently for sale. Draft – draft listings are listings that have been saved prior to their first activation.

Category ID

Select the category you want to place the item to.

Minimum Processing Days

Enter the minimum number of days for processing for this listing.

Maximum Processing Days

Enter the maximum number of days for processing for this listing.


Add tags for the item.

Who Made This Listing

Select who made the listing item.

Is Supply

Check if the listing is a supply.

When Was the Item Made

Select when the item was made. Made To Order = not made yet.


Select who the listing is made for.


Select the occasion the item was made for.


Style of this listing. Each style is a free-form text string such as "Formal", or "Steampunk". A listing may have up to two styles.

Update Listing

Shop ID Select or map the Shop ID of the shop that contains an item you want to change.
State Select the state of the updated listing. The Etsy API will attempt to activate a listing after every edit operation. This may result in charges to the user's Etsy bill. To edit an inactive listing without activating it, choose Inactive from the dropdown above.

Please find the field descriptions in the Create Listing section above.

Get Listing

Retrieves listing details.

Shop ID Select or map the Shop ID of the shop that contains the listing you want to retrieve details about.
Listing ID Select or map the Listing ID of the item you want to retrieve information about.

Find Shop Listings

Retrieves listings associated with a shop.

Shop ID or Name Enter (map) the Shop ID or Name of the shop you want to retrieve listings from.
State Select the state of listings you want to return.

The sort on and sort order fields only work when combined with the keywords search option.
Sort on Select whether you want to sort results by the price, creation date, or the score.
Sort Order Select the sort order. Up - ascending, Down - descending.
Minimum Price Set the minimum price of the listings results.
Maximum Price Set the maximum price of the listings results.
Translate Keywords If language is set to a value other than EN and Translate Keywords option is enabled, the module will return results for keywords translated from the given language into English.
Include Private Select the Yes option to return private listings that are not publicly visible in the shop, but can be managed.
Limit Set the maximum number of listings Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Delete Listing

Deletes a specified listing.

Listing ID Enter (map) the Listing ID or of the listing you want to delete.

Find All Listings

Performs a search through the Etsy listings (not just your shop) by filter settings.

Select to Find Listing Which are Select whether you want to return active, interesting, trending, or featured treasuries listings.
Keywords Enter the term you want to search the listings for.
Sort On Select whether you want to sort results by the price, creation date, or the score.
Sort Order Select the sort order. Up - ascending, Down - descending.
Minimum Price Set the minimum price of the listings results.
Maximum Price Set the maximum price of the listings results.
Country Code Filter results by country. Enter the code in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.
Geographical Level Select the geo level – city, state, or country
Accept Gift Cards Select whether the listing seller accepts gift cards. Default: No.
Translate Keywords If language is set to a value other than EN and Translate Keywords option is enabled, the module will return results for keywords translated from the given language into English.
Limit Set the maximum number of listings Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Listing Inventory

Get Inventory

Retrieves the inventory for a listing.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop that contains a listing you want to retrieve the inventory from.
Listing ID Enter (map) the Listing ID of the listing you want to retrieve the inventory from.
Show Missing Inventory Enable this option to persist the records – if you need to get Stable Product ID and Offering ID fields.

Listing Offering

Get Offering

Retrieves details of an offering.


What is the difference between listing, product, and offering? Check the Working with Inventory article.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop that contains a listing with the offering you want to retrieve details about.
Listing ID Enter (map) the Listing ID of the listing that contains the offering you want to retrieve.
Product ID Enter (map) the Product ID of the product that has the offering variants you want to retrieve information about.
Offering ID Enter (map) the Offering ID of the offering you want to retrieve details about.

Listing Product

Get Product

Retrieves product information.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop that contains a listing with the product you want to retrieve details about.
Listing ID Enter (map) the Listing ID of the listing that contains the product you want to retrieve.
Product ID Enter (map) the Product ID of the product you want to retrieve information about.


Update Shop Receipt

Updates a shop receipt.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop that contains the receipt you want to update.
Receipt ID Enter (map) the Receipt ID of the receipt you want to update.
Paid Select the Yes option to set the receipt as paid.
Shipped Select the Yes option to set the receipt as shipped.

Find Shop Receipts

Returns all receipts associated with the shop.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop you want to search for receipts.
Search Method Select whether you want to filter receipts by:

Status - Returns all receipts in the selected status.

Search Query - Returns all receipts matching the search term entered to the Search Query field.

Date - Select the creation dates and modification dates you want to filter result receipts by. The list of supported date formats
Limit Set the maximum number of receipts Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get Shop Receipt

Retrieves details of the shop receipt.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop that contains the receipt you want to retrieve details about.
Receipt ID Enter (map) the Receipt ID of the receipt you want to retrieve.


Find Transactions

Retrieves a set of transaction objects associated with a shop, listing, or receipt.

Search by Select whether you want to retrieve transactions associated with the shop, listing, or the receipt.
Limit Set the maximum number of transactions Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Submit Tracking

Submits tracking information and sends a shipping notification email to the buyer. If Send Bcc option is enabled, the shipping notification will be sent to the seller as well. The email tells the buyer that their order is shipped, and displays the tracking code, along with a link to view tracking events (if applicable).


Tracking codes may not be submitted for an order where a shipping notification email has already been sent. Thus, at most, one tracking code can be submitted in this manner.

Shop ID Enter (map) the Shop ID of the shop that contains the receipt you want to submit for tracking.
Receipt ID Enter (map) the Receipt ID of the receipt you want to submit tracking information for.
Tracking Code Enter the alphanumeric tracking code provided by the mail carrier.
Carrier Name Enter the carrier name that will be viewable on the shipping notification email sent to the buyer. The list of carrier names and their corresponding values that we will be recognized in the Carrier Name field.
Send Bcc If enabled, the shipping notification will be sent to the seller as well.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Enter a path relative to E.g. projects


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Etsy API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List all top categories

The following API call returns all top categories:


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > results. In our example, 31 categories were returned:
