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Facebook Insights

The Facebook Insights modules enable you to retrieve insights and create jobs to retrieve ad statistics in your Facebook account.

Getting Started with Facebook Insights


  • A Facebook account

  • An Ad account in your Facebook Business Manager

In order to use Facebook Insights with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a Facebook account and a Facebook Business Manager account.


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Facebook Insights to Ibexa Connect

  1. To connect your Facebook account to Ibexa Connect, follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.


  2. After you click the Continue button, the connection is established and you can proceed with setting up the module.


Get Insights

Retrieves insights (creates a job, waits until the job is completed and returns job results) for the selected ad, ad set, ad account, or ad campaign.

Get insights for

Select whether you want to generate a report for an ad, ad set, ad account, or ad campaign.

Business manager

Select the Business Manager that contains the Ad Account you want to use.

Ad Account / Campaign / Ad Set / Ad

Select the campaign, ad account, ad set, or ad you want to retrieve insights for.

Specify date by

Select how you want to specify the date to filter results by.

Date preset

Select an option representing a relative time range.

Time range

Specify a single time range object.


Enter a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, which means from the midnight of that day.


Enter a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, which means till the midnight of the following day.

Time ranges

Add multiple time ranges if needed.

Time ranges can overlap, for example, to return cumulative insights. Each time range will have one result set. You cannot have more granular results with time_increment setting in this case.

Time increment

Enter monthly, all_days, or a number of days from 1 to 90. Default is all_days.

  • all_daysOne result set for the whole period.

  • monthlyOne result set for each calendar month in the given period.


Select the fields you want to retrieve. The default behavior is to return impressions and spend.


Select how you want the result to be broken down into groups. For more than one breakdown, only certain combinations are available - see combining results. For more information about breakdowns please refer to the Insights API Breakdowns documentation.


Set the maximum number of insights Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Select a level of the result.

Product ID limit

Enter the maximum number of product IDs to be returned for each ad when broken down by product_id.

Use account attribution setting

Enable this option to show your ad results using the attribution settings defined for the ad account.

Action attribution windows

Select the attribution window for the actions. For example, 28d_click means the API returns all actions that happened 28 days after someone clicked on the ad.

Action breakdowns

Select how to break down action results. The default value is action_type.

Action report time

Determines the report time of action stats. For example, if a person saw the ad on Jan 1st but converted on Jan 2nd, you see a conversion on Jan 1st when you select the impression option. When you select conversion, you see a conversion on Jan 2nd.


Add filters to filter results by fields.


Select a field to sort the result by, and a direction of sorting.


Create a Job

Creates a job for retrieving audience insights.

Get insights for

Select whether you want to generate a report for an ad, ad set, ad account, or ad campaign.

Business manager

Select the Business Manager that contains the Ad Account you want to use.

Ad Account / Campaign / Ad Set / Ad

Select the campaign, ad account, ad set, or ad you want to retrieve insights for.

Specify date by

Select how you want to specify the date to filter results by.

Date preset

Select an option representing a relative time range.

Time range

Specify a single time range object.


Enter a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, which means from the midnight of that day.


Enter a date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD, which means till the midnight of the following day.

Time ranges

Add multiple time ranges if needed.

Time ranges can overlap, for example, to return cumulative insights. Each time range will have one result set. You cannot have more granular results with time_increment setting in this case.

Time increment

Enter monthly, all_days, or a number of days from 1 to 90. Default is all_days.

  • all_daysOne result set for the whole period.

  • monthlyOne result set for each calendar month in the given period.


Select the fields you want to retrieve. The default behavior is to return impressions and spend.


Select how you want the result to be broken down into groups. For more than one breakdown, only certain combinations are available - see combining results. For more information about breakdowns please refer to the Insights API Breakdowns documentation.


Set the maximum number of insights Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Select a level of the result.

Product ID limit

Enter the maximum number of product IDs to be returned for each ad when broken down by product_id.

Use account attribution setting

Enable this option to show your ad results using the attribution settings defined for the ad account.

Action attribution windows

Select the attribution window for the actions. For example, 28d_click means the API returns all actions that happened 28 days after someone clicked on the ad.

Action breakdowns

Select how to break down action results. Default value is action_type.

Action report time

Determines the report time of action stats. For example, if a person saw the ad on Jan 1st but converted on Jan 2nd, you see a conversion on Jan 1st when you select the impression option. When you select conversion, you see a conversion on Jan 2nd.


Add filters to filter results by fields.


Select a field to sort the result by, and a direction of sorting.

Check a Job Status

Checks the status of the created report job.

Report ID Enter (map) the ID of the report. You can map the report ID from the Create a Job module.

Get Job Results

Retrieves results for the specified report job.

Report ID Enter (map) the ID of the report. You can map the report ID from the Create a Job module.
Limit Set the maximum number of results Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.