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Fatture in Cloud

With the Fatture in Cloud modules in Ibexa Connect, you can create and manage all your clients, suppliers, products, documents, invoices, and receipts in your Fatture in Cloud account.

To get started with Fatture in Cloud, create an account at

Connect Fatture in Cloud to Ibexa Connect

To connect to Fatture in Cloud you need to authorize Ibexa Connect in your account.

  1. Log in to your Fatture in Cloud account.


  2. Go to your Ibexa Connect scenario and select the Fatture in Cloud module you want to use.

  3. Under Connection, click Add.

  4. Give your new connection a name, then click Save.

  5. You will be prompted to authorize access for Ibexa Connect.


  6. Click Authorize.

You have successfully established the connection.


You can watch new clients and issued documents using the following modules.

Watch New Clients

Triggers when a new client is created.

Company Select or map the Company whose clients you want to watch.
Limit Set the maximum number of clients Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 2.

Watch New Issued Documents

Triggers when a new issued document is created.

Company Select or map the Company whose clients you want to watch.
Document Type Select the document type you want to watch.
Limit Set the maximum number of issued documents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 2.


You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete clients using the following modules.

List All Clients

Lists all clients for the company.

Limit Set the maximum number of clients Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Create a Client

Creates a client for the company.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Get a Client

Gets a specified client.

Company Select or map the Company whose clients you want to retrieve.
Client Select or map the Client whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Client

Updates a specified client.

Company Select or map the Company whose clients you want to update.
Client Select or map the Client whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Delete a Client

Deletes a specified client.

Company Select or map the Company whose clients you want to delete.
Client Select or map the Client you want to delete.


You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete suppliers using the following modules.

List All Suppliers

Lists all suppliers for the company.

Limit Set the maximum number of clients Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Create a Supplier

Creates a supplier for the company.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Get a Supplier

Gets a specific supplier.

Company Select or map the company whose supplier you want to retrieve.
Supplier Select or map the supplier whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Supplier

Updates a specific supplier.

Company Select or map the company whose supplier you want to retrieve.
Supplier Select or map the supplier whose details you want to retrieve.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Delete a Supplier

Deletes a specific supplier.

Company Select or map the company whose supplier you want to delete.
Supplier Select or map the supplier you want to delete.


You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete products using the following modules.

List All Products

Lists all the products of a company.

Limit Set the maximum number of products Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Clients API reference.

Create a Product

Creates a new product.

Company Select or map a company whose product you want to create.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Products API reference.

Get a Product

Gets a specific product.

Company Select or map the company whose products you want to retrieve.
Product Select or map the product whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Product

Updates a specific product.

Company Select or map the company whose products you want to update.
Product Select or map the product whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Products API reference.

Delete a Product

Deletes a specific product.

Company Select or map the company whose products you want to delete.
Product Select or map the product you want to delete.

Issued Documents

You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete issued documents using the following modules.

List All Issued Documents

Lists the issued documents of the company.

Limit Set the maximum number of issued documents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Issued Documents API reference.

Create an Issued Document

Creates a new document.

Company Select or map the Company whose issued documents you want to create.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Issued Documents API reference.

Get an Issued Document

Gets a specific issued document.

Company Select or map the Company whose issued documents you want to retrieve.
Document Type Select or map the document type you want to retrieve.
Document Select or map the document whose details you want to retrieve.

Update an Issued Document

Updates a specific issued document.

Company Select or map the Company whose issued documents you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Issued Documents API reference.

Delete an Issued Document

Deletes a specific issued document.

Company Select or map the Company whose issued documents you want to delete.
Document Type Select or map the document type you want to delete.
Document Select or map the document you want to delete.

Delete an Issued Document Attachment

Removes the attachment of the specified document.

Company Select or map the company whose issued document attachment you want to update.
Document Type Select or map the document type whose attachment you want to delete.
Document Select or map the document whose attachment you want to delete.

Get Issued Document Pre-Create Info

Retrieves the information useful while creating a new document.

Company Select or map the company whose issued document pre-create info you want to retrieve.
Document Type Select or map the document type whose details you want to retrieve.


You can send, verify, download, and retrieve E-Invoices using the following modules.

Send E-Invoice

Sends the e-invoice to SDL.

Company Select or map the company name whose E-Invoice you want to send.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud E-Invoices API reference.

Verify E-Invoice XML

Verifies the e-invoice XML format, mandatory fields, and format.

Company Select or map the company name whose E-Invoice XML you want to verify.
Document Select or map the E-Invoice XML whose details you want to verify.

Download E-Invoice XML

Downloads the e-invoice in XML format.

Company Select or map the company name whose E-Invoice XML you want to download.
Document Select or map the E-Invoice XML you want to download.

Get an E-Invoice Rejection Reason

Gets a specific e-invoice rejection reason.

Company Select or map the company name whose E-Invoice rejection reason you want to retrieve.
Document Select or map the E-Invoice whose rejection reason you want to retrieve.

Received Documents

You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete received documents using the following modules.

List All Received Documents

Lists all received documents for the company.

Company Select or map the Company whose received documents you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of received documents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Received Documents API reference.

Creates a Received Document

Creates a newly received document.

Company Select or map the Company whose received document you want to create.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Received Documents API reference.

Get a Received Document

Gets a specific received document.


Select or map the Company whose received document you want to retrieve.


Select the document type:

  • Expense

  • Passive Credit Note

  • Passive Delivery Note


Select or map the document whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Received Document

Updates a specific received document.

Company Select or map the Company whose received document you want to update.
Type Select the type of document you want to update.
Document Select or map the document whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Received Documents API reference.

Delete a Received Document

Deletes a specific received document.

Company Select or map the Company whose received document you want to delete.
Type Select the type of document you want to delete.
Document Select or map the document you want to delete.

Delete a Received Document Attachment

Deletes the attachment of a specific received document.

Company Select or map the Company whose received document attachment you want to delete.
Type Select the type of document you want to delete.
Document Select or map the document whose attachment you want to delete.

Get Received Document Pre-Create Info

Retrieves the information useful while creating a new document.

Company Select or map the Company whose received document pre-create the info you want to retrieve.


You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete receipts using the following modules.

List All Receipts

Lists all receipts for the company.

Limit Set the maximum number of receipts Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Receipts API reference.

Create a Receipt

Creates a new receipt.

Company Select or map the Company whose receipts you want to create.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Receipts API reference.

Get a Receipt

Gets a specific receipt.

Company Select or map the Company whose receipt you want to retrieve.
Receipt Select or map the receipt whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Receipt

Updates a specific receipt.

Company Select or map the Company whose receipt you want to update.
Receipt Select or map the receipt whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Fatture in Cloud Receipts API reference.

Delete a Receipt

Deletes a specific receipt.

Company Select or map the Company whose receipt you want to delete.
Receipt Select or map the receipt you want to delete.

Get Receipt Pre-Create Info

Retrieves the information useful for creating a new receipt.

Company Select or map the Company whose receipt pre-create the info you want to retrieve.

Get Receipts Monthly Total

Returns the monthly totals by year and receipt type.


Select or map the Company whose receipt monthly total you want to retrieve.

Receipt Type

Select the receipt type:

  • Till Receipt

  • Sales Receipt


Enter the year for which you want monthly totals.


You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete F24 using the following modules.

List All F24s

Lists all F24s for the company.

Company Select or map the company whose F24s you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of F24s Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.
Sort Enter a list of comma-separated fields to sort the search results. Enter minus for sorting in descending order.

Create an F24

Create a new F24.

Get an F24

Gets a specific F24.

Update an F24

Updates a specific F24.

Delete an F24

Deletes a specific F24.

Delete an F24 Attachment

Removes the attachment of the specified F24.

Archive Documents

You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete archive documents using the following modules.

List All Archive Documents

Lists all documents in an archive for the company.

Company Select or map the company whose archive document you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of archive documents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.
Sort Enter a list of comma-separated fields for sorting the results. Enter minus for desc sorting.

Upload an Archive Document

Uploads a file and creates an archive document.

Company Select or map the company for which you want to create the archive document.
File Enter the file name and data of the document.
Date Enter the date of uploading the file.
Description Enter the details of the document.
Category Enter the document category.

Get an Archive Document

Gets a specific archive document.

Company Select or map the company whose document details you want to retrieve.
Archive Document Select or map the document whose details you want to retrieve.

Update an Archive Document

Updates a specific archive document.

Company Select or map the company whose document details you want to update.
Archive Document Select or map the company whose document details you want to update.

Delete an Archive Document

Updates a specific archived document.

Company Select or map the company whose document you want to delete.
Archive Document Select or map the document you want to delete.

Cashbook Entries

You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete cashbook entries using the following modules.

List All Cashbook Entries

Lists all cashbook entries for the company.

Company Select or map the company whose cashbook entries you want to list.
Payment Account Select or map the payment account to list the cashbook entries.
Date From Enter a date to list the cashbook entries that are created on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Date To Enter a date to list the cashbook entries that are created on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Year Enter a year between 1950 and 2050 to list the cashbook entries that match the specified year.
Type Select or map the cashbook entries type you want to list.
Entry Kind Enter the entry kind you want to list. kind. For example, cashbook.
Limit Set the maximum number of clients Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Create a Cashbook Entry

Creates a new cashbook entry.

Company Select the company for which you want to create the cashbook entry.
Date Enter the date of the cashbook entry. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Description Enter the details of the cashbook entry.
Kind Select or map the kind of entry.
Type Enter the cashbook entry type.
Entry Name Enter a name for the entry.
Document Add the Document ID for the entry.
Amount In Enter the amount for the entry.
Payment Account In Enter the payment account to which the entry belongs.
Amount Out Enter the payment account to which the entry belongs.
Payment Account Out Enter the payment account to which the entry belongs.

Get a Cashbook Entry

Gets a cashbook entry.

Company Select or map the company whose cashbook entry details you want to retrieve.
Entry Select or map the entry whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Cashbook Entry

Updates a specific cashbook entry.

Company Select or map the company whose cashbook entry details you want to update.
Entry Select or map the entry whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the Create a Cashbook section.

Delete a Cashbook Entry

Deletes a specific cashbook entry.

Company Select or map the company whose cashbook entry you want to delete.
Entry Select or map the entry you want to delete.


You can retrieve user info and company info, list user companies, and make an API call using the following modules.

Get User Info

Gets the current user's info.

List User Companies

List the companies controlled by the current user.

Limit Set the maximum number of companies Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 100.

Get Company Info

Gets the company's detailed info.

Company Select or map the company whose details you want to retrieve.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

For the list of endpoints, refer to Fatture in Cloud API documentation.


Enter a path relative to For example, /info/countries.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.