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Google Team Drive

The Google Team Drive modules enable you to monitor, upload, update, copy, delete, or retrieve files and create folders in your Google Shared Drive.

Getting Started with Google Shared Drives


  • A G Suite account

In order to use Google Team Drive with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a G Suite account. If you do not have one, you can create a G Suite account at

The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Google Team Drive to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Google Team Drive account to Ibexa Connect follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you click the Continue button, Ibexa Connect will redirect you to the Google website where you will be prompted to grant Ibexa Connect access to your account.


Confirm the dialog by clicking the Allow button.


Watch Files

Returns file details when a new file is added and/or modified in the specified folder.

Team Drive Select the shared drive you want to watch.
Folder Select the folder within the shared drive.
What files to watch Select the type of files you want to watch.
Convert Google Documents files to format Select the format you want the watched files converted to.
Watch Select whether you want to monitor the folder for new and modified files or just for new files.
Maximum number of downloaded files Set the maximum number of files Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Upload a File

Uploads a file to the specified shared drive.

Team Drive

Select the shared drive you want to upload a file to.


Select the folder within the shared drive.

Source File

Specify the file you want to upload to the shared drive.

Map the file you want to upload from the previous module (e.g. HTTP > Get a File or Dropbox > Get a file), or enter the file name and file data manually.


Enter the title of the file that will be displayed in the shared folder.

Convert a File

Enable this option to convert the file to the corresponding Google format in your shared folder.

Update a File

Allows you to change the file name and/or file content.

Team Drive Select the shared drive that contains the file you want to update.
Folder Select the folder within the shared drive.
File ID Enter (map) the ID of the file you want to update.
Source File Specify the new file name and new file data.
Title Enter the new title for the updated file.
Convert a File Enable this option to convert the file to the corresponding Google format in your shared folder.

Copy a File

Copies a specified file to the selected folder.

Team Drive Select the shared drive that contains the file you want to copy.
Folder Select the target folder you want to copy the file to.
File ID Enter (map) the ID of the file you want to copy.
The name of the copy file Enter the new file name if you want it to be changed in the target location.

Delete a File

Deletes a specified file.

File ID Enter or map the ID of the file you want to delete.

Move a File to Trash

Moves a specified file to the trash bin.

File ID Enter or map the ID of the file you want to move to the trash bin.

Get a File

Retrieves details about the specified file.

File ID Enter or map the ID of the file you want to retrieve details about.

Get a File List

Retrieves files and/or folders details based on the search term.

Team Drive

Select the shared drive you want to list files from.


Select the folder you want to list files from.


Select the type of search you want to perform - see below.


  • Search within file names Enter the file name (including the file extension) when the Search for exact term Search option is selected or enter the part of the name when the Search for names containing the searched term option is selected.

  • Fulltext search Enter the search term to search through the file names, descriptions and contents.

  • Custom search query Enter the Google search query term. For more details please refer to the Search Query Documentation. Example: fullText contains '"Hello world"'

Create a Folder

Creates a new folder.

Team Drive Select the shared drive where you want to create a folder.
Folder Select the folder you want to create a folder in.
The name of the new folder Enter the name of the new folder.