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The Freshdesk modules allow you to watch, create, update, list, and/or delete events, tickets, contacts, companies, forums, and time entries in your Freshdesk account.


  • A Freshdesk account

In order to use Freshdesk with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a Freshdesk account. If you do not have one, you can create a Freshdesk account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Freshdesk to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Freshdesk account to Ibexa Connect, you need to obtain your API Key and Company name.

1. Log into your Freshdesk account.

2. Open your profile menu in the top-right corner, click your profile icon and select Profile Settings.


3. Copy the API Key to your clipboard.


4. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the Freshdesk module's Create a connection dialog.


6. In the Connection name field, enter a connection name.

7. In the API Key field, enter the API Key you have copied in step 3.

8. In the Company name field, enter the first word in the URL that appears when you log into the Freshdesk. For example, if the URL is, then the company name is abc.

9. Click the Continue button.

The connection has been established.


Watch Events

Triggers when a new event occurs to a ticket.

To create a webhook event:

1. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the Freshdesk Watch Events module.


2. After connecting in the Once you connect, copy the URL to your clipboard.


3. Log into Freshdesk and navigate to Admin--> Automations.


4. Select one out of the three options available for which you want to create the webhook.


5. Create the new webhook and enter the URL copied in step 2.


After creating the rule, the scenario returns results for the event.


Watch Tickets

Triggers when a new ticket is created or updated.

Watch Contacts

Select the option for which to watch the contacts:

  • By created time

  • By updated time


Select an option to filter the contacts:

  • New and my open

  • Watching

  • Spam

  • Deleted

Requester's ID

Enter the Requester's ID details.

Company ID

Enter the Company ID whose tickets you want to watch.

Updated since

Enter the date to watch only tickets that are updated on or after the specified date.


The maximum number of tickets Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Tickets

Retrieves a list of all tickets.


Select the option to filter the contacts:

  • New and my open

  • Watching

  • Spam

  • Deleted

Requester(Agent) ID

Enter the Requester ID.

Company ID

Enter the Company ID whose tickets you want to list.

Updated since

Enter the date from to list only tickets that are updated on or after that date.

Order by

Select the order in which you want to list the tickets:

  • Created at

  • Due by

  • Updated at

  • Status


The maximum number of tickets Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Conversations

Retrieves a list of conversations on a ticket.

Ticket Select the ticket whose conversations you want to list.
Limit The maximum number of conversations Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Find Tickets

Gets a list of tickets matching the specified ticket fields.


Select the option to filter the tickets:

  • Agent ID

  • Group ID

  • Priority

  • Status

  • Tag

  • Type

  • Due by

  • Fr Due by

  • Created at

  • Updated at


The maximum number of tickets Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create a Ticket

Creates a new ticket.


Select the contact type for creating the ticket:

  • New Contact

  • Existing Contact

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID if creating a ticket for an existing contact.

Name of the requester

Enter the name of the requester for the ticket.

Requester Email

Enter the email address of the requester.


Enter the subject line of the ticket.


Enter the details of the ticket.


Select the status of the ticket:

  • Open

  • Pending

  • Resolved

  • Closed

  • Waiting on Customer

  • Waiting on Third Party

  • Due by


Select the source from which you are creating the ticket.


Select the priority of the ticket.

Responder(Agent) ID

Select the User ID to whom you want to assign the ticket.

CC emails

Add the email address to whom you want to notify about the ticket.


Select the category to which the ticket belongs to.

Due by

Enter the date by when the ticket should be resolved.

First response due by

Enter the date by when the ticket's first reply must be sent.

Email config ID

Select the Email Config ID used for the ticket. For example, [email protected]

Group ID

Select the Group ID to which the ticket is assigned to.

Product ID

Select the Product ID associated with the ticket.


Add the text to filter the tickets when searching among the several tickets.

Get a Ticket

Gets the details of a ticket.

Ticket ID Select the Ticket ID whose ticket details you want to retrieve.

Update a Ticket

Updates an existing ticket with entered information.


Select the ticket you want to update.

Name of the requester

Enter the name of the requester for the ticket.

Requester ID

Enter the Requester ID.

Requester's email

Enter the email address of the requester.


Enter the subject line of the ticket.


Enter the details of the ticket.


Select the category to which the ticket belongs.

Responder ID

Select the User ID to whom you want to assign the ticket.


Select the status of the ticket:

  • Open

  • Pending

  • Resolved

  • Closed

  • Waiting on Customer

  • Waiting on Third Party

  • Due by


Select the priority of the ticket.

Due by

Enter the date by when the ticket should be resolved.

Email config ID

Select the Email Config ID used for the ticket. For example, [email protected].

First response due by

Enter the date by when the ticket's first reply must be send.

Product ID

Select the Product ID associated with the ticket.


Select the source from which you are creating the ticket.


Add the text to filter the tickets when searching among the several tickets.

Company ID

Enter the Company ID of the requester.

Delete a Ticket

Deletes a ticket.

Ticket ID Select the Ticket ID you want to delete.


Watch Contacts

Triggers when a new contact is created or updated.

Watch Contacts

Select the options to watch the contacts:

  • By created time

  • By updated time


The maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Contacts

Retrieves a list of all contacts.

Limit The maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Find Contacts (Beta)

Gets a list of contacts matching the specified contact fields.


Select the option to filter the contacts:

  • Active

  • Company ID

  • Twitter ID

  • Emails

  • Tag

  • Language

  • Timezone

  • Created at

  • Updated at


The maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create a Contact

Creates a new contact.

Name Enter the name of the contact.
Email Enter the email address of the contact.
Phone Enter the phone number of the contact.
Mobile Enter the mobile number of the contact.
Twitter ID Enter the Twitter ID of the contact.
Unique External ID Enter the External ID of the contact.
Other emails Add the additional email address associated with the contact.
Company ID Select the Company ID to which the contact belongs to.
Can see all tickets Select if the contact can access all the tickets.
Address Enter the address of the contact.
Description Enter any additional information about the contact.
Job title Enter the position of the contact.
Language Select the language for the contact.
Tags Add the text as a tag to filter the contact when searching.

Get a Contact

Gets the details of a contact.

Contact Select the contact whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Contact

Updates an existing contact.

Contact Select the contact you want to update.
Name Enter a new name for the contact.
Email Enter the email address of the contact.
Phone Enter the phone number of the contact.
Mobile Enter the mobile number of the contact.
Twitter ID Enter the Twitter ID of the contact.
Unique External ID Enter the External ID of the contact.
Other emails Add any other additional email address if it exist for the contact.
Company ID Select the Company ID to which the contact belongs to.
Can see all tickets Select if the contact can see all the tickets.
Address Enter the address of the contact.
Description Enter the details of the contact.
Job title Enter the position of the contact.
Language Select the language preferences of the contact.
Tags Enter the text as tags to filter the contact when searching.

Delete a Contact

Deletes a contact.

Contact Select the contact you want to delete.

Create a Reply

Creates a new reply to a specific ticket.

Ticket Select the ticket for which you want to create a reply.
Body Enter the content of the reply in the HTML format.
From email Enter the email address from which you want to send the reply.
Agent ID Select the Agent ID who is adding the note.
CC emails Add the email address you want to notify about the reply.
BCC emails Add the email address of the members whom you want to notify about the reply but do not want them to be seen in them in the sent email.

Create a Note

Creates a new note.

Ticket Select the ticket for which you want to create the note.
Body Enter the HTML content of the note.
Incoming Select if you indicate that the note appears as it has come from an external source.
Notify emails Select the email address or members whom you want to notify about the note.
Private Select if this note is private.
Agent ID Select the Agent ID who is adding the note.


Find Companies (Beta)

Gets a list of companies matching the specified company fields.


Select the option to filter the companies that you are looking for:

  • Domain

  • Created at

  • Updated at


The maximum number of companies Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create a Company

Creates a new company.

Company Name Enter the company name.
Description Enter the details of the company.
Notes Enter any additional information that you want to specify about the company.
Domains for this company Add the domains of the company.
Health score Select your relationship with the company.
Account tier Select the option for the value of business the company would bring to you.
Renewal date Enter the date when your contract with the company is due.
Industry Select the industry the company serves.

Get a Company

Gets the details of a company.

Company ID Select the Company ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Company

Updates an existing company.

Company ID Select the Company ID you want to update.
Company Name Enter the company name.
Description Enter the details of the company.
Notes Enter any additional information that you want to specify about the company.
Domains for this company Add the domains of the company.
Health score Select your relationship with the company.
Account tier Select the option for the value of business the company would bring to you.
Renewal date Enter the date when your contract with the company is due.
Industry Select the industry the company serves in.


Create a Forum

Creates a new forum.

Forum Category ID Select the Category ID for the forum.
Name Enter a name for the forum.
Forum visibility Select the visibility of the forum.
Forum type Select the type of forum you want to create.
Description Enter the details of the forum.

Create a Forum Category

Creates a forum category.

Name Enter the name of the forum category.
Description Enter the details of the forum category.

Create a Forum Topic

Creates a new forum topic.

Find Forum

Select the option to find the forum:

  • By ID

  • By Dropdown

Forum ID

Enter the Forum ID whose topic you want to create.


Enter the name of the topic.


Enter the details of the topic.

Mark as a sticky topic

Select whether the topic appears at the top in the forum:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Lock topic and prevent users from posting replies.

Select whether the topic should be locked so that no posts can be added to the topic:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Create an Outbound Email

Creates a new outbound email.

Name of the requester

Enter the name of the requester.

Requester's email

Enter the email address of the requester.


Enter the subject line of the request.


Enter the HTML content of the ticket.


Enter the ticket type.


Select the status of the ticket:

  • Open

  • Pending

  • Resolved

  • Closed


Select the priority of the ticket:

  • Low

  • Medium

  • High

  • Urgent

Due by

Enter the date by when the ticket should be resolved.

Email config ID

Select the Email Config ID used for this ticket.

First response due by

Enter the date by which the ticket first response must be sent.

Group ID

Select the Group ID to which the ticket is assigned.

Company ID

Select the company to which the ticket belongs.

List Satisfaction Ratings

Retrieves a list of all satisfaction ratings of a ticket.

Ticket Select the ticket whose satisfaction ratings you want to list.
Limit The maximum number of ratings Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Time Entries

Retrieves a list of all-time entries of a ticket.

Ticket Select the ticket whose time entries you want to retrieve.
Limit The maximum number of time entries Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get an Agent

Gets the details of an agent.

Agent ID Select the Agent ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Enter a path relative to https://[domain] For example, contacts.

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Freshdesk API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example - List Contacts

Following API call returns all contacts:


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > contacts. In our example, 15 contacts were returned:
