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JIRA Service Desk

With the JIRA Service Desk modules in Ibexa Connect, you can watch, create, search and retrieve the customer request, add comments to a customer request, and add temporary attachments to a service desk in your JIRA Service Desk account.

To get started with the JIRA Service Desk create an account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect JIRA Service Desk with Ibexa Connect

  1. Log in to your Ibexa Connect and add a module from the JIRA Service Desk into a Ibexa Connect scenario.

  2. Click Add next to the Connection field.


  3. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  4. In the Cloud Name field, enter your account cloud name. For example, if your account access URL address is, then your cloud name is xyz.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Confirm the access by clicking Accept.


You have successfully connected the JIRA Service Desk app with Ibexa Connect and can now build scenarios.


You can watch the customer requests using the following module.

Watch Customer Requests

Triggers when a new customer request has been created.

Required Permissions: read:servicedesk-request

Cloud ID

Select or map the Cloud ID whose customer requests you want to watch.


Enter the maximum number of results Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle. The default value is 2.


Select or map the parameters to expand in the results:

  • Service Desk

  • Request Type

  • Participant

  • SLA

  • Status

  • Attachment

  • Action

  • Comment

  • Comment Attachment


You can create, retrieve, and add comments to the customer requests, call APIs, and add temporary files to the customer requests.

Create a Customer Request

Creates a new customer request.

Required Permissions: write:servicedesk-request, read:servicedesk-request, manage:servicedesk-customer

For more information on permissions and scopes, see the Create a Customer Request documentation.

Cloud ID Select or map the Cloud ID for which you want to create a customer request.
Service Desk ID Select or map the Service Desk ID in which you want to create the customer request.
Request Type ID Select or map a Request Type ID. For example, request a new account.
Summary Enter (map) the brief summary of the request.
Attachments Add any attachments relevant to the request in JSON format.
Description Enter (map) the customer request details.
Request Participants Select or map the customers to participate in the request.
Raise on Behalf Of Select or map the Account ID of the customer for whom the request is being raised on behalf.

Get a Customer Request

Returns a specified customer request.

Required Permissions: read:servicedesk-request

Cloud ID

Select or map the Cloud ID whose customer request details you want to retrieve.

Select Customer Request by

Select the option to choose customer request:

  • Customer Request ID

  • Customer Request Key

Customer Request ID

Select or map the Customer Request ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Customer Request Key

Select or map the customer request key whose details you want to retrieve.


Select or map the items to expand from the list in the results.

Add a Comment on a Customer Request

Adds comment on a specified customer request.

Required Permissions: write:servicedesk-request, read:servicedesk-request

Cloud ID

Select or map the Cloud ID to whose customer request you want to add a comment.

Select Customer Request by

Select an option to choose the customer request:

  • Customer Request ID

  • Customer Request Key

Customer Request ID

Select or map the Customer Request ID to which you want to add a comment.

Customer Request Key

Select or map the customer request key of the customer request to which you want to add the comment.


Enter (map) the comment text.


Select whether you want to make this comment public.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

Cloud ID

Select or map the Cloud ID to make an API call.


Enter a path relative to For example, /request

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the JIRA Service Desk API.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - Get customer requests

The following API call returns all the requests from your JIRA Service Desk:






Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > values. In our example, 10 requests were returned:


Add a Temporary File

Adds a temporary attachment to a service desk, which can then be permanently attached to a customer request.

Required Permissions: write:servicedesk-request, read:servicedesk-request

Cloud ID

Select or map the Cloud ID to which you want to add a temporary File.

Service Desk ID

Select or map the Service Desk ID to which you want to add a temporary File.


Enter the details of the attachment.


Enter (map) the file name including the file extension. For example, invoice.xml


Enter (map) the file data.


You can search the customer requests using the following modules.

Search Customer Request

Searches for customer requests.

Cloud ID

Select or map the Cloud ID whose service desk's customer requests you want to search.

Service Desk ID

Select or map the Service Desk ID whose customer requests you want to search.

Request Type ID

Select or map the Request Type ID of the customer requests you want to search.

Request Ownership

Select the request ownership type to filter the search results:

  • Owned Requests

  • Participated Request

  • Organization

  • All Organizations

  • Approver

Search Term

Enter (map) a term to filter the requests that match the specified term.

Request Status

Select the status of the request you want to search:

  • Closed Requests

  • Open Requests

  • All Requests


Select or map the parameters to expand in the search results.


Set the maximum number of customer requests Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.