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The JustCall modules allow you to watch, create, update, list, retrieve, and delete the appointments, calls, contacts, campaigns, and text in your JustCall account.

Getting Started with JustCall


  • A JustCall account

In order to use JustCall with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a JustCall account. If you do not have one, you can create a JustCall account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting JustCall to Ibexa Connect

To connect your JustCall account to Ibexa Connect you need to obtain the API Key and API Secret from your JustCall account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Ibexa Connect module.

1. Log in to your JustCall account.

2. Click Your Profile Icon > Settings > Developers.


3. Copy the API Key and API Secret to a safe place.


4. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the JustCall module's Create a connection dialog.


5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the API Key and API Secret fields, enter the API key and API secret details copied in step 3, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


Watch Contacts

Triggers when a new contact is added to your JustCall address book.

Limit Set the maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Contacts

Gets all contacts.

Limit Set the maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Contact

Gets contact.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Contact

Creates contact.

First Name Enter the first name of the contact.
Phone Enter the contact's phone number.
Last Name Enter the last name of the contact.
Email Enter the contact's email address.
Company Enter the contact's company name.
Notes Enter any additional information about the contact you want to mention.

Update a Contact

Updates contact.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID whose details you want to update.
First Name Enter the first name of the contact.
Phone Enter the contact's phone number.
Last Name Enter the last name of the contact.
Email Enter the contact's email address.
Company Enter the contact's company name.
Notes Enter any additional information about the contact you want to mention.
Label Enter the applicable label to add an additional phone number.
Number Enter an additional phone number of contact with country code.

Delete a Contact

Deletes a contact.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID you want to delete.


Watch Voicemails

Triggers whenever there is a new voicemail.

Limit Set the maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Watch Calls

Triggers when a call is completed and logged.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See Connecting to JustCall Webhook using Ibexa Connect to add the webhook in your JustCall account.

List Calls

Gets all calls.

Limit Set the maximum number of calls Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Call

Gets a call.

Call ID Select the Call ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a Call

Updates a call.

Call ID Select the Call ID whose details you want to update.
Notes Enter the information about the call which you want to update.


Watch Text Messages

Triggers when SMS are sent or received.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See Connecting to JustCall Webhook using Ibexa Connect to add the webhook in your JustCall account.

List Texts

Gets all texts.

Limit Set the maximum number of texts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get a Text

Gets a text.

Text ID Select the Text ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Text Message

Creates a text message.

From Enter the phone number including the country code from which you want to send the text message. For example, +14155552671.
To Enter the phone number including the country code to which you want to send the text message. For example, +14155552671.
Body Enter the message text.
Media URL Enter the public links if you would like to add in the message. A maximum of five public links of the media having MIME type, jpeg, gif, x-png, png, vnd.wap.wbmp, x-bmp, audio/amr, audio/x-amr, audio/x-wav, audio/midi, audio/mid, audio/x-midi, audio/sp-midi, audio/rmf, audio/x-rmf, audio/x-beatnik-rmf, audio/basic, audio/mp3, video/3gpp, video/mp4, application/mp4, mp4, text/mp4, audio/mp4 are allowed. The mdeia file should not exceed the cummulative size of 5 MB.

Create a Scheduled Text Message

Creates a scheduled text message. This message goes out at a particular date and time in the future.

From Enter the phone number including the country code from which you want to send the text message. For example, +14155552671.
To Enter the phone number including the country code to which you want to send the text message. For example, +14155552671.
Body Enter the message text.
Schedule Enter the date and time to send the message in the 2020-07-14 09:00 +2:00 where the last part after '+' denotes the difference from UTC.
Offset Time Enter the time that can be added or subtracted from the specified schedule to send the message.

Check Reply

Checks reply.

Client Number Enter the customer's phone number including the country code whose replies you want to check. For example, +14155552671.
Just Call Number Enter your JustCall SMS enabled number whose message reply you are looking for.
Country Number Enter the country number of the customer. If your customer's phone number is not available in the international format, you can use this optional parameter to specify the country their number belongs to. This has to be ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Check country codes here.


List Campaigns

Gets all campaigns.

Limit Set the maximum number of campaigns Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

List Calls in the AutoDialer Campaign

Gets all calls in the auto-dialer campaign.

Limit Set the maximum number of campaigns Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create a Contact in the AutoDialer Campaign

Creates contact in the auto-dialer campaign.

Campaign ID Select the Campaign ID in which you want to create the contact.
Phone Enter the contact's phone number.
First Name Enter the contact's first name.
Last Name Enter the contact's last name.
Custom Prop Add the custom fields and their values for the contact.

Delete a Contact in the AutoDialer Campaign

Deletes a contact in the auto-dialer campaign.

Phone Enter the contact's Phone number whose details you want to delete from the campaign.
Campaign ID Select the Campaign ID from which you want to delete the contact.


Watch Appointments

Triggers when a new appointment is scheduled via JustCall Appointment Scheduler

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See Connecting to JustCall Webhook using Ibexa Connect to add the webhook in your JustCall account.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Enter a path relative to For example: /v1/contacts/list

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the JustCall API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Campaigns

The following API call returns all the campaigns from your JustCall account:

URL: /v1/autodialer/campaigns/list

Method: GET


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data. In our example, 4 campaigns were returned:


Connecting to JustCall Webhook Using Ibexa Connect

1. Open any trigger module, establish the connection, click Save, and copy the URL address to your clipboard.


2. Log in to your JustCall account. Click Your Profile Icon > Settings > Developers > Manage API Webhooks.

In the respective webhook section, add the URL address copied in step 1 and click + icon.


The webhook is successfully added. Ibexa Connect">Establish a connection to your JustCall account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /v1/contacts/list

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the JustCall API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Campaigns

The following API call returns all the campaigns from your JustCall account:

URL: /v1/autodialer/campaigns/list

Method: GET


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data. In our example, 4 campaigns were returned:


Connecting to JustCall Webhook Using Ibexa Connect

1. Open any trigger module, establish the connection, click Save, and copy the URL address to your clipboard.


2. Log in to your JustCall account. Click Your Profile Icon > Settings > Developers > Manage API Webhooks.

In the respective webhook section, add the URL address copied in step 1 and click + icon.


The webhook is successfully added.