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With the Notion modules in Ibexa Connect, you can:

  • watch, retrieve, create and update the database item

  • watch, create, update, search, and retrieve database or pages

  • watch, list, and append page content

To get started with the Notion, create an account at


The user account must have admin permission to create a connection.


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connectscenario , not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Notion with Ibexa Connect

Ibexa Connect provides two ways to connect the Notion app:

Establish Notion Internal Connection

To connect the Notion app with the Ibexa Connect:

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Click Settings & Members > Integrations > Develop your own integrations. or Alternatively, you can go to


  3. Click New Integration > Copy internal integration token.


  4. Copy the Internal Integration Token to your clipboard.


  5. Log in to your Ibexa Connect and add a module from the Notion into a Ibexa Connect scenario.

  6. Click Add next to the Connection field.


  7. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  8. In the Internal Integration Token field, enter the details copied in step 3 and click Save.

You have successfully connected the Notion app with Ibexa Connect and can now build scenarios.

If the databases are visible in the Database ID > Search field, follow the instructions in Add Databases to be visible in the Ibexa Connect to add them to Search field.

Establish Notion Public Connection

To establish a Notion public connection:

  1. Log in to your Ibexa Connect account and add a module from the Notion into a Ibexa Connect scenario.

  2. Click Add next to the Connection field.


  3. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection. Click Save.

  4. Click Select pages to grant access to the Ibexa Connect for accessing your Notion account.


  5. Select the pages and confirm the access by clicking Allow access.


You have successfully connected the Notion app with Ibexa Connect and can now build scenarios.

Add Databases to be visible in the Ibexa Connect

For the Notion internal connection, by default, the databases do not appear in the Database ID field > Search option. You need to manually add them to the Ibexa Connect app from your Notion account.


To add databases from your Notion account to Ibexa Connect app:

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Navigate to the database you want to add to Ibexa Connect, click Share > Invite.


  3. Select the workspace and click Invite. You can multiple databases.


The databases are successfully shared and you can see them in the Database ID > Search field.


Retrieve added databases and pages after establishing the connection


If new pages were added to the Notion account, you must revoke the connection in your Notion account and then in the Ibexa Connect to retrieve the added databases or pages.

To retrieve the newly added databases and pages :

  1. Log in to your Notion account.

  2. Click Settings & Members > Integrations > ... > Disconnect Ibexa Connect.


  3. Go to Ibexa Connect > Connections > Search for Notion connection > Reauthorize.


You can see the newly added databases and pages in your Notion Ibexa Connect connection.

Database Item

You can watch, create, update, and retrieve the database items using the following modules.

Watch Database Items

Triggers when a database item is created or updated.

Watch Database Items

Select or map the option to watch the database items:

  • By Created Time

  • By Updated Time

Database ID

Enter (map) the Database ID whose items you want to watch. Alternatively, you can enter query to search a database.


Set the maximum number of database items Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle. The default value is 2.

Get a Database Item

Gets a specified database item.

Get a Database Item

Select a method:

  • Enter manually

  • Select from the list

Database Item ID

Enter (map) the Database Item ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Database ID

Select the Database ID:

  • Journal

  • Task List

  • Recipes

  • Travels Plans

  • Media

Database Item ID

Select or map a Database Item ID to retrieve a database item.

Create a Database Item

Creates a new item in a database.

Enter Database ID

Select the option to choose the Database ID:

  • Enter manually

  • Select from the list

Database ID

Enter (map) the Database ID for which you want to create the database item. Alternatively, you can search for a Database ID.


Enter (map) the details of the fields. For more information, see the property schema objects.


Enter (map) the name of a field.

Value Type

Select or map the value type.


Enter (map) the input value of a field.

Update a Database Item

Updates an existing database item.

Enter a Database ID

Select the option to choose the Database ID:

  • Enter manually

  • Select from the list

Database ID

Enter (map) the Database ID whose item details you want to update.

Page ID

Enter (map) the Page ID whose details you want to update.


Enter (map) the details of the fields. For more information, see the property schema objects.


Enter (map) the name of a field.

Value Type

Select or map the value type.


Enter (map) the input value of a field.


You can watch, create, update, and search the databases or pages using the following modules.

Watch Databases/Pages

Triggers when a database or page is created and updated.

Choose Type of an Object

Select or map the option to watch the objects:

  • Databases

  • Pages

Query Search

Enter a keyword or phrase to watch the objects that match the specified query.


Set the maximum number of objects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 2.

Search Objects

Searches for objects of a page, database, or database item.

Search Objects

Select or map the option to search the objects:

  • Database Items

  • Databases

  • Pages

Database ID

Select or map the Database ID whose objects you want to search.

Query Search

Enter a keyword or phrase to search the objects that match the specified query.


Select the order of sorting for the objects.

  • Last edited time - Ascending

  • Last edited time - Descending


Set the maximum number of objects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Get a Database

Gets a specified database.

Searches for objects of a page, database, or database item.

Database ID Enter (map) the Database ID whose details you want to retrieve. Alternatively, you can search for a Database ID.

Get a Page

Gets a specified page.

Page ID Select or map the Page ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Page

Creates a new page on a specified page.

Create a Page

Select or map a location where you want to create a page:

  • Into a Parent Page

  • Into a Database Item

Parent Page ID

Select or map a Parent Page ID to which this page belongs.

Get a Database Item

Select a method to retrieve a database item:

  • Enter manually

  • Select from the list

Database Item ID

Enter (map) a Database Item ID whose page you want to create.

Database ID

Select a Database ID. For example, Media.

Database Item ID

Select or map a Database Item ID whose page you want to create.


Enter (map) the page name.

Content Objects

Enter (map) the details of content objects:


Select or map the content type. For example, paragraph.

  • Text: Enter (map) the text details:

    • Content: Enter (map) the content to be displayed.

    • Link: Enter (map) a URL address to the text which you want to add here.

  • Mention: Select an option that you want to mention and enter its value. For example, the user.

    • Date: Enter the start and end date to apply the mention values

  • Equation: Enter (map) the expression of the equation.

  • Annotations: Apply the annotations to the content:

    • Bold: Select whether to make the text bold.

    • Italic: Select whether to make the text italic.

    • Strikethrough: Select whether to strikethrough the text.

    • Underline: Select whether to underline the text.

    • Code: Select whether to make the text as code.

    • Color: Select or map the color for the text or the background of the text.

  • href: Enter (map) the URL of any link or internal Notion mentioned in this text.

Emoji Icon

Enter (map) an emoji icon for the content object.

Cover URL link

Enter (map) the URL address of the cover to be used for the content object.

Update a Page

Updates an existing page.

Page ID Select or map the Page ID whose details you want to update.
Title Enter (map) a new name for the page.
Emoji Icon Enter (map) an emoji for the content object.
Cover URL link Enter (map) the URL address of the cover to be used for the content object.
Archived Select whether this page is archived.

Page Content

You can watch, list, and append the page content using the following modules.

Watch Page Content

Triggers when page content is created.

Page ID Select or map the Page ID whose content you want to watch.
Limit Set the maximum number of page contents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 2

List Page Contents

Retrieves a list of page contents.

Page ID Select or map the Page ID whose content you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of page contents Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Append a Page Content

Appends a new page content.

Page ID

Select or map the Page ID whose content you want to append.

Content Objects

Enter (map) the details of content objects:


Select the content type. For example, paragraph.


Enter (map) the text details. You can add multiple content types.

  • Type: Select or map the content type. For example, equation.

  • Text: Enter (map) the text details:

    • Content: Enter (map) the content to be displayed.

    • Link: Enter (map) a URL address to the text which you want to add here.

  • Mention: Select an option that you want to mention and enter its value. For example, the user.

    • Date: Enter the start and end date to apply the mention.

  • Equation: Enter (map) the expression of the equation.

  • Annotations: Apply the annotations to the content:

    • Bold: Select whether to make the text bold.

    • Italic: Select whether to make the text italic.

    • Strikethrough: Select whether to strikethrough the text.

    • Underline: Select whether to underline the text.

    • Code: Select whether to make the text as code.

    • Color: Select or map the color for the text or the background of the text.

  • href: Enter (map) the URL of any link or internal Notion mentioned in this text.


You can call APIs using the following module.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Enter a path relative to For example, /v1/search.

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Notion API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Databases

The following API call returns all the databases from your Notion account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > results.

In our example, 2 databases were returned:
