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LinkedIn Offline Conversions (BETA)

The LinkedIn Offline Conversions (BETA) allows you to create, search, list, and retrieve offline conversions. You can associate a conversion to a campaign, and generate offline conversion reports.

Getting Started with LinkedIn Offline Conversions (BETA)


  • A LinkedIn account: create an account at

  • User permissions: rw_offlineConversions, rw_ads, r_ads_reporting


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting LinkedIn Offline Conversions (BETA) with Ibexa Connect

  1. Log in to your Ibexa Connect account.

  2. Add a module from the LinkedIn Offline Conversions app into a Ibexa Connect scenario.

  3. Click Add next to the Connection field.


  4. Click Save and enter your LinkedIn account credentials.

  5. Confirm the access by clicking Allow.


The connection has been established.


Create an offline Conversion Segment

Creates a new offline conversion segment.

Account Select or map the account for which you want to create the offline conversion segment.
Name Enter (map) a name for the segment.
Description Enter (map) the details of the segment.

Send Offline Conversion Events

Sends multiple offline conversion events in a batch.

Account URN

Select or map the account to which you want to send the offline conversion events

Segment ID

Select or map the Segment ID used for conversion events.


Enter (map) the event details. You can add multiple actions.


Select or map the action you want to perform:

  • Add

  • Remove


Enter the user details:

User IDs

Enter (map) the user's email address. You can add multiple email addresses by clicking Add item.

First Name

Enter (map) the user's first name. The maximum number of allowed characters is 35.

Last Name

Enter (map) the user's last name. The maximum number of allowed characters is 35.


Enter (map) the user's job title. The maximum number of allowed characters is 50.


Enter (map) the user's company name. The maximum number of allowed characters is 50.


Enter (map) the user's country. Enter a two-letter country code. For example, US.


Enter the conversion details:

Conversion Happened At

Enter (map) the time at which the conversion happened. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Conversion Type

Select or map the conversion type. For example, download.

Money Amount

Enter the amount details.


Enter the amount applicable to the conversion.


Enter the applicable three-letter currency code.

Create a Conversion Rule

Creates a new conversion rule to track offline conversions.

Account URN

Select or map the account for which you want to create the conversion rule.

Segment URN

Select or map the segment to create the conversion rule.


Enter (map) a name for the conversion rule.


Select or map the offline conversion rule type to track this conversion rule. For example, Ad Click. See the complete list of conversion rule types.

Attribution Type

Select or map the attribution type that describes the process to count the conversion actions:

  • Last touch by campaign

  • Last touch by conversion

Post Click Attribution Window Size

Specifies a user's settings on the post-click attribution window in days. For example, 5.

View through Attribution Window Size

Specifies a user's settings on the view through (post view) attribution window in days. For example, 5.

Associate Campaign to Conversion

Associates a campaign to a conversion rule by their IDs.

Campaign ID Select the Campaign ID which you want to associate with the conversion.
Conversion Rule ID Select or map the Conversion Rule ID to which you want to associate the campaign.

Get an Offline Conversion Segment

Retrieves the details of an offline conversion segment by its ID.

Segment ID Enter (map) the Segment ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Generate an Offline Conversion Report

Generates an offline conversion report.


Select or map the accounts for which you want to generate the offline conversion report.

Time Granularity

Select or map the time for which you want to generate the report:

  • All

  • Daily

  • Monthly

  • Yearly

Start Date

Enter (map) the date to generate the report of the offline conversions that occurred on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.

End Date

Enter (map) the date to generate the report of the offline conversions that occurred on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Select or map the pivots to include in the report. Conversion is the default pivot and you can add at the most two additional pivots to include in the report.


Select or map the fields to include in the report:

  • External Website Conversion

  • External Website Post Click Conversion

  • External Website Post View Conversion

  • Viral External Website Conversion

  • Viral External Website Post Click Conversion

  • Viral External Website Post View Conversion

Campaign Type

Select or map the campaign type for which you want to generate the report:

  • Text Ad

  • Sponsored Updates

  • Sponsored InMails

  • Dynamic


Set the maximum number of results Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

List Conversion Rules

Retrieves a list of conversion rules by the ad account.

Account URN Select or map the account whose conversion rules you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of conversion rules Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

List Offline Conversion Segments

Retrieves a list of offline conversion segments and filters by criteria.

Account Select or map the account whose offline conversion segments you want to list.
Is from Integromat Select whether you want to list only the offline conversion segments created from Ibexa Connect.
Limit Set the maximum number of offline conversion segments Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.