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eZ Platform v2.3

Version number: v2.3

Release date: October 5, 2018

Release type: Fast Track

Notable changes

Content scheduling


You can now schedule content on a Page to become visible at a specific time in the future.

To do this you can use the Schedule tab in any block's configuration or a special Content Scheduler block.

In the Schedule tab you can define when any block becomes visible and when it disappears from a Page.

Schedule tab

Content Scheduler is a special block with a queue of content items, each with its own airtime. The Content becomes available at the airtime, and is replaced with new content items coming in from the queue.

Content Scheduler

All changes to scheduled content on a Page are visible in the timeline.

Timeline and list of upcoming events

The timeline also shows other events, such a Content published with the date-based publisher.

For more information, see advanced publishing options in User Documentation.

Form Builder


The new Form Builder enables you to create Form content items with multiple form fields.

Form Builder

You can preview and download submissions in the back office.

Form Builder submissions

See Extending Form Builder for information on how to modify and create Form fields.

For more information, see forms in User Documentation.

ImageAsset field type

You can now create a single source media library with images that can be reused across the system.

For more information, see Reusing images and ImageAsset field type reference.

Set up multiple relations with image

Regenerating URL aliases

A new ezplatform:urls:regenerate-aliases command enables you to regenerate all URL aliases. You can use it after changing URL alias configuration, or in case of database corruption.

For more information, see Regenerating URL aliases.

User preferences

You can now access and set user preferences in the user menu.

User preferences screen with time zone settings

It's covered by the user/preferences policy.

Dates in preferred timezone

eZ Platform can now display dates across the system using timezone from User Settings.

Improved selection in UDW

Selection of content in Universal Discovery Widget has seen improvements, in particular when selecting multiple content items.

Multiple selection on UDW

API improvements

Improvements to the API cover:

Back office translations

There are three new ways you can now contribute to back office translations: - translate in-context with bookmarks - translate in-context with console - translate directly on the Crowdin website

For more information, see How to translate the interface using Crowdin.

Full list of new features, improvements and bug fixes since v2.2.0

eZ Platform eZ Enterprise
List of changes for final of eZ Platform v2.3.0 on Github List of changes for final for eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v2.3.0 on Github
List of changes for rc2 of eZ Platform v2.3.0 on Github List of changes for rc2 for eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v2.3.0 on Github
List of changes for rc1 of eZ Platform v2.3.0 on Github List of changes for rc1 for eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v2.3.0 on Github
List of changes for beta1 of eZ Platform v2.3.0 on Github List of changes for beta1 of eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v2.3.0 on Github


Installation guide

Technical requirements