Documentation > Content management > Content management This documentation is for a version that has reached its End Of Life. Such versions are no longer supported and don't receive security updates. Consider updating to a newer version. Content management¶ Content management product guide Read the content management product guide and learn how to create, modify, and display information to the target audience. Content model Ibexa DXP's content model relies on content items that are instances of content types and contain content fields. Locations Locations hold published content items and can be used to control visibility. Field type reference Ibexa DXP offers a range of built-in field types that cover most common needs when creating content. Pages Pages are block-based special types of content that editors can create and modify by using a visual drag-and-drop editor. Forms Forms are a type of content item that you can use to improve the functionality of your website. Taxonomy A taxonomy uses tags to categorize and organize content Workflow Workflow controls how content items pass between stages and allows setting up editorial flows, for example for reviews and proofreading. Data migration Data migration enables you to import and export repository data by using YAML files.