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eZ Platform v1.8.0

The FAST TRACK v1.8.0 release of eZ Platform and eZ Platform Enterprise Edition is available as of February 16, 2017.

If you're looking for the Long Term Support (LTS) release, see

Notable Changes Since v1.7.0 LTS

eZ Platform

User Interface

  • In Universal Discovery Widget (UDW) the browse view now uses a completely new browser widget, which replaces Treeview. This solves limitations on how many items you can browse for, and provides a more intuitive user experience.

  • Improvements in the Online Editor:
    • You now have the ability to rearrange elements in the editor by moving them up and down.
    • You can now add links to internal content items in the Online Editor, decide in which tab the link should open, and set link title:
  • Improvements to the Sub-Items view of a content item: You can now sort content items by clicking column headings

  • The main titles of the ContentTypeView now expand and retract with an accordion function
  • Updated and added icons for the Admin Interface
  • The whole interface of PlatformUI is now translatable using Crowdin, including in-context translation where you can navigate the interface while translating. A glossary has been established to aid in unified usage of terminology throughout. Contributions welcome!

Under the Hood

  • New opt-in approach to HttpCache to improve usability and performance by means of:
    • Cache multi-tagging: allowing you to tag pages with, for example, path, location, type, or parent, so the repository can clear cache in a more targeted, accurate, and flexible way, getting rid of any "clear all" situations on complex operations.
    • For Varnish this uses xkey instead of BAN, enabling greater performance by allowing you to control grace time.
    • This also places HttpCache in a separate repo, allowing it to grow independently: see
  • New content/publish policy to be able to configure content/edit rights independently from publish rights
  • Community-provided translations of the user interface may be imported individually to conserve resources
  • Replaced deprecated templating helper assets with assets packages service
  • Localization of handlebar templates
  • Also part of v1.7.1 from the end of January:
    • Solr: Solving last issues in UI hindering relative ranking of search results from working properly
    • API: Respect defaultAlwaysAvailable setting on newContentCreateStruct solving issues with for instance Kaliop Migrations bundle use
    • Landing pages: Better support for wider range of multi-site setups
    • Online Editor: Ability to change a paragraph to header and back

For the complete list of fixes and improvements, see the GitHub release notes:

eZ Platform Enterprise Edition


  • New fields are available for the Form Builder:
    • URL
    • Date
    • Checkbox
    • Radio
    • Dropdown
    • Captcha
    • File Upload

Under the Hood

  • StudioUI is now fully ready for Internationalization

Updated eZ Platform/EE Demo Distributions

  • You can now search and filter products in the Product Page of the EE Demo distribution:

Full list of new features, improvements and bug fixes since v1.7.0 LTS:

eZ Plaform eZ Studio
List of changes for final of eZ Platform v1.8.0 on Github List of changes for final for eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v1.8.0 on Github
List of changes for rc1 of eZ Platform v1.8.0 on Github List of changes for rc1 for eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v1.8.0 on Github
List of changes for beta1 of eZ Platform v1.8.0 on Github List of changes for beta2 of eZ Platform Enterprise Edition v1.8.0 on Github


Installation Guide

Technical Requirements


eZ Platform

eZ Enterprise

If you would like to become familiar with the products, request a demo.


To update the product, follow the updating guide.