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Field type reference

A field type is the underlying building block of the content model. It consists of two entities: field value and field definition. Field value is determined by values entered into the content field. Field definition is provided by the content type, and holds any user defined rules used by field type to determine how a field value is, for example, validated, stored, retrieved, or formatted.

Ibexa DXP comes with a collection of field types that can be used to build powerful and complex content structures. In addition, it's possible to extend the system by creating custom types for special needs.


For general field type documentation, see field type.

Custom field types have to be programmed in PHP. However, the built-in field types are usually sufficient enough for typical scenarios. The following table gives an overview of the supported field types that come with Ibexa DXP.

Available field types

Field type Description Searchable in Legacy Storage engine Searchable with Solr/Elasticsearch
Author Stores a list of authors, each consisting of author name and author email. No Yes
BinaryFile Stores a file. Yes Yes
Checkbox Stores a boolean value. Yes Yes
Content query Maps an executable repository query to a field. No No
Country Stores country names as a string. Yes1 Yes
Customer group Stores customer group to which a user belongs.
DateAndTime Stores a full date including time information. Yes Yes
Date Stores date information. Yes Yes
EmailAddress Validates and stores an email address. Yes Yes
Float Validates and stores a floating-point number. No Yes
Form Stores a form. No Yes
Image Validates and stores an image. No Yes
ImageAsset Stores images in independent content items of a generic Image content type. No Yes
Integer Validates and stores an integer value. Yes Yes
ISBN Handles International Standard Book Number (ISBN) in 10-digit or 13-digit format. Yes Yes
Keyword Stores keywords. Yes1 Yes
MapLocation Stores map coordinates. Yes, with MapLocationDistance Criterion Yes
Matrix Represents and handles a table of rows and columns of data. No No
Measurement Validates and stores a unit of measure, and either a single measurement value, or top and bottom values of a measurement range. Yes Yes
Media Validates and stores a media file. No Yes
Null Used as fallback for missing field types and for testing purposes. N/A N/A
Page Stores a Page with a layout consisting of multiple zones. N/A N/A
Relation Validates and stores a relation to a content item. Yes, with both Field Criteria Yes
RelationList Validates and stores a list of relations to content items. Yes, with FieldRelation Criterion Yes
RichText Validates and stores structured rich text in DocBook xml format, and exposes it in several formats. Available via IbexaFieldTypeRichTextBundle. Yes1 Yes
Selection Validates and stores a single selection or multiple choices from a list of options. Yes1 Yes
SesExternaldata Uses external storage to store data.
SesProfiledata Stores address data for a customer. No No
SesSelection Stores a single selection choice based on options from a YAML file. Yes Yes
SpecificationsType Stores a structured list of specification data for products. Yes Yes
TaxonomyEntry Makes content taggable by Taxonomy. No Yes
TaxonomyEntryAssignment Controls and configures taxonomy. No Yes
TextBlock Validates and stores a larger block of text. Yes1 Yes
TextLine Validates and stores a single line of text. Yes Yes
Time Stores time information. Yes Yes
Url Stores a URL / address. No Yes
User Validates and stores information about a user. No No

[1] Note on Legacy Search Engine

Legacy Search/Storage Engine index is limited to 255 characters in database design, so formatted and unformatted text blocks only index the first part. In case of multiple selection field types like, for example, Keyword, Selection, or Country, only the first choices are indexed. they're indexed only as a text blob separated by string separator. Proper indexing of these field types is done with Solr Search engine.