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eZ Platform v3.1

Version number: v3.1

Release date: July 15, 2020

Release type: Fast Track

Notable changes

eZ Commerce now uses Symfony 5 and is fully integrated into the eZ Platform back office.

For more information, see eZ Commerce documentation.

New features

This release of eZ Platform introduces the following new features:


Site Factory

Site skeleton

You can now create multiple content structures that can be used as Site skeletons for the new sites.

For more information about Site skeleton, see Configure Site skeleton.

Defining parent Location

You can now define the parent Location for every new site in the template configuration.

For more information about defining parent Location, see Configure parent Location.


You can now use Elasticsearch in your eZ Platform installation through the PlatformElasticSearchEngineBundle.

See Elasticsearch documentation to learn how to set up, configure and user Elasticsearch with eZ Platform.

Page Builder

You can now filter elements in the sidebar during site creation process to get to the desired blocks faster.

Field group permissions

The new field group limitation enables you to control who can edit content fields per field group.

Version comparison

You can now compare additional fields in version comparison of content item:

  • Content Relation and Content Relations
  • Image Asset and Image
  • Matrix
  • Media

For overview of additional fields, see User documentation on Comparing versions.

URL management UI

You can now manage URL addresses and URL wildcards with a comfortable user interface that is available in the back office. You can create, modify or delete URL wildcards, and decide if the user should be redirected to the new address on clicking the link.


As of this release, the Link manager is no longer part of the Content panel, and now it belongs to the Admin panel of the back office.

URL Management UI

For more information on how to manage URLs, see URL management.

Tree view in the Universal Discovery Widget

The Universal Discovery Widget, referred to as the Content Browser in User Documentation, has been updated by adding the Tree view. You can now switch between the Grid, Panels and Tree views to browse and manage user accounts, media files, content items and forms. Selections that you make in one view survive when you switch to the other view.

Tree view in the Content Browser

For more information about configuring the Universal Discovery Widget, see Extending Universal Discovery Widget.

Field group display

Display of field groups has been improved in content preview and editing.

When editing, field groups are now presented in tabs:

Field group tabls in content editing

In Content preview, the group sections are collapsible:

Collapsible field groups in content view

Saving incomplete draft

When users create or edit a content item or a Page, they can now save it without completing all the required fields. They can then return to editing, or pass the content to another contributor. Validation that used to happen at each save operation now, by default, happens when you click the Publish button.

The ContentService::validate() method has been added that you can use to trigger validation of individual fields or whole content items for completeness at other stages of the editing process.

ezplatform-search is a new repository that contains search functionalities that aren't dependent on the search engine.

Search controller

A customizable search controller has been extracted and placed in ezplatform-search.

Searching in trash

You can now search through the contents of Trash and sort the search results based on a number of Search Criteria and Sort Clauses that can be used by the \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\TrashService::findTrashItems method only.

For more information, see Searching in trash.

Repository filtering

Repository filtering enables you to filter content and Locations using a defined Filter, without the SearchService.


You can now have a Service that provides both PermissionResolver and PermissionCriterionResolver by injecting eZ\Publish\API\Repository\PermissionService.

Behavior changes

Landing page drafts

When you start creating a landing page, a new draft is now automatically created.


Search engine tags

The ezpublish.searchEngine and ezpublish.searchEngineIndexer tags have been deprecated in favor of ezplatform.search_engine and ezplatform.search_engine.indexer.

Full changelog

eZ Platform eZ Enterprise
eZ Platform v3.1.0 eZ Enterprise v3.1.0
eZ Platform v3.1.0-rc2 eZ Enterprise v3.1.0-rc2
eZ Platform v3.1.0-rc1 eZ Enterprise v3.1.0-rc1
eZ Platform v3.1.0-beta1 eZ Enterprise v3.1.0-beta1