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Step 5 - Add a new Point 2D field

All actions in this step are done in the admin interface also called the back office. Go to the admin interface (<yourdomain>/admin) and log in with the default username: admin and the default password: publish.

Add new content type

In the back office, the main menu, go to the Content types page. Under Content category, create a new content type:

Creating new content type

New content type should have the following settings:

  • Name: Point 2D
  • Identifier: point_2d
  • Fields:

Adding new field

Next, define point2d with the following fields:

Field type Name Identifier Required Translatable
point2d Point 2D point_2d yes no

Defining Point 2D

Save everything and go back to the Content/Content structure tab.

Create your content

In Content structure, select Create content. There, under Content, you should see Point 2D content type you added. Click it to create new content.

Selecting Point 2D from sidebar

Here, you can fill in coordinates of your point, for example, 3, 5. Provided coordinates are used as a title for a new point.

Creating Point 2D

Click Publish. Now, you should see a new (3,5) point in the content tree.


If you cannot see the results or encounter an error, clear the cache and reload the application.

New Point 2D