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Price providers

A price provider fetches or calculates the prices for the price request. If an error occurs or the prices cannot be calculated properly, the price provider throws a PriceCalculationFailedException, which passes the price calculation to the price service.

Every price provider must return both list_price and custom_price.

All price providers must use the siso_price.price_provider tag.


Method Description
calculatePrices() Returns an instance of PriceResponse or throws PriceCalculationFailedException.


ChainPriceService (service ID: siso_price.price_service.chain) is the base entry point to the price engine. This service gets prices depending on the contextId. contextId is a parameter that indicates the context in which prices should be calculated, for example, basket, product list or product detail.

ChainPriceService does not calculate the prices by itself. It calls price providers in a chain, based on the configuration.

If an error occurs, the price provider throws an exception and the next provider in the chain is used. If the first provider returns prices, they are returned back to the caller, and the next price provider is not used.

If none of the price providers return prices, an exception is thrown and empty prices and empty stock are set.


Chain configuration example for the basket:

    - siso_price.price_provider.remote
    - siso_price.price_provider.local 


Method Description
getPrices() Returns an instance of PriceResponse or throws PriceRequestFailedException. The price service determines the price provider that performs the price calculations depending on the context. If no provider is able to properly calculate the prices, it throws a PriceRequestFailedException.


The local price provider can calculate prices based on imported product data. It uses the information provided by the catalog element.

The local price provider supports the following price models:

List price The price from the catalog element is used.
Customer group based prices The local price provider can use group-based prices. A customer can be part of one or more groups.
Volume discount prices Prices can be defined with a minimum quantity.
Prices defined for given date and time range Prices can be defined for a given time range. It is possible to add a start or end date and time.

The base price is used to calculate the list price and customer price.

The local price provider performs the best price search. The customer price is always the best price.

VAT and currency

LocalPriceProvider uses VatServiceInterface to get the vatPercent for the given vatCode. Customer currency is used (set in the price request).

Prices (and currency) are usually set up per country and provided during the import from the ERP or PIM system.

VAT settings

You can configure VAT settings for each delivery country separately:

        VATREDUCED: 7
        VATNORMAL: 19
        VATREDUCED: 4
        VATNORMAL: 4
        VATREDUCED: 7
        VATNORMAL: 19

Checking which price provider is used

You might want to know the price provider that is used to calculate a price (e.g. in the basket). This way you could, for example, enable special payment methods (if you know that the ERP was able to provide real-time prices), or disable the checkout.

The basket contains a priceResponseSourceType data map attribute that contains the source type of the price provider. remote type means that the ERP provided the prices for the current basket.