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Staging system

eContent supports a staging area. The product catalog can exist either as a live version which is used for the customer, or a temporary version, which can be used for staging and importing purposes.

Live and staging areas

To set up staging, create an index for the new products (temporary area). The following command indexes the data from the temporary tables to a temporary core:

php bin/console ibexa:commerce:index-econtent --siteaccess=import

Use a SiteAccess (default: import) for the indexing process. The import SiteAccess should cover all languages used in eContent (see ezplatform.yaml). By default, the table set for this SiteAccess is configured to use the temporary tables

The import process does not stop the production system.

Switching between temporary and live versions

After the import, switch the database tables and Solr cores. Execute the following commands:

php bin/console ibexa:commerce:index-econtent swap
php bin/console ibexa:commerce:swap-econtent-tables

Depending on the project, you might want to purge the HTTP cache for the product catalog.