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Basket routing

The basket provides the following routes:

Route Controller Description
/basket/show showAction() Shows a basket with all basket lines
/basket/add addAction() Adds a product (product list) to the basket
/basket/update updateAction() Changes attributes (for example, quantity) of a basket line in the basket
/basket/delete deleteAction() Removes a basket line from the basket by the given basket line ID


Shows a basket with all basket lines. The controller loads the template /basket/page.html.twig.

Parameter Type Description
basket Basket Optional. This parameter cannot be provided as a POST parameter. It's used internally

Parameters provided in the basket template page.html.twig:

Parameter Type Description
basket Basket The current basket of the user
error array A list of error messages
success array A list of success messages
notice array A list of notice messages


Adds one or more products to the basket. After adding the product, the basket is displayed. If the given quantity is 0, it is changed to 1.

Parameter Type Description
ses_basket[0][quantity] float Quantity to be set
ses_basket[0][sku] string SKU of the basket line


Updates the current basket. After updating, the basket is displayed. If the given quantity is 0, deleteAction() is called and the product is removed.

Parameter Type Description
ses_basket[0][quantity] float Quantity to be set
ses_basket[0][sku] string SKU of the basket line


Removes one line from the basket. After deleting the line, the basket is displayed.

Parameter Type Description
id int ID of the basket line that should be deleted