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ProductType extends CatalogElement and implements ProductNodeContainerInterface.

This class defines the methods needed to instantiate a Product Type.

Properties for ProductType

Identifier Type Description
childProducts CatalogElement[] Array of products that belong to this Product Type
shortDescription TextBlockField (FieldInterface) Short description
longDescription TextBlockField (FieldInterface) Long description
specifications AbstractField[] A list of specifications of a product
imageList ImageField[] (FieldInterface[]) A list of images
displayInSearch bool true if the ProductType should be displayed in the search result
displayInProductList bool true if the ProductType should be displayed in the product list result


Name Parameters Return value Throws Description
getChildProducts CatalogElement[] Returns all child products
addChildProducts ProductNode[] InvalidArgumentException Adds the products passed as argument to the list of child products
hasChildProducts int Returns the number of children
getChildProductBySku string CatalogElement Returns the child product that has the SKU passed as an argument
addChildProduct ProductNode Adds a single product to the list of child products

A ProductType element can appear in the result of a search for products.

For this to happen you need to modify the configuration by adding ses_product_type to the product list or product search.

use_display_in_product_list_flag enables or disables the use of the productType flag when displayed in product search and product list.

Additionally, a Product Type indexes all data from its products. You can disable this using the following configuration:

    siso_search.default.cp_to_product_type: false

Disabling this feature results in quicker indexing but product data is not indexed alongside Product Types.

Search results display Product Types using the EshopBundle/Resources/views/Catalog/listProductTypeNode.html.twig template.