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A bundle in Symfony (and Ibexa DXP) is a separate part of your application that implements a feature. You can create bundles yourself or make use of available open-source bundles. You can also reuse the bundles you create in other projects or share them with the community.

Many Ibexa DXP functionalities are provided through separate bundles included in the installation. You can see the bundles that are automatically installed with Ibexa DXP in the respective composer.json files. For example, for Ibexa Content, see the JSON file on GitHub.

Working with bundles

All bundles containing built-in Ibexa DXP functionalities are installed automatically. Additionally, you can install community-developed bundles from Ibexa DXP Packages.

To learn how to create your own bundles, see Symfony documentation on bundles.

Overriding third-party bundles

When you use an external bundle, you can override its parts, such as templates, controllers, etc. To do so, make use of Symfony's bundle override mechanism. Note that when overriding files, the path inside your application has to correspond to the path inside the bundle.

Removing bundles

To remove a bundle (either one you created yourself, or an out-of-the-box one that you do not need), see the How to Remove a Bundle instruction in Symfony doc.

Core packages


Ibexa Open Source is composed of the core packages.

Bundle Description
ezsystems/ez-support-tools System information
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui-assets Assets for the Back Office
ezsystems/ezplatform-admin-ui Back Office interface
ezsystems/ezplatform-content-forms Form-based integration for the Symfony Forms into Content and User objects in kernel
ezsystems/ezplatform-core Core system functionalities
ezsystems/ezplatform-cron Cron package for use with the ezplatform:cron:run command
ezsystems/ezplatform-design-engine Design fallback system
ezsystems/ezplatform-graphql GraphQL server for Ibexa DXP
ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache HTTP cache handling, using multi tagging
ezsystems/ezplatform-kernel Core of the Ibexa DXP application
ezsystems/ezplatform-matrix-fieldtype Matrix Field Type
ezsystems/ezplatform-query-fieldtype Query Field Type
ezsystems/ezplatform-rest REST API
ezsystems/ezplatform-richtext Field Type for supporting rich-formatted text stored in a structured XML format
ezsystems/ezplatform-search Common search functionalities
ezsystems/ezplatform-solr-search-engine Solr-powered search handler
ezsystems/ezplatform-standard-design Standard design and theme to be handled by ezplatform-design-engine
ezsystems/ezplatform-user User management

Ibexa Content packages

Bundle Description
ezsystems/date-based-publisher Date-based publishing functionality
ezsystems/ezcommerce-base-design Standard design and theme for the shop
ezsystems/ezcommerce-checkout Shop checkout functionality
ezsystems/ezcommerce-fieldtypes Shop-specific Field Types
ezsystems/ezcommerce-price-engine Engine for handling prices
ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop-ui UI for the shop front page
ezsystems/ezcommerce-shop Main shop functionalities
ezsystems/ezplatform-calendar Calendar tab with a calendar widget
ezsystems/ezplatform-connector-dam Connector for DAM (Digital Asset Management) systems
ezsystems/ezplatform-elastic-search-engine Integration with Elasticsearch search engine
ezsystems/ezplatform-http-cache-fastly Fastly support for ezplatform-http-cache, for use on or standalone
ezsystems/ezplatform-icons Icon set for the Back Office
ezsystems/ezplatform-personalization Functionality for personalized recommendations
ezsystems/ezplatform-version-comparison Enables comparing between two versions of the same Field
ezsystems/ezplatform-workflow Collaboration feature that enables you to send content draft to any user for a review or rewriting
ezsystems/ezrecommendation-client Client for connecting with the personalization engine
ibexa/image-editor Image Editor
ibexa/installer Provides the ibexa:install command
ibexa/migrations Migration of Repository data
ibexa/oauth2-client Integration with knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle

Ibexa Experience packages

Bundle Description
ezsystems/ezplatform-form-builder Enables creating Form Content items with multiple form fields
ezsystems/ezplatform-page-builder Page editor
ezsystems/ezplatform-page-fieldtype Page handling Field Type
ezsystems/ezplatform-permissions Additional permission functionalities
ezsystems/ezplatform-segmentation Segment functionality for profiling the content displayed to specific users
ezsystems/ezplatform-site-factory Enables configuration of sites from UI

Ibexa Commerce packages

Bundle Description
ezsystems/ezcommerce-admin-ui Shop-related Back Office functionalities
ezsystems/ezcommerce-erp-admin ERP connection for the shop
ezsystems/ezcommerce-order-history Order history functionality
ezsystems/ezcommerce-page-builder Shop-related Page blocks
ezsystems/ezcommerce-transaction Transactional shop functionalities