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Baskets are stored in the database and identified by:

  • session ID (if the user is not logged in)
  • user ID (if the user is logged in)

A basket can be of one of the following types:

A standard basket (type basket) can have different states during the checkout process. After the order is sent, the basket is assigned the state ordered.

Basket structure

Apart from the identifying information, the basket data model contains the following elements:

  • additional fields (dataMap Field)
  • basket lines with information for each row of the basket
  • information about basket parties (buyer, invoice and delivery)
  • additional costs (such as shipping, packaging, discounts etc.)

Basket configuration

Basket storage time

The time for which a basket is stored depends on whether the basket belongs to an anonymous user or a logged-in user.

A basket for a logged-in customer is stored forever.

A basket for an anonymous user is stored for 120 hours by default. You can configure a different value:

ibexa.commerce.site_access.config.basket.default.validHours: 120

You can use the ibexa:commerce:clear-baskets command to delete expired baskets:

php bin/console ibexa:commerce:clear-baskets <validHours>

It deletes all baskets from the database that are older than validHours.

For example:

php bin/console ibexa:commerce:clear-baskets 720

Product quantity validation

You can configure the minimum and maximum quantity that can be ordered per basket line:

ibexa.commerce.basket.basketline_quantity_max: 1000000
ibexa.commerce.basket.basketline_quantity_min: 1

If the quantity is more than the maximum or less than the minimum, it is set to either max or min.

Shared baskets

A basket can be shared if a user logs in from a different browser (default), or it can be bound to the session.

If you do not want the basket to be shared between different sessions, change the following setting to true:

ibexa.commerce.site_access.config.basket.default.basketBySessionOnly: true