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Customer profile data

Customer profile data model


CustomerProfileData (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Model\CustomerProfileData\CustomerProfileData) is the main class for the customer profile data entity. It contains addresses, SesUser, and optional data within a CustomerProfileDataMap.

Addresses are stored in Party objects. These Party classes are generated by the message generator.


Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Model\CustomerProfileData\SesUser is located under CustomerProfileData and contains information about the user account such as customer number, login name, email address.


Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Model\CustomerProfileData\Contact is located under SesUser and contains information about the contact.



Method Route Description
showDetailAction() silversolutionsCustomerDetail Renders the profile detail page
addressBookAction() silversolutions_address_book_list Renders the address book (a list with delivery addresses that come from ERP)
addressBookDeleteAction() silversolutions_address_book_delete Removes the given delivery address from ERP and customer profile data
logoutAction() silversolutionsCustomerLogout Unsets all profile data within the session, logs out the user and redirects to the previous page

Profile detail page

Customer profile data services


CustomerProfileDataServiceInterface (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Services\CustomerProfileData\CustomerProfileDataServiceInterface) is the general interface for any customer profile data service.


AbstractCustomerProfileDataService (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Services\CustomerProfileData\AbstractCustomerProfileDataService) is the abstract service implementation for customer profile data. The service provides helper methods for derivative services.


EzErpCustomerProfileDataService (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Services\CustomerProfileData\EzErpCustomerProfileDataService) is the concrete service implementation for customer profile data. The service uses ERP as source for customer and contact data. It also uses the content model as source for account data and target for fallback data.

Customer profile data events


CustomerProfileDataEventInterface (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Event\CustomerProfileData\CustomerProfileDataEventInterface) is the general interface for any event that is thrown in customer profile data services.


AbstractCustomerProfileDataEvent (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Event\CustomerProfileData\AbstractCustomerProfileDataEvent) is the abstract event for any customer profile data event and helper methods like setCustomerProfileData() to make a profile available for an event listener.


EzErpCustomerProfileDataEvent (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Event\CustomerProfileData\EzErpCustomerProfileDataEvent) is the concrete event that also provides the User Content item, for example for fallback purposes when the ERP does not respond (see Customer profile data listeners).

The following events are dispatched by Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\Services\CustomerProfileData\EzErpCustomerProfileDataService:

Event Dispatched
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_pre_fetch Before any data is fetched from storage
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_post_fetch After all data is fetched from storage
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_pre_erp_customer_fetch Before ERP customer data is fetched
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_post_erp_customer_fetch_success After ERP customer data is fetched
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_post_erp_customer_fetch_fail After ERP customer data fetching failed
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_pre_erp_contact_fetch Before ERP contact data is fetched
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_post_erp_contact_fetch_success After ERP contact data fetching succeeded
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_post_erp_contact_fetch_fail After ERP contact data fetching failed
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_pre_get_customer Before customer data is returned
ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_pre_save_customer Before customer data is saved

Customer profile data listeners


ListenerInterface (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\EventListener\CustomerProfileData\ListenerInterface) defines the methods that all listeners must have (for example, the onPreFetch(), onPostFetch() events).


EzErpListener (Silversolutions\Bundle\EshopBundle\EventListener\CustomerProfileData\EzErpListener) is the concrete event listener implementation. It provides ERP-related listeners, e.g. for ERP response success or fail.

  • onPostErpCustomerFetchFail() loads customer data from the respective User Content item if it cannot be retrieved from the ERP. Event: ses_ez_erp_customer_profile_data_post_erp_customer_fetch_fail
  • onPreFetch() has no implementation
  • onPostFetch() has no implementation