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Configure content type Fields

When you work with a content type to add or modify Fields, you must configure different settings that control the way Ibexa DXP treats the contents of each Field. Apart from general settings, certain Field Types, for example, Landing Page and Content relation Field Types may have additional settings.

You can only create or modify content types when your user Role has the ContentType/Create or ContentType/Update permission.

1. Create or open a content type for editing.

2. In the Field definitions area, find a section, for example, Content.

3. If your application requires a more granular organization of Fields within a content type, click + Add to add more sections.

When you add a Metadata section, it is later presented as an additional tab in content item editing screen. You can use it for tags, product categories, and so on. When you add other sections, they are later presented as anchors in content item editing screen. All sections are later presented as headers on the content item details screen, the View tab.

4. Add, reorder or remove Fields as required:

  • To add a Field, from the Field types area, drag the required Field tile to the section on the left.
  • To reorder Fields, drag and drop them within the section or between sections on the left.
  • To remove Fields from the section completely, click the X icon in the Field's header.

Adding a Field

5. Expand the header of a Field that you want to modify, then change its settings.

6. To save your changes:

  • Click Save and continue editing.
  • Click Save and close to close the window.

7. To discard your changes and close the window:

  • If you are creating a new content type, click Discard.
  • If you are updating an existing content type, click Delete draft.

General settings

Depending on their type, Fields can have different combinations of the following general settings.

Setting Description Use
Name A user-friendly name that describes the Field, used in the interface. It can be up to 255 characters long and consist of letters, digits, spaces and special characters. Required
Identifier An identifier for system use in configuration files, templates, or PHP code. It can be up to 50 characters long and can only contain lowercase letters, digits and underscores. Also used in name patterns for the content type. Required
Description A detailed description of the Field. It is displayed next to it when the user edits the content item. Optional
Required Indicates whether a value of the Field is required for the content item to be saved or published. Optional
Searchable Indicates whether a value of the Field is included in the search. Optional
Translatable Indicates whether a value of the Field can be translated. Optional
Can be a thumbnail Indicates whether the Field can be a thumbnail. Optional

Default configuration of pages

The following settings control the behavior of content items of Page type. You modify them in the Field definitions section, the Landing Page Field.

Block display

You can define which page blocks are available to an editor in the page edit mode. You do it, for example, when a developer creates a new block and you want to allow adding it to the page.

Expand the Select blocks section and select page blocks that you want to be included in the page.

Page blocks

Now, only selected page blocks are available in the edit mode.

Elements menu


When you deselect blocks, any related blocks that are included in the Page hide as well. To publish the Page, the editor has to remove these blocks from the Page, too.

Available page layouts

You can decide which page layouts are available for an editor.

Expand the Select layouts section, and define which layouts are available for this Page.


If you deselect a layout that is currently used on a Page, the editor has to change the layout to be able to edit the Page.

Preferred editing mode

You can set the editing mode that is launched when an editor starts editing the Page. To do it, in the Select Editor launch mode section, select one of the available options.

Editor launch mode

Content relation settings

When you add or modify a Content relation or Content relation (multiple) Field in a content type, you can decide:

  • which Content Tree location opens in the Content Browser when the user browses to a related content item
  • whether relations can be to content items of a specific type only, or any content type

Relation starting location

In the Select starting Location area, select from the available options:

  • Default - the starting location is automatically assigned to the default location in the tree of a created content item.
  • Browse - use to manually select the location from the Content Browser.
  • Content location - the starting location is the location of the content item that is edited by the user. For example, if the user edits the content item with the location 50, it sets the starting location to this value with children under this location.
  • Root default location - use if you want the Content Browser to start at the defined location with only children available for selection.

Select starting location

Allowed content types

In the Allowed content types area, expand the drop-down list and select from the available content types. No selection means that relations to all content types are allowed.