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Create and edit content types

Content types define what Fields are available in content items. To suit your specific needs, you can modify the default content types, or add custom ones.

You can only create or modify content types when your user Role has the ContentType/Create or ContentType/Update permission.

When you edit a content type, each content item based on this content type changes. For example, when you add or remove a Field to the content type, the change is propagated to every content item of this type.


Rules and templates for displaying content on the website are determined at the developer level. That is why content of a new content type that you create may not always display correctly or may cause errors. It is always best to discuss adding new content types with the administrator of your website, to make sure whether they need to add it to the configuration.

Deleting content types

You can delete a content type only when there are no content items that belong to it. This also includes content items in the Trash.

1. In the left panel, go to Content -> Content types. Then select a content type group by clicking its name, for example, Content.


If your application requires a more granular organization of content types, in this screen, you can create additional content type groups.

Content type list

2. If you are adding a new content type, on the content type group's detail screen, click Create and skip to step 4.

3. If you are modifying an existing content type, on the content type group's detail screen, click the Edit icon next to a name of the content type.

Create or edit content type

4. In the Global properties area, fill in global content type properties.

Editing a content type

Each content type has the following global properties:

Setting Description Use
Name A name of the content type. Required
Identifier A unique identifier of the content type in the system. Up to 50 characters and can only consist of letters, numbers and underscores. Required
Description Additional information that is displayed when a content item is created based on this type. Optional
Content name pattern Rules for creating a name for the content item. Optional
URL alias name pattern Rules for creating the URL alias for a content item. Optional
Container When checked, Content of this Type can serve as a container in the Content Tree. Optional
Sort children by default by Criterion by which children of this content are sorted in the tree. Required if Container is checked
Sort children by default in order Order in which the children are sorted (ascending or descending). Required if Container is checked
Make content available even with missing translations When checked, content of this Type is by default always available, even if it does not have a language version corresponding to the current SiteAccess. Optional

Rules for creating patterns

When populating the patterns, you can use a schema with attributes which correspond to the identifiers of Fields that make up the content type. This way, when content items of this type are created, their names and URL aliases are generated according to the defined pattern.

For example, if you enter <short_title> as a value of the Content name pattern field, the resulting items will be identified in the user interface by their short titles.

5. In the Field definitions area, add or modify Fields that constitute the content type.

6. Optionally, enable and configure SEO for the content type.

7. To save your changes:

  • Click Save and continue editing.
  • Click Save and close to close the window.

8. To discard your changes and close the window:

  • If you are creating a new content type, click Discard.
  • If you are updating an existing content type, click Delete draft.

Once the content type details screen is displayed, you can navigate back to the content type list.

More information

For in-depth information about the content model, see developer documentation.