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Use Ibexa Connect

You can create workflows using Ibexa Connect. Ibexa Engage collects user data and passes it directly to Ibexa Connect. With this data, you can create scenarios, for example, to add a user to newsletter, or to specific user segment group.

For more information, see Ibexa Connect documentation.

Integrate Ibexa Engage with Ibexa Connect

Webhooks provide a powerful way to transfer data between applications in real-time. You can use webhooks to connect Ibexa Engage with Ibexa Connect - integration platform (iPaaS).

This integration allows to collect data using Ibexa Engage and then push it to another systems, such as CRMs, CDP, Marketing Automation platforms, or more.

Get the webhook URL

Use Ibexa Engage App and scenario to get the webhook URL from Ibexa Connect.

To set up a webhook in Ibexa Connect, follow the steps:

1. Log in to your Ibexa Connect account.

2. Go to Scenarios and click the plus button to create a new scenario.

3. Select Receive participation data.

Create a scenario

4. Click Create a webhook and provide a name for the new webhook.

5. Click Copy address to clipboard to save the URL.

Create a webhook

Configure Ibexa Engage

The next step is to configure Ibexa Engage.

When a form submission event takes place, data can be sent through the obtained webhook URL.

To do it, perform the following actions::

1. Log in to your Ibexa Engage account.

2. Go to Engage -> Integrations -> Integrations and select Webhook.

3. Paste the URL from the clipboard into Webhook Host field and click Save.

Configure Ibexa Engage

4. Then, go to Engage -> Integrations -> Push rules to define the default or specific rules for new campaign or website. Select the created webhook.