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Install eZ Platform on macOS or Windows

This page explains how to install eZ Platform on macOS or Windows.


This procedure is for development purposes only. Installing eZ Platform for production purposes is supported only on Linux.

If you want to use eZ Platform in the production environment, see Installing eZ Platform.

Prepare work environment

To install eZ Platform, you need a stack with MySQL and PHP. Additionally, you need Node.js and Yarn for asset management. If you want to use a web server, you need to install it as well:

  • For Windows: Apache
  • For macOS: Apache/nginx on macOS

The instructions below assumes you are using Apache.


Locate the php.ini file and open it in a text editor. Provide missing values to relevant parameters e.g. date.timezone and memory_limit:

date.timezone = "Europe/Warsaw"
memory_limit = 4G

Uncomment or add extensions relevant to your project. e.g. opcache extension for PHP (recommended, but not required):


Edit Apache configuration file httpd.conf. Replace placeholder values with corresponding values from your project, e.g. ServerName localhost:80. Uncomment relevant modules, e.g.:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule vhost_alias_module libexec/apache2/

Start Apache by running:



You can install Apache as a Windows service by running the following command in CMD as administrator:

httpd.exe -k -install

You can then start it with:

httpd.exe -k start

Get Composer


Install Composer using a package manager, for example Homebrew.


Download and run Composer-Setup.exe - it will install the latest Composer version.

Download eZ Platform

Download and extract an archive into the location where you want your project root directory to be from (for open-source version) or from the Support portal (for eZ Enterprise), or clone the GitHub repository:

git clone .


You can use any other folder name for your project in place of ezplatform. Set its location as your project root directory in your virtual host configuration.

To install Composer dependencies, from the folder into which you downloaded eZ Platform, run:

composer install

Provide installation parameters

After a moment, the installer prompts you to provide a few parameters:

  1. Choose a secret. The secret should be a random string, made up of at least 32 characters, numbers, and symbols. This is used by Symfony when generating CSRF tokens, encrypting cookies, and for creating signed URIs when using ESI (Edge Side Includes).
  2. You can accept the default options for database_driver, database_host, and database_port.
  3. Select a database_name or accept the default one.
  4. Provide your database_user and database_password.

Using PostgreSQL

If you want an installation with PostgreSQL instead of MySQL, see Using PostgreSQL.


The app secret is crucial to the security of your installation. Be careful about how you generate it, and how you store it. Here's one way to generate a 64 characters long, secure random string as your secret, in PHP:

print bin2hex(random_bytes(32));

Do not commit the secret to version control systems, or share it with anyone who does not strictly need it. If you have any suspicion that the secret may have been exposed, replace it with a new one. The same goes for other secrets, like database password, Varnish invalidate token, JWT passphrase, etc.

Create database


You can omit this step. If you do not create a database now, it will be created automatically in the next step.

To manually create a database, ensure that you changed the installation parameters, then run the following Symfony command:

php ./bin/console doctrine:database:create

Install eZ Platform

Before executing the following command, ensure that the user set during composer install has sufficient permissions.

Install eZ Platform by running:

composer ezplatform-install


Setting up folder permissions and virtual host is installation-specific. Make sure to adapt the instructions below to your specific configuration.

Set up virtual host

To set up virtual host, use the template provided with eZ Platform: <your installation directory>/doc/apache2/vhost.template.

Copy the virtual host template under the name <your_site_name>.conf into your Apache directory:

  • For Windows: <Apache>\conf\vhosts
  • For macOS: /private/etc/apache2/users/

Modify <your_site_name>.conf to fit it to your installation. Then restart the Apache server.

Set up permissions

Directories var and web/var need to be writable by CLI and web server user. Future files and directories created by these two users will need to inherit those permissions.

For more information, see Setting up or Fixing File Permissions.

Security checklist

See the Security checklist for a list of security-related issues that you should take care of before going live with a project.