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Date Field Type

This Field Type represents a date without time information.

Name Internal name Expected input type
Date ezdate mixed

PHP API Field Type

Input expectations

If input value is in string or integer format, it will be passed directly to PHP's built-in \DateTime class constructor, therefore the same input format expectations apply.

It is also possible to directly pass an instance of \DateTime.

Type Example
string "2012-08-28 12:20 Europe/Berlin"
integer 1346149200
\DateTime new \DateTime()

Time information is not stored.

Before storing, the provided input value will be set to the beginning of the day in the given or the environment timezone.

Value object


The Value class of this Field Type contains the following properties:

Property Type Description
$date \DateTime This property will be used for the text content.
String representation

String representation of the date value will generate the date string in the format "l d F Y" as accepted by PHP's built-in date() function.

Character Description Example
l Textual representation of a day of the week, range Monday to Sunday Wednesday
d Two digit representation of a day, range 01 to 31 22
F Textual representation of a month, range January to December May
Y Four digit representation of a year 2016

Example: Wednesday 22 May 2016


The constructor for this value object will initialize a new Value object with the value provided. It accepts an instance of PHP's built-in \DateTime class.

Hash format

Hash value of this Field Type is an array with two keys:

Key Type Description Example
timestamp integer Time information in unix format timestamp. 1400856992
rfc850 string Time information as a string in RFC 850 date format. As input, this will have higher precedence over the timestamp value. "Friday, 23-May-14 14:56:14 GMT+0000"
// Example of the hash value in PHP
$hash = [
    "timestamp" => 1400856992,
    "rfc850" => "Friday, 23-May-14 14:56:14 GMT+0000"


This Field Type does not perform any special validation of the input value.


The Field definition of this Field Type can be configured with a single option:

Name Type Default value Description
defaultType mixed Type::DEFAULT_EMPTY One of the DEFAULT_* constants, used by the administration interface for setting the default Field value. See below for more details.

Following defaultType default value options are available as constants in the eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Date\Type class:

Constant Description
DEFAULT_EMPTY Default value will be empty.
DEFAULT_CURRENT_DATE Default value will use current date.
// Date Field Type example settings

use eZ\Publish\Core\FieldType\Date\Type;

$settings = [
    "defaultType" => Type::DEFAULT_EMPTY

Template rendering

The template called by the ez_render_field() Twig function while rendering a Date Field has access to the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
locale string Internal parameter set by the system based on current request locale or if not set, calculated based on the language of the Field.


{{ ez_render_field(content, 'date') }}