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Block reference

The following blocks are provided with a clean installation of Ibexa DXP:

Block Description
Banner Displays an image Content item with a URL attached to it.
Bestsellers Displays a list of products from PIM that were recently a bestseller.
Catalog Displays products from a specific catalog to a selected customer group.
Code Enables you to place text, links, images, etc. on your Page using custom HTML.
Collection Displays a set of Content items you select manually from the Content structure.
Content List Displays Content items of a chosen Content Type (or Types) that are contained in a selected folder.
Content Scheduler Displays Content items at a pre-defined time.
Dynamic targeting Embeds recommended items based on the Segment the user belongs to.
Embed Embeds a Content item of any Content Type on the Page.
Form Embeds a Form Content item that you select from the Content Structure.
Gallery Displays all images contained in a selected folder.
Last purchased Displays a list of products that were recently purchased from PIM.
Last viewed Displays a list of products from PIM that were recently viewed.
Personalized Displays a list of Content items/products that are recommended to end users when specific scenarios are triggered.
Product collection Displays a list of specifically selected products.
Recently added Displays a list of products that were recently added to PIM.
RSS Loads and displays news from RSS feeds (channels).
Sales representative Loads and displays company's sales representative.
Targeting Embeds an Content item based on the Segment the user belongs to.
Text Enables you to add to the Page a Rich Text block.
Video Embeds a video into the Page with standard playback controls.


Before you add a block that involves products, product types, or product categories, make sure your that your user Role has the Product/View and Product type/View permission.

Before you add a block that uses results derived from a Personalization scenario, for example, Dynamic targeting or Recently added block, make sure that the scenario is properly configured.

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Image section, click Select content, navigate through the content and select an image to display.
  • In the URL box, enter a URL to open when clicking the selected image.

Bestsellers block

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Name – Enter a name for the page block.
  • Personalization scenario – Select "Bestsellers" to display products from PIM that were recently a bestseller.
  • Product Types to be displayed – Select the type of products to be displayed on the list.
  • Limit – Set the number of products to be displayed.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

Catalog block

Before you configure this block, make sure that there are catalogs that are defined and published in your PIM.

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Name – Optionally, enter a name for the page block, for example, "15-inch laptops" or "Fishing rods".
  • Setup customer group and catalog matching priority rules - Create at least one assignment: add a row, then select a customer group and a matching catalog.
  • Default catalog – Select a catalog that is displayed to end-users who are either anonymous or do not belong to any of the customer groups assigned to specific catalogs.
  • Limit – Set the number of products to be displayed.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout to be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

Code block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Content box, enter the HTML code for the content you want to display on the Page.

Collection block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Location list section, click Select content, navigate through the content and add to the collection Content items of any Content Type you want. All selected Content items appear in the Selected items box at the bottom of the window. When done selecting, click Confirm.

Content List block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Parent section, click Select content, navigate through the content and select a folder containing Content items to display on the list. Click Confirm.
  • In the Limit section, enter a number or use the up and down buttons to set the limit of Content items to display.
  • From the Content Types to be displayed list, select Content Type(s) to be displayed. The block will display Content items of the selected Content Types that are in the selected parent folder.

Dynamic targeting block

Dynamic targeting block provides recommended items based on users related to the configured Segments.

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name field, provide the name of the block.
  • In the Select default scenario section, select the default scenario for recommended items that should be rendered if the current user is not assigned to any Segment.
  • In the Setup segment and scenario matching priority rules drop-down, select a Segment group, a Segment identifier and Scenario that you want to display recommendations from.
  • In the Display limit field, set the number of recommended items to be displayed, for example, 4.

The rules are checked in order, so when a user belongs to more than one Segment, the first rule applies.

Dynamic targeting

Embed block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • Select content to embed by clicking Select content. Navigate to a Content item, select it and click Confirm.

Form block

Note that completing the settings of the Form block requires at least one Form Content item created.

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Form section, click Select content, navigate through the content and select a Form Content item to append it to the block.

Known limitation

To present two or more identical forms on one Page, ask your developer to create several identical form blocks that you can then use. Otherwise you may encounter issues with duplicate data submission.

For more information about creating form blocks, see Creating a newsletter form in developer documentation.

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Folder section, click Select content, navigate through the content, select a folder containing images to display and click Confirm. After submitting the settings, all images in the folder will appear in the Gallery block. Note that selecting a folder containing Content items other than images results in displaying only a link to the folder they are stored in.

Last purchased block

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Name – Optionally, enter a name for the page block, for example, "Up-to-date products" or "Your recent purchases".
  • Personalization scenario – Select "Last purchased" to display products that were recently purchased from PIM by any user, or "Last purchased by user" to display products that were recently purchased by the current user.
  • Product Types to be displayed – Select the type of products to be displayed on the list, for example, "Hardware" or "Linear bearings".
  • Limit – Set the number of products to be displayed.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

Last viewed block

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Name – Optionally, enter a name for the page block, for example, "Popular products" or "Your browsing history".
  • Personalization scenario – Select "Last viewed" to display products that were recently viewed by any user, or "Last viewed by user" to display products that were recently viewed by the current user.
  • Product Types to be displayed – Select the type of products to be displayed on the list, for example, "Bicycles" or "Dental care".
  • Limit – Set the number of products to be displayed.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

Personalized block

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Name – Optionally, enter a name for the page block, for example, "Bestsellers".
  • Select a scenario – Select "Landing page" or "Top clicked".
  • Select a Content Type... – Select "Product".
  • Display limit – Set the number of products to be displayed, for example, 4.

On the Design tab, in the View field, change the layout to "Products" and submit your changes.

Product collection block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page, for example, "Summer giveway".
  • In the Product list area, create a list of products:
  • In the Add product code field, enter a comma separated list of product/variant codes and click Add.
  • Click Select product. Then, in content browser, select products and click Confirm.


Due to a technical limitation, content browser does not display product variants.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

Sales representative

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Name – Enter a name for the Page block.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout to be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

Recently added block

On the Basic tab, set values in the following fields:

  • Block name – Optionally, enter a name for the page block, for example, "Newest additions".
  • Product Types to be displayed – Select the type of products to be displayed on the list, for example, "Personal hygiene" or "Drill bits".
  • Display limit – Set the number of products to be displayed, for example, 4.

On the Design tab, in the View field, select the layout be used to present a list of products and submit your changes.

RSS block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the URL box, provide the URL for the RSS news feed.
  • In the Limit box, enter a number or use the up and down buttons to set the limit of news items appearing in the block.
  • In the Offset box, enter a number or use the up and down buttons to set the limit of featured news items appearing in the block.

Targeting block

Targeting block provides recommendation of content based on users related to the configured Segments.

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block.
  • In the Select default content section, click Select content, navigate through the content and select the default Content item that will be displayed when no priority rules are valid.
  • In the Setup segment and content matching priority rules section, select a Segment Group and a Segment, then click Select content and navigate to the Content item that you want to display for the selected group.

The rules are checked in order, so when a user belongs to more than one Segment, the first rule applies.

You can preview the page for each of the available Segments:

Previewing Page for a given Segment

Text block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Content box, enter text, images, videos, etc. using the Online Editor. For details, see Editing Rich Text Fields.

Video block

On the Basic tab, perform the following actions:

  • In the Name box, provide the name of the block that will appear on the Page.
  • In the Video section, click Select content, navigate through the content, select a video to display in the block and click Confirm. On the Basic tab you can preview the selected video before adding it to the Page.