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Zoho Invoice

The Zoho Invoice modules allow you to create, update, list, and/or delete items, price lists, contacts, estimates, invoices, payments, credit notes, expenses, projects, time entries in your Zoho Invoice account.


  • A Zoho Invoice account

In order to use Zoho Invoice with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a Zoho Invoice account. If you do not have one, you can create a Zoho Invoice account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Zoho Invoice to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Zoho Invoice account to Ibexa Connect, you need to obtain your organization ID and region.

  1. Log into your Zoho Invoice Account.

  2. Open your profile menu in the top-right corner.

  3. Click on the Manage button next to the My Organizations section.


  4. Copy the Organization ID to the clipboard.


  5. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the Zoho Invoice module's Create a connection dialog.

  6. Enter the Organization ID you have copied in step 4 to the respective field.

  7. Select the region of your Zoho Invoice account. If the URL of your account is e.g., then select the EU option.

  8. Click the Continue button.

Confirm the dialog by clicking the Accept button.

The connection has been established.


Watch Items

Triggers when an item is created or updated.


Select which kind of item updates you want to watch for:

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date


Select the tax applicable for the item you want to watch for.

Filter By

Select the status applicable for the item.

Sort Column

Select the column by which you want to sort the items:

  • Name

  • Rate

  • Tax


The maximum number of items Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Item

Creates a new item.

Required Permissions: ZohoInvoice.settings.CREATE


Select a new name for the item.


Select the price of the item.


Enter the details of the item.


Select the number of items.

Stock Keeping Unit Value

Select the quantity of the items keeping as stock.

Add Tax ID

Select the Tax ID applicable for the item.

Product Type

Select the type of item:

  • Goods

  • Services

Item Tax Preferences

Add the tax preferences for the item:

  • Add Tax ID Select the Tax ID applicable for the item.

  • Tax Specification Select tax type applicable for the item.

Update Item

Updates the details of an existing item.

Required Permissions: ZohoInvoice.settings.UPDATE

Item ID

Select the Item ID of the item you want to update.


Enter a new name for the item.


Select or enter a new price for the item.


Enter new details for the item.


Enter the quantity of the item.

Add Tax ID

Select the Tax ID applicable for the item.

Stock Keeping Unit Value

Select the quantity of the items keeping as stock.

Product Type

Select the type of item:

  • Goods

  • Services

Item Tax Preferences

Add the tax preferences for the item:

  • Add Tax ID Select the Tax ID applicable for the item.

  • Tax Specification Select tax type applicable for the item.

List Items

Gets the list of all active items with pagination.

Required Permissions: ZohoInvoice.settings.READ


Select the option to search the item you want to list:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Rate


Enter the first few letters of the item to search.


Select the tax applicable to the item you want to list.

Filter By

Select the option to filter the item you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Inactive

Sort Column

Select the option to sort the item:

  • Name

  • Rate

  • Tax Name


The maximum number of items Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Item

Fetches details of an existing item.

Item ID Select the Item ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Item

Deletes an existing item. Items that are part of a transaction cannot be deleted.

Item ID Select the Item ID you want to delete.

Mark Item Active/Inactive

Marks an item as active or inactive.

Item ID

Select the Item ID you want to mark active or inactive.

Select Active or Inactive

Select the action to mark the item:

  • Active

  • Inactive


Watch Contacts

Triggers when a contact is created or updated.


Select which contacts you want to watch for:

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date

Filter By

Select the option to filter the contacts you want to watch:

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Inactive

  • Status Duplicate

  • Status CRM

Sort Column

Select the option to sort the contacts by columns:

  • Contact Name

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Outstanding Receivable Amount

  • Created Time and Last Modified Name


The maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Contact

Creates a contact with given information.

Contact Name

Enter the contact name.

Contact name can either be a company name or a person name.

Currency ID

Select the currency of the contact.

Company Name

Enter the company name of the contact.

Net Payment Terms

Enter the payment terms applicable for the contact.


Enter the website URL of the contact.

Language Code

Select the language code of the contact.


Enter any comments for the payment made by the contact.

Facebook Profile Account

Enter the Facebook account URL of the contact.

Twitter Profile Account

Enter the Twitter account URL of the contact.


Enter the contact name residing in the address.


Enter the address of the contact.

Street 2

Enter the street name of the contact.


Enter the city name of the contact.


Enter the state name of the contact.


Enter the zip code of the contact's address.


Enter the country name of the contact.


Enter the fax number of the contact.


Enter the phone number of the contact.


Enter the contact name residing in the shipping address.


Enter the address of the contact.

Street 2

Enter the street name of the contact.


Enter the city name of the contact.


Enter the state name of the contact.


Enter the zip code of the contact's address.


Enter the country name of the contact.


Enter the fax information of the contact.


Enter the phone number of the contact.

Contact Persons

Add the contact persons for the contact:

  • Salutation Select the salutation for the contact person.

  • First Name Enter the first name of the contact person.

  • Last Name Enter the first name of the contact person.

  • Email Enter the email address of the contact person.

  • Mobile Enter the mobile number of the contact person.

  • Mark as Primary Contact Select Yes if this is primary contact person details:

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not defined

Update Contact

Update an existing contact. To delete a contact person remove it from the contact persons list.

Contact Name

Select the contact name you want to update.

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID of the contact.

Company Name

Enter the company name of the contact.

Net Payment Terms

Enter the payment terms applicable for the contact.


Enter the website URL of the contact.

Language Code

Select the language code of the contact.


Enter any comments for the payment made by the contact.

Facebook Profile Account

Enter the Facebook account URL of the contact.

Twitter Profile Account

Enter the Twitter account URL of the contact.


Enter the contact person name residing in the address.


Enter the address of the contact.

Street 2

Enter the street name of the contact.


Enter the city name of the contact.


Enter the state name of the contact.


Enter the zip code of the contact's address.


Enter the country name of the contact.


Enter the fax number of the contact.


Enter the phone number of the contact.


Enter the shipping address of the contact.


Enter the address of the contact.

Street 2

Enter the street name of the contact.


Enter the city name of the contact.


Enter the state name of the contact.


Enter the zip code of the contact's address.


Enter the country name of the contact.


Enter the fax number of the contact.


Enter the phone number of the contact.

Contact Persons

Add the contact person's information for the contact:

  • Salutation Select the salutation for the contact person.

  • First Name Enter the first name of the contact person.

  • Last Name Enter the last name of the contact person.

  • Email Enter the email address of the contact person.

  • Mobile Enter the mobile number of the contact person.

  • Mark as Primary Contact Select Yes if this is primary contact person details:

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not defined

List Contacts

Lists all contacts with pagination.


Select the option by which to search the contacts you want to list:

  • Contact Name

  • Company Name

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Address

  • Email

  • Phone


Enter the first few letters of the contact name to search.

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the contacts you want to list.

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Inactive

  • Status Duplicate

  • Status CRM

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the contacts.

  • Contact Name

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Email

  • Outstanding Receivable Amount

  • Created Time and Last Modified Name


The maximum number of contacts Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Contact

Gets details of a contact.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID you want to retrieve.

Delete Contact

Deletes an existing contact.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID you want to delete.

Mark Contact Active/Inactive

Marks a contact as active or inactive.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID you want to make active or inactive.

Select Active or Inactive

Select the action you want to mark the contact:

  • Active

  • Inactive

Contact Person

Create Contact Person

Creates a contact person for the contact.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID of the contact person.

First Name

Select the first name of the contact person.

Last Name

Select the last name of the contact person.


Select the applicable salutation of the contact person.


Enter the email address of the contact person.


Enter the phone number of the contact person.


Enter the mobile number of the contact person.

Skype ID

Enter the Skype ID of the contact person.


Enter the department of the contact person.

Enable Portal

Select Yes if this contact person can access the portal:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Update Contact Person

Update details of an existing contact person.

Contact ID

Select the Contact ID of the contact person you want to update.

Contact Person ID

Select the Contact Person ID you want to update.

First Name

Select the first name of the contact person.

Last Name

Select the last name of the contact person.


Select the applicable salutation of the contact person.


Enter the email address of the contact person.


Enter the phone number of the contact person.


Enter the mobile number of the contact person.

Skype ID

Enter the Skype ID of the contact person.


Enter the department of the contact person.

Enable Portal

Select Yes if this contact person can access the portal:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

List Contact Persons

List all contact persons with pagination.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID of the contact person you want to list.
Limit The maximum number of contact persons Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Contact Person

Get the details of a contact person.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID of the contact person whose details you want to retrieve.
Contact Person ID Select the Contact Person ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Contact Person

Delete an existing contact person.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID of the contact person you want to delete.
Contact Person ID Select the Contact Person ID you want to delete.

Mark Contact Person Primary

Marks a contact person as primary for contact.

Contact ID Select the Contact ID of the contact person which you want to make the primary contact.
Contact Person ID Select the Contact Person ID you want to mark as primary contact.


Watch Estimates

Triggers when an estimate is created or updated.


Select which kind of estimate you want to watch for:

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date

Select Customer

Select the customer whose estimate you want to watch.

Select Item

Select the item of the customer whose estimates you want to watch.

Expiry Date

Select the expiry date of the estimate.

Date on the Estimate

Select date of the estimate.


Select the status of the estimate:

  • Draft

  • Sent

  • Invoiced

  • Accepted

  • Declined

  • Expired

Filter by

Select the option by which to filter the estimates you want to watch:

  • Status All

  • Status Draft

  • Status Sent

  • Status Invoiced

  • Status Accepted

  • Status Declined

  • Status Expired

Sort Column

Select the option by which to sort the estimates you want to watch:

  • Customer Name

  • Estimate Number

  • Date

  • Total

  • Created Time


The maximum number of estimates Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Estimate

Creates an estimate for your customer.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose estimate you want to create.

Contact Persons

Select the contact person of the customer to send the estimate.

Line Items

Add the line items of the estimate:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Select Yes if you want to send the estimate to the contact person:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Ignore Auto Number Generation

Select Yes if you want to ignore auto number generation for this estimate:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Estimate Number

Enter the estimate serial number.

Reference Number

Enter the transaction reference number of the estimate.


Select the date of the estimate.

Expiry Date

Select the expiry date of the estimate.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the estimate.


Enter the discount applicable on the estimate.

Discount applied to the invoice. It can be in percentage (%) or in amount. For example, 12.5% or 190.

Discount Before Tax

Specify how the discount is applied for the estimate and the discount amount before applying the taxes.

Discount Type

Select the type of discount applied for the estimate:

  • Entity Level

  • Item Level

Custom Body

Enter the message for the email to be sent with the estimate.

Custom Subject

Enter the subject of the email to be sent with the estimate.

Salesperson Name

Select the salesperson name.


Enter any additional information about the estimate you want to convey.


Specify the terms and conditions of the estimate.

Shipping Charge

Enter the shipping charges applied for the invoice.


Enter the amount adjustments made to the invoice.

Adjustment Description

Enter the details of the adjustment made to the invoice. For example, rounding off.

Update Estimate

Updates an existing estimate. To delete a line item just remove it from the line items list.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose estimates you want to update.

Estimate ID

Select the Estimate ID you want to update.

Contact Persons

Select the contact person of the customer to send the estimate.

Line Items

Add the line items of the estimate:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Select Yes if you want to send the estimate to the contact person:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Ignore Auto Number Generation

Select Yes if you want to ignore auto number generation for this estimate:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Estimate Number

Enter the estimate serial number.

Reference Number

Enter the transaction reference number of the estimate.


Select the date of the estimate.

Expiry Date

Select the expiry date of the estimate.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the estimate.


Enter the discount applicable on the estimate.

Discount applied to the invoice. It can be in percentage (%) or in amount. For example, 12.5% or 190.

Discount Before Tax

Specify how the discount is applied for the estimate and the discount amount before applying the taxes.

Discount Type

Select the discount type applied for the estimate:

  • Entity Level

  • Item Level

Custom Body

Enter the message for the email to send with the estimate.

Custom Subject

Enter the new subject of the email to send with the estimate.

Salesperson Name

Select the new salesperson name for the estimate.


Enter any additional information about the estimate you want to mention.


Specify the terms and conditions of the estimate.

Shipping Charge

Enter the shipping charges applied for the invoice.


Enter the amount adjustments made to the invoice.

Adjustment Description

Enter the details of the adjustment made to the invoice. For example, rounding off.

List Estimates

List all estimates with pagination.


Select the option by which to search the estimate you want to list:

  • Estimate Number

  • Reference Number

  • Customer Name

  • Total Value

  • Item Name

  • Item Description


Enter the first few letters of the estimate to search.

Select Customer

Select the customer whose item estimate you want to list.

Select Item

Select the item whose estimate you want to list.

Expiry Date

Select the expiry date of the estimate.

Date on the Estimate

Select the date mentioned on the estimate you want to list.


Select the status of the estimate you want to list:

  • Draft

  • Sent

  • Invoiced

  • Accepted

  • Declined

  • Expired

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the estimate you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Draft

  • Status Sent

  • Status Invoiced

  • Status Accepted

  • Status Declined

  • Status Expired

Sort Column

Select the option by which to sort the estimate you want to list:

  • Customer Name

  • Estimate Number

  • Date

  • Total

  • Created Time


The maximum number of estimates Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Estimate

Get the details of an estimate.

Estimate ID

Select the Estimate ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Select the format of the estimate you want to retrieve:

  • JSON

  • PDF

  • HTML

Delete Estimate

Deletes an existing estimate.

Estimate ID Select the Estimate ID you want to delete.

Mark Estimate Sent/Accepted/Declined

Marks a draft estimate as sent, accepted, or declined.

Estimate ID

Select the Estimate ID you want to change.

Select Sent, Accepted, and Declined

Select the action you want to make to the estimate:

  • Sent

  • Accepted

  • Declined


Watch Invoices

Triggers when an invoice is created or updated.


Select which kind of invoices you want to watch for:

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date

Select Item

Select the item of the customer whose invoice you want to watch.


Select the status of the invoice:

  • Sent

  • Draft

  • Overdue

  • Paid

  • Void

  • Unpaid

  • Partially Paid

  • Viewed

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the invoices you want to watch:

  • Status All

  • Status Draft

  • Status Sent

  • Status Overdue

  • Status Paid

  • Status Void

  • Status Unpaid

  • Status Partially Paid

  • Status Viewed

  • Date PaymentExpected Date

Sort Column

Select the option by which to sort the invoices by column:

  • Customer Name

  • Invoice Number

  • Date

  • Due Date

  • Total

  • Balance

  • Created Time


The maximum number of invoices Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Invoice

Creates an invoice for your customer.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose item invoice you want to create.

Contact Persons

Select the contact person associated with the invoice.

Line Items

Add the line items of the invoice:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Select Yes if you want to send the invoice to the contact person:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Ignore Auto Number Generation

Select Yes if you want to ignore auto number generation for this estimate:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number.

Reference Number

Enter the transaction reference number of the invoice.

Template ID

Enter the Template ID of the PDF associated with the invoice.


Enter the invoice date.

Payment Terms

Enter the payment terms in days. For example, 15, 30, 45.

Invoice due date is calculated based on these days.


Enter the discount applicable on the invoice.

Discount applied to the invoice. It can be in percentage (%) or in amount. For example, 12.5% or 190.

Discount Before Tax

Specify how the discount is applied for the invoice and the discount amount before applying the taxes.

Discount Type

Select the discount applied for the invoice:

  • Entity Level

  • Item Level

Inclusive Tax

Select Yes if the discount is including tax:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the invoice.

Salesperson Name

Select the salesperson responsible for the invoice.

Payment Gateways

Add the payment gateway to make an online payment for the invoice.

  • Configured Select Yes if payment gateway has been configured:

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not defined

  • Additional Field Applicable only for Paypal payment method:

    • Standard

    • Adaptive

  • Gateway Name Select the payment gateway method associated with the invoice:

    • Paypal

    • Authorize Net

    • Payflow Pro

    • Stripe

    • 2checkout

    • Braintree

Allow Partial Payments

Select Yes if partial payments are allowed for the invoice:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Custom Body

Enter the message for the email of the sent invoice.

Custom Subject

Enter the subject of the email of the sent invoice.


Enter any additional information about the invoice you want to convey.

Terms & Condition

Specify the terms and conditions of the invoice.

Shipping Charge

Enter the shipping charges applied for the invoice.


Enter the amount adjustments made to the invoice.

Adjustment Description

Enter the details of the adjustments made to the invoice. For example, rounding off.


Enter the description for the attachment of the email.

Update Invoice

Updates an existing invoice. To delete a line item just remove it from the line items list.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose item invoice you want to update.

Invoice ID

Select the Invoice ID you want to update.

Contact Persons

Select the contact person of the invoice.

Line Items

Add the line items of the invoice:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.

Ignore Auto Number Generation

Select Yes if you want to ignore auto number generation for this invoice:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number.

Reference Number

Enter the transaction reference number of the invoice.

Template ID

Enter the Template ID of the PDF associated with the invoice.


Enter the invoice date.

Payment Terms

Enter the payment terms in days. For example, 15, 30, 45.

Note: Invoice due date is calculated based on these days.


Enter the discount applicable on the invoice.

It can be in percentage (%) or in amount. For example, 12.5% or 190.

Discount Before Tax

Specify how the discount is applied for the estimate and the discount amount before applying the taxes.

Discount Type

Select the type of discount applied for the invoice:

  • Entity Level

  • Item Level

Inclusive Tax

Select Yes if the discount is including tax:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the invoice.

Salesperson Name

Enter the salesperson responsible for the invoice.

Payment Gateways

Add the payment gateway to make an online payment for the invoice.

  • Configured Select Yes if payment gateway has been configured:

    • Yes

    • No

    • Not defined

  • Additional Field Applicable only for Paypal payment method:

    • Standard

    • Adaptive

  • Gateway Name Select the payment gateway method associated with the invoice:

    • Paypal

    • Authorize Net

    • Payflow Pro

    • Stripe

    • 2checkout

    • Braintree

Allow Partial Payments

Select Yes if partial payments are allowed for the invoice:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Custom Body

Enter the message for the email for the sent invoice.

Custom Subject

Enter the subject of the email for the sent invoice.


Enter any additional information about the invoice you want to convey.


Specify the terms and conditions of the invoice.

Shipping Charge

Enter the shipping charges applied for the invoice.


Enter the amount adjustments made to the invoice.

Adjustment Description

Enter the details of the adjustments made to the invoice. For example, rounding off.


Enter the description for the attachment of the email.

List Invoices

List all invoices with pagination.


Select the option by which to search the invoice you want to list:

  • Invoice Number Reference Number

  • Item Name

  • Item Description

  • Reference Number

  • Customer Name

  • Email

  • Total Value

  • Balance

  • Date

  • Due Date


Enter the first few letters of the invoice to search.

Select Item

Select the item whose invoice you want to list.


Select the status of the invoice:

  • Sent

  • Draft

  • Overdue

  • Paid

  • Void

  • Unpaid

  • Partially Paid

  • Viewed

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the invoices you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Draft

  • Status Sent

  • Status Overdue

  • Status Paid

  • Status Void

  • Status Unpaid

  • Status Partially Paid

  • Status Viewed

  • Date PaymentExpected Date

Sort Column

Select the option by which columns to sort the invoices:

  • Customer Name

  • Invoice Number

  • Date

  • Due Date

  • Total

  • Balance

  • Created Time


The maximum number of invoices Ibexa Connectshould return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Invoice

Get the details of an invoice.

Invoice ID

Select the Invoice ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Select the format to print:

  • JSON

  • PDF

  • HTML

Delete Invoice

Delete an existing invoice. Invoices which have payment or credits note applied cannot be deleted.

Invoice ID Select the Invoice ID you want to delete.

Mark Invoice Sent/Void/Draft

Marks an invoice as sent, void, or draft.

Invoice ID

Select the Invoice ID you want to change the status.

Select Sent, Void, or Draft

Select the new status for the invoice:

  • Sent

  • Void

  • Draft

Email Invoice

Emails an invoice to the customer. Input JSON string is not mandatory. If input JSON string is empty, mail will be sent with default mail content.

Invoice ID

Select the Invoice ID you want to email.

To Emails

Add the email address of the person to receive the invoice.

Send From Organization's Email ID

Select Yes if you want to send the invoice from the company email address.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

CC Emails

Add the email address that should be in the CC.


Enter the subject of the email.


Enter the message to be included in the email.

Recurring Invoice

Create Recurring Invoice

Creates a new recurring invoice.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose recurring invoice you want to create.

Recurrence Name

Enter the recurring profile name given by the user for the invoice.

Recurrence Frequency

Enter the interval at which the recurring invoice is generated.

Line Items

Add the line items of the recurring invoice:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.

Reference Number

Enter the order number of the recurring invoice.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the recurring invoice.

End Date

Enter the expiry date of the recurring invoice.

Update Recurring Invoice

Updates a recurring invoice.

Customer ID

Enter the Customer ID whose recurring invoice you want to update.

Recurrence Name

Enter a new recurring profile name given by the user for the invoice.

Reference Number

Enter the order number of the recurring invoice.

Start Date

Enter the start date of the recurring invoice.

End Date

Enter the expiry date of the recurring invoice.

Recurrence Frequency

Enter the interval at which the recurring invoice is generated.

Line Items

Add the line items of the recurring invoice:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.

Get Recurring Invoice

Gets the details of a recurring invoice.

Recurring Invoice ID Select the Recurring Invoice ID whose details you want to retrieve.

List Recurring Invoices

Lists the details of all recurring invoices.

Search Text

Enter the details of the recurring invoice you want to list.

For example, invoice number, purchase order, or customer name.

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the recurring invoices you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Stopped

  • Status Expired

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the recurring invoices:

  • Customer Name

  • Total

  • Created Time


The maximum number of recurring invoices Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Delete Recurring Invoice

Deletes an existing recurring invoice.

Recurring Invoice ID Select the Recurring Invoice ID you want to delete.

Mark Recurring Invoice Stop/Resume

Stops or resumes an active recurring invoice.

Recurring Invoice ID

Select the Recurring Invoice ID you want to stop or resume.

Select Stop or Resume

Select the action item for the recurring invoice:

  • Stop

  • Resume

Credit Note

Create Credit Note

Creates a new credit note.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID for whom you want to raise a credit note.

Contact Persons

Select the contact person associated with the credit note.


Select the date on which you are raising the credit note.

Line Items

Add the line items included in the credit note:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.

Credit Note Number

Enter the credit note number.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the customer.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number generated for the payment.

Salesperson Name

Enter the salesperson name for the credit note.

Shipping Charge

Enter the shipping charges applied for the credit note.


Enter the amount adjustments made to the credit note.

Adjustment Description

Enter the details of the adjustments made to the credit note. For example, rounding off.


Enter any additional information about the credit note for the customer.

Terms & Condition

Specify the terms and conditions of the credit note.

Template ID

Enter the Template ID of the credit note template used.

Ignore Auto Number Generation

Select Yes if you want to provide your own credit note number for this credit note:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Invoice ID

Select the Invoice ID applicable for the credit note.

Update Credit Note

Updates details of an existing credit note.

Credit Note ID

Select the Credit Note ID you want to update.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID for whom the credit note is raised.


Select the date on which the credit note is raised.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the customer.

Line Items

Add the line items included in the credit note:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.

Credit Note Number

Enter the credit note number.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number generated for the payment.

Salesperson Name

Enter the salesperson name for the credit note.

Shipping Charge

Enter the shipping charges applied for the credit note.


Enter the amount adjustments made to the credit note.

Adjustment Description

Enter the details of the adjustments made to the credit note. For example, rounding off.


Enter any additional information about the credit note for the customer.


Specify the terms and conditions of the credit note.

Template ID

Enter the Template ID of the credit note template used.

Ignore Auto Number Generation

Select Yes if you want to provide your own credit note number for this credit note:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

List Credit Notes

List all the credit notes.


Select the option by which to search the invoice you want to list:

  • Credit Note Number

  • Date

  • Total Value

  • Reference Number

  • Customer Name

  • Item Name

  • Item Description


Enter the first few letters of the credit note to search.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose credit note details you want to list.

Item ID

Select the Item ID generated for the item for which refund is made.


Select the status of the credit note:

  • Open

  • Closed

  • Total

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the credit note you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Open

  • Status Draft

  • Status Closed

  • Status Void

Sort Column

Select the option by which to sort the credit note by column:

  • Customer Name

  • Credit Note Number

  • Balance

  • Total

  • Date

  • Created Time


Search the credit note you want to list by credit note number, customer name, or credit note reference number.


The maximum number of credit notes Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Credit Note

Gets details of an existing credit note.

Credit Note ID

Select the Credit Note ID whose details you want to retrieve.


Select the format in which you want to retrieve the details of the credit note:

  • JSON

  • PDF

  • HTML

Delete Credit Note

Deletes an existing credit note.

Credit Note ID Select the Credit Note ID you want to delete.

Email Credit Note

Emails a credit note.

Credit Note ID Select the Credit Note ID that you want to email.
To Enter the email address to whom the credit note has to send.
Subject Enter the subject of the email.
Body Enter the message of the email.
CC Enter the email address to be included in the CC.
Customer ID Select the Customer ID for whom the credit note is raised.

Refund Credit Note

Refunds credit note amount.

Credit Note ID

Select the Credit Note ID that you want to refund.


Select the date on which the credit note is raised.


Enter the amount to be refunded.

Refund Mode

Select the method of refund:

  • Check

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Transfer

  • Bank Remittance

  • Others

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the customer.


Enter the details of the refund that you want to notify the customer.


Watch Expenses

Triggers when an expense is created or updated.


Select which kind of expenses you want to watch for:

  • Created Date

  • Updated Date

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the expenses:

  • Date

  • Account Name

  • Total

  • BYC Total

  • Reference Number

  • Customer Name

  • Created Time

Filter By

Select the option to filter the expenses you want to watch:

  • Status All

  • Status Billable

  • Status Nonbillable

  • Status Reimbursed

  • Status Invoiced

  • Status Unbilled


The maximum number of expenses Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Expense

Creates billable or non-billable expense.


Enter the amount of the expense.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number of the expense.

Account ID

Select an Account ID for the expense.


Select the date of the expense.

Tax ID

Select the Tax ID applicable for the expense.

Tax Inclusive

Select Yes if the expense amount is including tax:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Line Items

Add the line items of the expense:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Select Yes if the expense amount is billable.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Enter the details of the expense.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID of the expense.

Project ID

Select the Project ID of the associated customer.

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID of the customer.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the expense.

Mileage Type

Select the mileage expense type if the expense is for travel.

Start Reading

Enter the start reading of the odometer for creating the mileage expense.

End Reading

Enter the end reading of the odometer for creating the mileage expense.


Enter the distance travelled.

Mileage Rate

Enter the mileage rate applicable for the expense.

Mileage Unit

Select the unit of the distance travelled. For example, km, and mile.

Employee ID

Select the Employee ID of the employee submitting the expense.

Update Expense

Update an existing expense.

Expense ID

Select the Expense ID you want to update.


Enter the amount of the expense.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number of the expense.

Account ID

Select an Account ID for the expense.


Select the date of the expense.

Tax ID

Select the Tax ID applicable for the expense.

Tax Inclusive

Select Yes if the expense amount is including tax:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Line Items

Add the line items of the expense:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Select Yes if the expense amount is billable.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Enter the details of the expense.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID of the expense.

Project ID

Select the Project ID of the associated customer.

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID of the customer.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the expense.

Mileage Type

Select the mileage expense type if the expense is for travel.


Enter the distance travelled.

Mileage Rate

Enter the mileage rate applicable for the expense.

Mileage Unit

Select the unit of the distance travelled. For example, km, and mile.

Start Reading

Enter the start reading of the odometer for creating the mileage expense.

End Reading

Enter the end reading of the odometer for creating the mileage expense.

Employee ID

Select the Employee ID of the employee submitting the expense.

List Expenses

List all the expenses with pagination.


Select the option by which to search the expenses you want to list:

  • Description

  • Reference Number

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Status

  • Account Name

  • Customer Name


Enter the first few letters of any information about the expense to search.

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the expenses:

  • Date

  • Account Name

  • Total

  • BCY Total

  • Reference Number

  • Customer Name

  • Created Time

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the expenses you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Billable

  • Status Nonbillable

  • Status Reimbursed

  • Status Invoiced

  • Status Unbilled

Search Text

Search the credit note you want to list by expense number, customer name, or credit note reference number.


The maximum number of expenses Ibexa Connect should return during one scenarioexecution cycle.

Get Expense

Gets the detail of the expense.

Expense ID Select the Expense ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Expense

Deletes an existing expense.

Expense ID Select the Expense ID you want to delete.

List Expense Categories

List expense categories along with pagination.

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the expense categories you want to list:

  • Expense Category All

  • Expense category Active

  • Expense Category Inactive


The maximum number of expense categories Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Expense Category

Creates a new expense category.

Category Name Enter the new expense category name.
Description Enter the details of the expenses.

Recurring Expense

Create Recurring Expense

Creates a new recurring expense.

Recurrence Name

Enter the recurrence expense name.

Account ID

Select the Account ID of the recurring expense.

Start Date

Select the start date of the recurrence expense.

End Date

Select the expiry date of the recurrence expense.

Recurrence Frequency

Enter the interval at which the recurring expense is generated:

  • Week

  • Weeks

  • Month

  • Months

  • Year

  • Years

Line Items

Add the line items of the recurring expense:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Enter the details of the recurring expense.


Enter the amount of the recurring expense.

Tax ID

Select the Tax ID applicable for the recurring expense.

Tax Inclusive

Select Yes if the expense amount is including tax:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Select Yes if the expense amount is billable:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID of the expense.

Project ID

Select the Project ID of the associated customer.

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID of the customer.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the expense.

Update Recurring Expense

Updates an existing recurring expense.

Recurring Expense ID

Select the Recurring Expense ID you want to update.

Recurrence Name

Enter the recurrence expense name.

Account ID

Select the Account ID of the recurring expense.

Start Date

Select the start date of the recurrence expense.

End Date

Select the expiry date of the recurrence expense.

Recurrence Frequency

Enter the interval at which the recurring expense is generated:

  • Week

  • Weeks

  • Month

  • Months

  • Year

  • Years

Line Items

Add the line items of the recurring expense:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID of the item you want to add.

  • Edit Name If Required Enter the new name of the item if required.

  • Edit Description If Required Enter the new details for the item.

  • Item Order Enter the order details of the line item.

  • Rate Enter the price of the item.

  • Quantity Enter the number of items.

  • Edit Unit If Required Enter the new measuring unit of the item. For example, gms, ml, etc.,

  • Tax ID Select the Tax ID of the item.


Enter the details of the recurring expense.


Enter the amount of the recurring expense.

Tax ID

Select the Tax ID applicable for the recurring expense.

Tax Inclusive

Select Yes if the expense amount is including tax:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Select Yes if the expense amount is billable:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID of the expense.

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID of the customer.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the expense.

List Recurring Expenses

Lists all the expenses with pagination.


Select the option by which to search the recurring expenses you want to list:

  • Recurrence Name

  • Last Created Date

  • Net Expense Date

  • Account Name

  • Amount

  • Customer Name


Enter the first few letters of any information about the expense to search.


Select the status of the recurring expense you want to list:

  • Active

  • Stopped

  • Expired

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the recurrence expenses:

  • Net Expense Date

  • Account Name

  • Total

  • Last Created Date

  • Recurrence Name

  • Customer Name

  • Created Time

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the recurring expenses you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Expired

  • Status Stopped

Search Text

Search the recurring expense by account name, description, customer name or vendor name.


The maximum number of recurring expenses Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Recurring Expense

Gets the details of the recurring expense.

Recurring Expense ID Select the Recurring Expense ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Recurring Expense

Deletes an existing recurring expense.

Recurring Expense ID Select the Recurring Expense ID you want to delete.


Watch Projects

Triggers when a project is created.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose projects you want to watch for.

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the projects you want to watch:

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Inactive

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the projects:

  • Project Name

  • Customer Name

  • Rate

  • Created Time


The maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Project

Creates a new project.

Project Name

Enter the new project name.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID of the customer whose project you are creating.


Enter the details of the project.

Billing Type

Select the billing method of the project:

  • Fixed Cost for Project

  • Based on Project Hours

  • Based on Staff Hours

  • Based on Task Hours

Budget Type

Select the budget type of the project:

  • Total Project Cost

  • Total Project Hours

  • Hours Per Task

  • Hours Per Staff


Add the task items of the project:

  • Task Name Enter the task name.

  • Description Enter the details of the task.


Add the users to the project:

  • User ID Select the User ID to be added to the project.

Update Project

Updates details of a project.

Project ID

Select the Project ID you want to update.

Project Name

Enter the new project name.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID of the customer whose project you are creating.


Enter the details of the project.

Billing Type

Select the billing method of the project:

  • Fixed Cost for Project

  • Based on Project Hours

  • Based on Staff Hours

  • Based on Task Hours

Budget Type

Select the budget type of the project:

  • Total Project Cost

  • Total Project Hours

  • Hours Per Task

  • Hours Per Staff


Add the task items of the project:

  • Task Name Enter the task name.

  • Description Enter the details of the task.


Add the users to the project:

  • User ID Select the User ID to be added to the project.

List Projects

List all projects with pagination.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose details you want to list.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose project details you want to list.

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the projects you want to list:

  • Status All

  • Status Active

  • Status Inactive

Sort Column

Select the option by which column to sort the projects:

  • Project Name

  • Customer Name

  • Rate

  • Created Time

Get Project

Gets the details of a project.

Project ID Select the Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Project

Deletes an existing project.

Project ID Select the Project ID you want to delete.

Mark Project Active/Inactive

Marks project active or inactive.

Project ID

Select the Project ID you want to make changes to.

Select Active or Inactive

Select the action to apply to the projects:

  • Active

  • Inactive

Customer Payment

Create Payment

Creates a new payment.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose payment you want to create.


Add the invoices associated with the payment:

  • Invoice ID Select the Invoice ID to add to the payment.

  • Payment Amount of the invoice.

Payment Mode

Select the method of payment:

  • Check

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Transfer

  • Bank Remittance

  • Auto Transaction

  • Others


Enter the amount of the payment.

Date on Payment Mode

Select the date on which the payment is made.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number generated for the payment.


Enter the details of the payment.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the customer invoices and payment.

Bank Charges

Enter the bank charges if any are applicable for this payment.

Update Payment

Updates an existing payment information.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID whose payment you want to update.

Payment ID

Select the Payment ID you want to update.


Add the invoices associated with the payment:

  • Invoice ID Select the Invoice ID to add to the payment.

  • Payment Amount of the invoice.

Payment Mode

Select the method of payment:

  • Check

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Transfer

  • Bank Remittance

  • Auto Transaction

  • Others


Enter the amount of the payment.

Date on Payment Made

Select the date on which payment is made.

Reference Number

Enter the reference number generated for the payment.


Enter the details of the payment.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the customer.

Bank Charges

Enter the bank charges if any applicable for this payment.

List Payments

List all the payments made by your customer.


Select the option to search the payment you want to list:

  • Customer Name

  • Reference Number

  • Amount

  • Notes

  • Payment Mode


Enter the first few letters of any information about the expense to search.


Select the date on the payment you want to list.

Filter By

Select the option by which to filter the payment based on their status:

  • PaymentMode All

  • PaymentMode Check

  • PaymentMode Cash

  • PaymentMode Bank Transfer

  • PaymentMode Paypal

  • PaymentMode CreditCard

  • PaymentMode GoogleCheckout

  • PaymentMode Credit

  • PaymentMode Authorizenet

  • PaymentMode Bankremittance

  • PaymentMode PayflowPro

  • PaymentMode Stripe

  • PaymentMode 2checkout

  • PaymentModeBraintree

  • Others

Search Text

Search the payments you want to list by reference number, customer name, or payment description.


The maximum number of payments Ibexa Connectshould return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Payment

Gets the details of an existing payment.

Payment ID Select the Payment ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Payment

Deletes an existing payment.

Payment ID Select the payment ID of the payment to delete.

List Payment Refunds

List all the refunds pertaining to an existing customer payment.

Payment ID Select the Payment ID whose refunds you want to list.
Limit The maximum number of payment refunds Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Refund Payment

Refund the excess amount paid by the customer.

Payment ID

Select the Payment ID of the payment you want to refund.


Select the date of the payment.


Enter the amount to be refund.

Refund Mode

Select the method of refund:

  • Check

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Bank Transfer

  • Bank Remittance

  • Auto Transaction

  • Others

Reference Number

Enter the reference number generated for the payment.

Exchange Rate

Enter the foreign currency exchange rate applicable for the customer.


Enter the details of refund.

Price List

Create Price List

Creates a new price list.


Enter the name of the price list.

Pricebook Type

Select the pricebook type for the price list:

  • Fixed Percentage

  • Per Item


Select to increase the item prices by percentage.

Rounding Type

Select the option to round off the payment:

  • No Rounding

  • Round to Dollar Minus

  • Round to Half Dollar

  • Round to Half Dollar minus

  • Round to Dollar

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID applicable for this price list.

Pricebook Items

Add the pricebook items:

  • Item ID Select the Item ID for which you want to create the price list.

  • Pricebook Rate Enter the price of the item for your price list.

Update Price List

Updates an existing price list.

Pricebook ID

Select the Pricebook ID whose price list you want to update.


Enter a new name of the price list.

Currency ID

Select the Currency ID applicable for this price list.

Pricebook Type

Select the pricebook type for the price list:

  • Fixed Percentage

  • Per Item


Select Yes if you want to increase the price for the items in the price list:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined

Rounding Type

Select the option to round off the payment:

  • No Rounding

  • Round to Dollar Minus

  • Round to Half Dollar

  • Round to Half Dollar minus

  • Round to Dollar

List Price Lists

Gets the list of all the price lists with pagination.

Limit The maximum number of price lists Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Price List

Fetches the details of an existing price list.

Pricebook ID Select the Pricebook ID of the price list item you want to retrieve.

Delete Price List

Deletes a price list.

Pricebook ID Select the Pricebook ID of the price list you want to delete.

Time Entry

Log Time Entries

Logs time entries.

Project ID

Select the project ID whose task time entries you want to log.

Task ID

Select the Task ID for which you want to log the time entry.

Log Date

Select the date on which the user spent working on the task.

Select Log Time or Begin & End Time

Select the action for the time entry to update:

  • Log Time

Logs the time the user spent on the task.

  • Begin & End Time

Time the user started working on the task and the time user has stopped working on the task.


Select Yes if the time entry is billable:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Enter the details of the work done.

Update Time Entry

Updates logged time entry.

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose time entries you want to update.

Time Entry ID

Select the Time Entry ID you want to update.

Task ID

Select the Task ID of the task whose time entry you want to update.

User ID

Select the User ID assigned to the task whose time entry you want to update.

Select Log Time or Begin & End Time

Select the action for the time entry to update:

  • Log Time

    Logs the time the user spent on the task.

  • Begin & End Time

    Time the user started working on the task and the time user has stopped working on the task.

Log Date

Logs the date the user spent working on the task.


Select Yes if the time entry is billable:

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not defined


Enter the details of the work done on the task.

List Time Entries

List all time entries with pagination.

Filter By

Select the kind of time entries you want to list:

  • Date All

  • Date Today

  • Date ThisWeek

  • Date ThisMonth

  • Date ThisQuarter

  • Date ThisYear

  • Date PreviousDay

  • Date PreviousWeek

  • Date PreviousMonth

  • Date PreviousQuarter

  • Date PreviousYear

  • Date CustomiDate

  • Status Unbilled

  • Status Invoiced

Project ID

Select the Project ID whose assigned user entries you want to list.

User ID

Select the User ID whose time entries you want to list.

Sort Column

Select the option to sort the time entries by columns:

  • Project Name

  • Task Name

  • User Name

  • Log Date

  • Time Started at

  • Customer Name


The maximum number of time entries Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Time Entry

Gets details of a time entry.

Time Entry ID Select the Time Entry ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Delete Time Entry.

Deletes a logged time entry.

Time Entry ID Select the Time Entry ID you want to delete.


Update Task

Updates the details of an existing task.

Project ID Select the Project ID whose task you want to update.
Task ID Select the Task ID you want to update.
Task Name Select a new task name.
Description Enter the details of the task.
Rate Enter the new rate of the task.
Budget Hours Select the new budget hours allocated for the task.

Delete Task

Deletes a task added to a project.

Project ID Select the Project ID whose task you want to delete.
Task ID Select the Task ID to you want to delete.

Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Enter a path relative to E.g. contacts.

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Zoho Invoice API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example - List Contacts

Following API call returns all contacts:


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > contacts.

In our example, 5 contacts were returned:
