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With the Spotify modules in Ibexa Connect you can:

  • Watch playlist and saved tracks

  • Create, save, and remove a track

  • Retrieve playlists tracks, and category playlists

To get started with Spotify, create an account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect the Spotify with Ibexa Connect

To connect your Spotify account with Ibexa Connect:

  1. Log in to your Ibexa Connect account.

  2. Add a module from the Spotify app into a Ibexa Connect scenario.

  3. Click Add next to the Connection field.

  4. In the Connection field, enter a name for the connection. and click Save.

  5. Log in to your Spotify account and confirm the access by clicking OKAY.


You have successfully connected Spotify app with Ibexa Connect and can now build scenarios.


You can watch the playlist and saved tracks using the following modules.

Watch playlist tracks

Triggers when a new track is added to a playlist.

Maximum number of returned tracks Set the maximum number of tracks Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Watch saved tracks

Triggers when a new track is saved.

Maximum number of returned tracks Set the maximum number of tracks Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


You can create a new playlist, list specific artist's top tracks, remove tracks, and retrieve playlists.

Artist's Top Tracks

Displays artist's Top 10 Tracks.

Artist ID Enter (map) an Artist ID whose top 10 tracks you want to list. Alternatively, you can search for an artist.

Create a new playlist

Creates a new playlist.

Name Enter (map) a name for the playlist you want to create.

Get a list of category's playlist in Genres & Moods

Retrieves playlist in each specific category in Genres & Moods.

Category Select or map the category whose playlists list you want to retrieve.

Get a playlist's list of tracks

Retrieves a list of all tracks in a specific playlist.

ID of the playlist owner Enter (map) the Owner ID of the playlist whose tracks you want to retrieve.
Playlist ID Enter (map) the Playlist ID whose tracks you want to retrieve.

Remove a track

Deletes the track with the given ID.

ID Enter (map) a Track ID you want to delete.

Remove a track from a playlist

Deletes the track with the given ID.

Playlist Select or map the playlist whose track you want to remove.
ID Enter (map) the Track ID you want to remove.

Save a track

Saves a track identified by its unique Spotify ID.

ID Enter (map) the Track ID track you want to save.

Save track to a playlist

Saves a track identified by its unique Spotify ID.

Playlist Select or map the playlist to which you want to add a track.
ID Enter (map) the Track ID you want to save to the playlist.
Position Enter (map) the position of the track. For example, to keep at the first position, enter 1.

For more information, refer to the Spotify API documentation. "). |