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The Sling modules allow you to create, update, list, and/or delete comments, conversations, day parts, groups, messages, notifications, sales, shift notes, and tasks in your Sling account.


Connecting Sling to Ibexa Connect

1. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the Intercom module's Create a connection dialog.


2. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

3. In the Email and Password fields, enter your Sling's account credentials and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


List Task Comments

Lists all comments for the selected task.

Task ID Select or map the Task ID whose details you want to update.
Limit Set the maximum number of comments Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Create a Task Comment

Creates a new comment for the selected task.

Task ID Select or map the Task ID for which you want to create a comment.
Content Enter (map) the comment text.

Update a Task Comment

Updates the selected comment.

Task ID Select or map the Task ID whose comment you want to update.
Comment ID Select or map the Comment ID you want to update.
Content Enter (map) the new comment text.

Delete a Task Comment

Deletes the selected comment for the selected task.

Task ID Select or map the Task ID whose comment you want to delete.
Comment ID Select or map the Comment ID you want to delete.


List Conversations

Lists all conversations.

Limit Set the maximum number of conversations Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Create a Conversation

Creates a new conversation.


Select or map the members to create the conversation. You must provide either a list of members or personas.


Select or map the members to create the conversation. You must provide either a list of members or personas.


Enter (map) the conversation message.


Select whether you want to force the conversation on the participants.


Enter (map) a name for the conversation.


Select whether the conversation is private.


Select or map the option for the conversation:

  • None

  • Privileged Only

  • Selected Only

Restricted to Personas

Select or map the contacts whom you want to restrict from the conversation.


Add the attachments to the conversations:


Enter (map) the attachment MIME type. For more information, see MIME Types.


Enter (map) the attachment URL address.


Enter (map) the attachment name.

S3 Key

Enter (map) the attachment key in the Amazon S3 bucket.


Enter (map) the thumbnail representation of the file.


Enter (map) the details of the image.


Enter the attachment transcoding session details.

Day Parts

List Day Parts

Lists all dayparts.

Limit Set the maximum number of dayparts Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Create a Day Part

Creates a new daypart.

Name Enter (map) a name for the daypart.
Time Start Enter (map) the date and time when the daypart starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Time End Enter (map) the date and time when the daypart ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Update a Day Part

Updates the selected daypart.

Day Part ID Select or map the Day Part ID whose details you want to update.
Name Enter (map) a name for the daypart.
Time Start Enter (map) the date and time when the daypart starts. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Time End Enter (map) the date and time when the daypart ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Delete a Day Part

Deletes the selected daypart.

Day Part ID Select or map the Day Part ID you want to delete.


Search Groups

Searches for groups.

Group IDs

Select or map the Group IDs you want to list.


Select or map the group type you want to list:

  • Everyone

  • Location

  • Group


Set the maximum number of groups Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Group

Returns information about the selected group.

Group IDs Select or map the Group ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Group

Creates a new group.

Name Enter (map) a name for the group
Hidden on Schedule Select whether you want to display the group in the schedule.
Members Select or map the members to add to the group.

Update a Group

Updates the selected group.

Group ID Select or map the Group ID whose details you want to update.
Name Enter (map) a name for the group
Hidden on Schedule Select whether you want to display the group in the schedule.
Members Select or map the members to add to the group.

Delete a Group

Deletes the selected group.

Group IDs Select or map the Group IDs you want to delete.

Add a User to a Group

Adds a user to the selected group.

Group ID Select or map the Group ID to which you want to add a user.
User ID Select or map the User ID whom you want to add to the group.

Remove a User From a Group

Removes the user from the selected group.

Group ID Select or map the Group ID from which you want to remove a user.
User ID Select or map the User ID whom you want to remove from the group.


List Messages

Lists all messages for the selected conversation.

Conversation ID Select or map the Conversation ID whose messages you want to list.
Since Enter (map) the date and time to list the messages that were created on or after the specified time. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Before Enter (map) the date and time to list the messages that were created on or before the specified time. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Include Select whether you want to include the messages with the ID provided for before and since.
Limit Set the maximum number of messages Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Create a Message

Creates a new message.

Conversation ID

Select or map the Conversation ID to which you want to add the message.


Enter (map) the message text.


Add the attachments:


Select or map the MIME-type for the attachment.


Enter (map) the URL address of the attachment.


Enter (map) the attachment name.

S3 Key

Enter (map) the attachment key in the Amazon S3 bucket.


Enter (map) the thumbnail representation of the file.


Enter (map) the details of the image.


Enter the attachment transcoding session details.

Update a message

Updates the selected message.

Conversation ID

Select or map the Conversation ID whose message details you want to update.

Message ID

Select or map the Message ID you want to update.

Parent Message ID

Select or map the Parent Message ID for this message.


Enter (map) the message text.


Add the attachments:


Select or map the MIME-type for the attachment.


Enter (map) the URL address of the attachment.


Enter (map) the attachment name.

S3 Key

Enter (map) the attachment key in the Amazon S3 bucket.


Enter (map) the thumbnail representation of the file.


Enter (map) the details of the image.


Enter the attachment transcoding session details.

Delete a Message

Deletes the selected message.

Conversation ID Select or map the Conversation ID to which you want to add the message.
Message ID Enter (map) the Message ID you want to delete.


List Notifications

Lists all notifications.

Since Enter (map) the date and time to list the notifications that were created on or after the specified time. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Before Enter (map) the date and time to list the notifications that were created on or before the specified time. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Archived Select whether you want to list the archived notifications.
Read Select whether you want to list the notifications that were read.
Limit Set the maximum number of notifications Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.


Get a Sale

Returns information about the sale.

Sale ID Enter (map) the Sale ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Sale

Creates a new sale.


Select or map the option to choose the date on which the sale happened:

  • Projected Date

  • Projected Day

  • Actual Date


Enter (map) the projected sale date or actual sale date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) the project weekday of the sale.


Enter (map) the amount received or will be generated from the sale.

Location ID

Select or map the Location ID of the sale.

Update a Sale

Updates the sale.

Sale ID

Enter (map) the Sale ID whose details you want to update.


Select or map the option to choose the date on which the sale happened:

  • Projected Date

  • Projected Day

  • Actual Date


Enter (map) the projected sale date or actual sale date. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Enter (map) the project weekday of the sale. For example, 1.


Enter (map) the amount received or will be generated from the sale.

Location ID

Select or map the Location ID of the sale.

Delete a Sale

Deletes the sale.

Sale ID Enter (map) the Sale ID you want to delete.

Shift Notes

List Shift Notes

Lists all shift notes.

Start Date Enter (map) the date to list the shift notes added on or after the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
End Date Enter (map) the date to list the shift notes added on or before the specified date. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Location ID Select or map the Location ID whose shift notes you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of shift notes Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Shift Note

Returns information about the selected shift note.

Shift Note ID Select or map the Shift Note ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Shift Note

Creates a new shift note.

Content Enter (map) the note text.
Date Enter (map) the date on which you are creating the note. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Public Select whether you want the note to be publicly visible.
Location ID Select or map the Location ID of the note.

Update a Shift Note

Updates the selected shift note.

Shift Note ID Select or map the Shift Note ID whose details you want to update.
Content Enter (map) the note text.
Date Enter (map) the date on which you are creating the note. See the list of supported date and time formats.
Public Select whether you want the note to be publicly visible.
Location ID Select or map the Location ID of the note.

Delete a Shift Note

Deletes the selected shift note.

Shift Note ID Select or map the Shift Note ID you want to delete.


Search Tasks

Searches for tasks.


Select or map the filter to list the tasks that match the specified filter:

  • Assigned

  • Created

  • Updated


Select or map the option to list the tasks that were created from the specified option.


Select or map the option to list the tasks that were created until the specified option.


Set the maximum number of tasks Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Task

Returns information about the selected task.

Task ID Select or map the Task ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Task

Creates a new task.


Enter (map) a name for the task.


Enter (map) the task details.


Add the personas to whom the task is assigned.

Due Date

Enter (map) a date by which the task should be completed. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Select whether the task is completed.


Select whether you want to expand the task details in the output.

Has Time

Select whether the task has time mentioned along with the due date.


Add the attachments to the task:


Select or map the MIME-type for the attachment.


Enter (map) the URL address of the attachment.


Enter (map) the attachment name.

S3 Key

Enter (map) the attachment key in the Amazon S3 bucket.


Enter (map) the thumbnail representation of the file.


Enter (map) the details of the image.


Enter the attachment transcoding session details.

Update a Task

Updates the selected task.


Enter (map) a name for the task.


Enter (map) the task details.


Add the personas to whom the task is assigned.

Due Date

Enter (map) a date by which the task should be completed. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Select whether the task is completed.


Select whether you want to expand the task details in the output.

Has Time

Select whether the task has time mentioned along with the due date.


Add the attachments to the task:


Select or map the MIME-type for the attachment.


Enter (map) the URL address of the attachment.


Enter (map) the attachment name.

S3 Key

Enter (map) the attachment key in the Amazon S3 bucket.


Enter (map) the thumbnail representation of the file.


Enter (map) the details of the image.


Enter the attachment transcoding session details.

Delete a Task

Deletes the selected task.

Task ID Select or map the Task ID you want to delete.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Enter a path relative to For example: /v1/account/session

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Sling API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - Get Personas

The following API call returns all the personas from your Sling account:




Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body. In our example, 7 personas were returned:
