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With the Sentry modules, you can do the following in your Sentry account.

  • Watch events

  • Update, retrieve, list organizations, list organizations' repositories, and list users in the organizations.

  • Create, update, retrieve, list, and delete the teams.

  • Retrieve and list a project's events in events.

  • Retrieve, update, list an issue's events, list a project's issues, and delete an issue in issues.

  • Update, retrieve, list, delete, list a project's users, and list a tag's values in projects.

To get started with the Sentry, create an account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Sentry with Ibexa Connect

To connect the Sentry app with the Ibexa Connect:

  1. Log in to your Sentry account.

  2. Click Profile > API Keys.


  3. Copy the AUTH TOKEN and store it in a safe place.


  4. Log in to your Ibexa Connect and add a module from the Sentry into a Ibexa Connect scenario.

  5. Click Add next to the Connection field.


  6. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  7. In the Auth Token fields, enter the details copied in step 3 and click Save.

You have successfully connected the Sentry app with Ibexa Connect and can now build scenarios


You can watch the events using the following modules.

Watch Events

Watches events.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

For setting up event webhooks, see the section, Setting Up Sentry Webhooks.


You can update, retrieve, and list the organization and organization users using the following modules.

Update an Organization

Updates various attributes and configurable settings for the given organization.

Organization Slug Select or map the slug of the organization whose details you want to update.
Name Enter (map) a new name for the organization.
Slug Enter (map) a unique, available, and new slug for the organization.

Get an Organizations

Returns details on an individual organization including various details such as membership access, features, and teams.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose organization details you want to retrieve.

List Organizations

Returns a list of organizations available to the authenticated session.

Owner Select whether list organizations in which you are an organization owner.
Limit Set the maximum number of organizations Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

List an Organization's Repositories

Returns a list of version control repositories for a given organization.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose repositories you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of organizations Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

List an Organization's Users

Returns a list of users that belong to a given organization.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug to list the users of the specified organization.
Project ID Select or map a Project ID of the organization whose users you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of organizations Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


You can create, update, retrieve, list, and delete the team and team projects using the following modules.

Create a Team

Creates a new team bound to an organization.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug of the team you want to create.
Name Enter (map) the team name.
Slug Enter (map) the optional slug for this team. If not provided, it will be auto-generated from the name.

Create a Project

Creates a new project bound to a team.

Organization Slug Select or map the organization slug of the team for which you want to create the project.
Team Slug Select or map the slug of the team for which you want to create a new project.
Name Enter (map) the project name.
Slug Enter (map) an optional slug for the new project. If not provided a slug is generated from the name.

Update a Team

Updates various attributes and configurable settings for the given team.

Organization Slug Select or map the organization slug of the organization the team belongs to.
Team Slug Select or map the slug of the team to get.
Name Enter (map) a new name for the team.
Slug Enter (map) a unique and available slug for the team.

Get a Team

Returns details on an individual team.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug of the team whose details you want to retrieve.
Team Slug Select or map the slug of the team whose details you want to retrieve.

List an Organization's Teams

Returns a list of teams bound to an organization.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug of the organization whose teams you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of organization's teams Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

List a Team's Projects

Returns a list of projects bound to a team.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug of the team whose projects you want to list.
Team Slug Select or map a team slug of the team whose projects you want to list.
Limit Set the maximum number of team projects Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Delete a Team

Schedules a team for deletion.


Deletion happens asynchronously and therefore is not immediate. However, once deletion has begun the state of a project changes and will be hidden from most public views.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug of the team you want to delete.
Team Slug Select or map a team slug you want to delete.


You can retrieve, and list the project's events using the following modules.

Get an Event

Returns details on an individual event.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose event you want to retrieve.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug whose event you want to retrieve.
Event ID Select or map an Event ID of an event to retrieve.

List a Project's Events

Returns a list of events bound to a project.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose events you want to list.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug whose events you want to list.
Full Select whether to include the full event body of the event payload including the stack trace.
Limit Set the maximum number of events Ibexa Connect should return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.


Get an Issue

Returns details on an individual issue. This returns the basic stats for the issue (title, last seen, first seen), some overall numbers (number of comments, user reports) as well as the summarized event data.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose issues you want to retrieve.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug whose issues you want to retrieve.
Issue ID Select or map an Issue ID of an issue to retrieve.

Update an Issue

Updates an individual issue's attributes.

Organization Slug

Select or map an organization slug whose issue details you want to update.

Project Slug

Select or map a project slug of a project whose issue you want to update.

Issue ID

Select or map an Issue ID whose details you want to update.


Select the status of the issue:

  • Resolved

  • Resolved In Next Release

  • Unresolved

  • Ignored

Assigned To

Enter (map) the ID (or username) of the user or team that should be assigned to this issue.

Format should be type:id where type is team or user.

Has Seen

Select whether to include the events seen by the user.

Is Bookmarked

Select whether to change the bookmark flag.

Is Public

Select whether to set the issue as public or private.

List an Issue's Events

Returns an issue's events.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose issues events you want to list.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug whose issue's events you want to list.
Issue ID Select or map an Issue ID whose events you want to list.
Full Select whether the event payload should include the entire event body, including the stack trace.
Limit Set the maximum number of events Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

List a Project's Issues

Returns a list of issues (groups) bound to a project.

Organization Slug

Select or map an organization slug whose project's issues you want to list.

Project Slug

Select or map a project slug of a project whose project issue's you want to list.

Stats Period

Select the timeline stats:

  • 24 hours

  • 14 Days

Short ID Lookup

Select whether this function looks up the Short IDs.

This can cause the function's return value to return an event issue of a different project, which is why this is opt-in.


Enter (map) an optional Sentry structured search query. If not provided an implied is:unresolved is assumed.


Set the maximum number of events Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Delete an Issue

Removes an individual issue.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose issues you want to delete.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug whose project issue's you want to list.
Issue ID Select or map an Issue ID you want to delete.


You can update, retrieve, list, retrieve, and delete the projects, and project tag values using the following modules.

Update a Project

Updates various attributes and configurable settings for the given project. Only supplied values are updated.

Organization Slug

Select or map an organization slug whose project details you want to update.

Project Slug

Select or map a project slug to update.


Enter (map) the new name for the project.


Enter (map) the new slug for the project.

Team Slug

Enter (map) the slug of new team for the project.

Note, will be deprecated soon when multiple teams can have access to a project.


Enter (map) the new platform for the project.

Is Bookmarked

Select whether to invoke an API call with a user context this allows changing of the bookmark flag.

Get a Project

Returns details on an individual project.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose project you want to retrieve.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug of a project to retrieve.

List a Project's Users

Returns a list of users seen within the specified project.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose project's users you want to list.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug to list the users.
Query Enter (map) a query to limit results to users matching the given query. Prefixes should be used to suggest the field to match on the id, email, username, ip . For example, query=email:[email protected]
Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

List Projects

Returns a list of projects available to the authenticated.

Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

List a Tag's Values

Returns a list of values associated with this key. The query parameter can be used to perform a "contain" match on values.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose project's tag values you want to list.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug whose tag values you want to list.
Tag Enter (map) a tag key to search.
Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Delete a Project

Schedules a project for deletion. Deletion happens asynchronously and therefore is not immediate. However, once deletion has begun the state of a project changes and will be hidden from most public views.

Organization Slug Select or map an organization slug whose project values you want to delete.
Project Slug Select or map a project slug you want to delete.


You can call the APIs using the following module.

Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


Enter a path relative to . For example, /0/projects/.

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Sentry API Documentation.



to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List an Organization's Teams

The following API call returns the teams from an organization in your Sentry account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundles > Body.

In our example, 3 teams were returned:


Setting Up Sentry Webhooks

To set up Sentry webhooks:

  1. Open the Watch Events module, enter a name for the webhook, establish a connection, click Save, and copy the URL address to your clipboard.


  2. Log in to your Sentry account, and open the organization for which you want to add the webhooks.

  3. Click Developer Settings > Create New Integration.


  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the webhook, in the Webhook URL field, enter the URL address copied in step 1, select the permissions, and click Save Changes.


The webhook is successfully added and will receive alerts when the specified events occurs.