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The Planyo modules allow you to watch, create, list, retrieve, and delete the users, vacations, reservations, and payments in your Planyo account.

Getting Started with Planyo


  • A Planyo account

In order to use Planyo with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a Planyo account. If you do not have one, you can create a Planyo account at

Connecting Planyo to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Planyo account to Ibexa Connect you need to obtain the API Key from your Planyo account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Ibexa Connect module.

1. Go to the Planyo API website and log in to your account.

2. Enter the details for the API, select the permissions, accept the agreement, and click Generate Now.


3. Copy the API Key to your clipboard.


4. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the Planyo module's Create a connection dialog.


5. In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

6. In the API Key field, enter the API key details copied in step 3, select the preferred language, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


Add a User

Adds a new user (customer) associated with your Planyo site.

Email Enter the email address of the user.
First Name Enter the user's first name.
Last Name Enter the user's last name.
User Login Enter the user login details.
User Password Enter the user's password.
Country Enter the user's country name.
Address Enter the user's address details.
City Enter the user's city name.
Zip Enter the user's area zip code.
State Enter the user's state name.
Phone Enter the user's phone number without a country code.
Phone Country Code Enter the user's applicable country code.
Mobile Phone Enter the user's mobile phone number.
Mobile Phone Country Code Enter the user's applicable country code.
User Language Select the user's preferred language.
Custom Property Name Add the custom properties for the user. For example, company.
Custom Property Value Add the property value. For example, company name.
Admin User ID Enter the admin's user ID who added this new user.This should be used only in case it's a resource admin who should be able to access the new user's personal information.

List Users

Lists Users.

Created by Admin

Select whether the user you want to search was created by the admin.

Detail Level

Select the details to include in the results:

  • User Information

  • Custom User Properties

Filter Name

Enter the customer property name to list only the users with the specified name.

Filter Value

Enter the customer property value to list only the users with the specified name.

First Name

Enter the user's first name to list only the users with the specified first name.

Last Name

Enter the user's last name to list only the users with the specified last name.


Enter the email address of the user to list only the users with the specified email address.


Enter the user's country name you want to list.


Enter the user's address you want to list.


Enter the user's city name you want to list.


Enter the user's zip code you want to list.


Enter the user's phone number you want to list.

Phone Country Code

Enter the user's country code you want to list.

Mobile Phone

Enter the user's mobile phone number you want to list.

Mobile Phone Country Code

Enter the user's country code you want to list.


Select whether the user status is unconfirmed.

Modified Since

Enter the date to list the users modified on or after the specified date.


Set the maximum number of users Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Remove a User

Removes a user.

User ID Select the User ID you want to remove.

Get a User

Gets user data.

User ID Select the User ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Update a User

Modifies an existing user's data.

Search Criteria

Select the criteria to choose the user whose details you want to update:

  • Email

  • User ID

  • Login


Select the email address of the user.

User ID

Select the User ID whose details you want to update.

First Name

Enter the user's first name.

Last Name

Enter the user's last name.

New Email

Enter the user's new email address.

Email Verified

Select whether the email address is verified.


Enter the user's country name.


Enter the user's address details.


Enter the user's city name.


Enter the user's area zip code.


Enter the user's state name.


Enter the user's phone number without a country code.

Phone Country Code

Enter the user's applicable country code.

Mobile Phone

Enter the user's mobile phone number.

Mobile Phone Country Code

Enter the user's applicable country code.

User Language

Select the user's preferred language.

Custom Property Name

Add the custom properties for the user. For example, company.

Custom Property Value

Add the property value. For example, company name.

Is Preapproved

Select whether the user is preapproved.

Is Banned

Select whether the user is banned.

Watch Users Updated

Triggers when a user has been updated.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.


Add a Vacation

Adds a new one-time vacation for a given resource or the entire Planyo site.

Start Time

Enter the date and time when the vacation begins. See the list of supported date and time formats.

End Time

Enter the date and time when the vacation ends. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Resource ID

Select the Resource ID for whom you are adding this vacation. If left blank, the vacation will be added for the whole site.


Enter the number of resources to which the vacation will be marked.


Select the vacation type:

  • Imported from a Google Calendar

  • No Special Type


Enter the information about the vacation.

Google Calendar ID

Enter the vacation's Google Calendar ID.


Select whether you want to validate the vacation.

Unit Assignment

If vacations are assigned to a specific unit. Add the assignment units to which the vacations are assigned.

List Vacations

Lists all vacations within a specified time range.

Start Time

Enter the start time to list the vacations that start with the specified time.

End Time

Enter the end time to list the vacations that end with the specified time.


Select the vacation type you want to list. For example, All Vacations.


Set the maximum number of Planyo Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Resource ID

Select the Resource ID whose vacations you want to list.

Assigned Unit Time

Enter unassigned to list only the vacations with no unit assignment.

Include Site Vacations

Select whether you want to list the whole site vacations.

Vacation Recurrence Type

Select the vacation recurrence type you want to list:

  • One-time

  • Recurring

  • All

Expand Recurring

Select whether you want to list recurring vacation details.

Remove a Vacation

Removes a specified vacation.

Vacation ID Select the Vacation ID you want to remove.


Make a Reservation

Enters a new reservation into the system.

Start Time

Enter the start time to list the vacations that start with the specified time.

End Time

Enter the end time to list the vacations that end with the specified time.


Enter the number of reservations you want to make.

Is New User

Select if the reservation is for a new user.


Enter the user's email address.

First Name

Enter the user's first name.

Last Name

Enter the user's last name.


Enter the user's country name.


Enter the user's address details.


Enter the user's city name.


Enter the user's area zip code.


Enter the user's state name.


Enter the user's phone number.

Phone Country code

Enter the user's country code.

Mobile Phone

Enter the user's mobile phone number.

Mobile Phone Country Code

Enter the user's country code.

Admin Mode

Select whether the user is in admin mode. If yes, the reservation will be entered in the admin mode meaning that the required fields (as defined in the reservation form) will not be required, except for the first name and reservation dates/times. Also, other restrictions set in resource settings will not be checked and the email verification step (if used in the resource) will be skipped. The default value is false.

Send Notifications

Select whether you want to send notifications about the reservation.

Force Status

Select the reservation status. For example, completed.

Wants Share

Select the reservation sharing option:

  • Sharing not Allowed

  • Sharing Allowed

  • Sharing Forced

Rental Voucher

Enter the reservation voucher code.

Custom Price

Enter a custom price for the reservation. If not specified, Planyo will calculate the price for you using your pricing manager rules.

This custom price parameter cannot be used together with rental_prop_voucher.

User Notes

Enter the notes about the reservation.

Admin Notes

Enter the admin notes about the reservation.

Referer Code

Enter the referral code for the reservation. You can use it to track the original source of the booking. This value will be later visible in reservation details and available as the tag $(refcode).

Creation Date

Enter the date and time of the reservation.

Cart ID

This field is applicable only if your site works with the shopping carts. You can also enter an existing shopping cart ID. Otherwise, a new cart will be created.

Custom Property Name

Enter the reservation's custom property name.

Custom Property Value

Enter the reservation's custom property value.

Count Number of Assignment

Enter the number of assignment units applicable for the reservation.

Assignment Value

Enter the assignment value separated by a comma. For example, assignment2, assignment3, etc.

List Reservations

Lists all reservations that either start within a given time period or that were entered into the system within the given time period.

Start Time Enter the start time to list the reservations that start with the specified time.
End Time Enter the end time to list the reservations that end with the specified time.
Limit Set the maximum number of reservations Ibexa Connect should return during one scenario execution cycle.
Resource IDs Select the Resource IDs whose reservations you want to list.
Custom Property Name Enter the custom property name to list the reservations with the specified property name.
Custom Property Value Enter the custom property value to list the reservations with the specified property value.
List By Creation Date Select whether you want to list the reservations by their created date.
Sort Select the option to sort the reservations. For example, the user.
Sort Reverse Select whether you want to list the reservations in the reverse order. For example, descending order.
Detail Level Select the details to include the reservation results.
User ID Select the User ID whose reservations you want to list.
User Email Select the user's email address whose reservations you want to list.
Search by Status Select the status of the reservation you want to list.
Exclude Status Select the status of the reservation you want do want to include in the list.
Modified Since Enter the date to list the reservations that were modified on or after the specified date.

Delete a Reservation

Permanently removes a reservation.

Reservation ID Select the Reservation ID you want to delete.

Get a Reservation

Gets reservation details.

Reservation ID Select the Reservation ID whose details you want to retrieve.
Resource ID Select the Resource ID of the reservation.
Start Time Enter the start time of the reservation.
End Time Enter the end time of reservation.
Custom Property Name Enter the custom property name to list the reservations with the specified property name.
Custom Property Value Enter the custom property value to list the reservations with the specified property value.
Count Number of Assignment Enter the number of assignment units applicable for the reservation.
Assignment Value Enter the assignment value separated by a comma. For example, assignment2, assignment3, etc.
User ID Select the User ID to whom you want to assign the reservation.
Quantity Enter the number of reservations you want to make.
Admin Mode Select whether the user is in admin mode. If yes, the reservation will be entered in the admin mode meaning that the required fields (as defined in the reservation form) will not be required, except for the first name and reservation dates/times. Also, other restrictions set in resource settings will not be checked and the email verification step (if used in the resource) will be skipped. The default value is false.
Send Notifications Select whether you want to send notifications about the reservation.
Comments Enter any other additional information about the reservation.

Update a Reservation

Updates a reservation.

Reservation ID Select the Reservation ID whose details you want to update.

Watch New Reservations

Triggers when a new reservation has been added.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Reservations Confirmed

Triggers when a reservation has been confirmed.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Reservations Canceled by Admin

Triggers when a reservation has been canceled by admin.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Reservations Modified by Admin

Triggers when a reservation has been modified by admin.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Reservations Cancelled Automatically

Triggers when a reservation has been canceled automatically.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Payments Received

Triggers when a new payment has been canceled.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Reservations Updated by a Customer

Triggers when a reservation has been updated by a customer.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.

Watch Reservations Cancelled by a Customer

Triggers when a reservation has been canceled by a customer.

Webhook Name Enter a name for the webhook.

See the Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect to add the webhooks to your Planyo account.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Planyo API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Users

The following API call returns all the user from your Planyo account:

Method: GET

Query String:

Key: method

Value: list_users

Key: list_created_by_admin Value: true


Matches of the search can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > data > users. In our example, 2 users were returned:


Connecting to Planyo Webhooks Using Ibexa Connect

1. Open any watch module, establish a connection, click Save, and copy the URL address to your clipboard. Click OK and save the trigger.


2. Log in to your Planyo account. Click Site Settings > Show all... > Notification Settings > Notification Callbacks.


3. Add the webhook URL address copied in step 1 against the notification you want to receive and click Update.


You have successfully added the webhook.