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Monday v2

Getting Started with Monday

The Monday modules allow you to manage boards, column values, tags, users, items, and updates in your Monday account.


  • A Monday account

In order to use Monday with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a Monday account. If you do not have one, you can create a Monday account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting Monday to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Monday account to Ibexa Connect you need to obtain the API Key from your Monday account.

1. Log in to your Monday account.

2. Click on your account icon in the bottom-left corner.

3. Open the Admin settings.


4. Navigate to the API section.

5. Click on the Generate link to generate API v2 Personal Token.


6. Copy the generated API Token.

7. Go to Ibexa Connect, open the Create a connection dialog of your Monday module.

8. Enter the Personal API Key you have copied in step 5 to the API Key field and click the Continue button.

The connection is now established and you can proceed in setting up your Monday module.

Column Values

Get an Item's Column Value

Retrieves the value of a selected column within an item.

Board ID Select the board that contains the value you want to retrieve.
Item ID Select the item that contains the column value you want to retrieve.
Column ID Select the column that contains the value you want to retrieve.
Map labels If this function is enabled, the label name will be displayed in the module's output (instead of the index number).


Update Column Values of a Specific Item

Allows you to update multiple column values within an item.

Board ID Select the board that contains the item you want to update.
Item ID Select the item that contains the columns you want to update.
Array of column values to change Add and define changes to the columns' values.

Watch Item's Column Value

Triggers when a value in a column is changed.

Board ID Select the board that contains the item you want to watch for changes.
Item ID Select the item that contains columns whose values you want to watch for changes.
Column ID Select the column whose value you want to watch for changes.


List Boards

Returns a list of boards.

Limit Set the maximum number of boards Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.

Duplicate a Group

Creates a copy of a selected group.

Title Enter the title of the new group.
Board ID Select or map the board that contains the group you want to create a copy of.
Group ID Select or map the group you want to duplicate.
Add to the top If this option is enabled, the newly created group is added to the top of the board.

List Board's Groups

Returns a list of groups in a selected board.

Limit Set the maximum number of groups Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board you want to retrieve groups from.


Create or Get a Tag

Tag Name Enter the name of the new tag.
Board ID Select or map the board where you want to create a new tag.


List Teams

Retrieves all teams in your account.

Limit Set the maximum number of teams Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.

Watch Team's Users

Triggers when a user has joined a selected team.

Limit Set the maximum number of users Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Team ID Select or map the team you want to watch for new users.


Get an Item

Retrieves the details of an item.

ID Enter the Item ID. The ID can be retrieved, for example, using the List Board's Items or List Group's Items modules.

Search Items by their Column Values

Returns the column values of the columns you search for.

Limit Set the maximum number of column values Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board you want to search for column values.
Column ID Select the column you want to search for values.
Column Value Enter the column value you want to search the columns for.


Create an Item

Creates an item with specified column values and returns its ID.

Item name Enter the name of the item.
Board ID Select or map the board you want to add the item to.
Group ID Select the group you want to place the item to. If no group is selected, the item will be placed to the topmost group.
Array of column values to change Add desired column values.

Delete or Archive an Item

ID Enter or map the ID of the item you want to delete or archive.
Archive only Enable this option to archive the item (the item will not be deleted).

Move an Item to a Group

Moves the selected item to a selected group.

Item ID Enter (map) the ID of the item you want to move to another group.
Board ID Select or map the board you want to move the item to.
Group ID Select the target group that you want to move the item to.

List Board's Items

Returns a list of all items within a board.

Limit Set the maximum number of items Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board you want to retrieve items from.

List Group's Items

Returns a list of all items within a selected group.

Limit Set the maximum number of items Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board that contains a group with the items you want to retrieve.
Group ID Select or map the group you want to retrieve items from.

Watch Board's Items

Triggers when a new item is created in a selected board.

Limit Set the maximum number of items Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board you want to watch for new items.

Watch Group's Items

Triggers when a new item is created in a selected group.

Limit Set the maximum number of items Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board that contains the group you want to watch for new items.
Group ID Select or map the group you want to watch for new items.


Create an Update

Creates an update note for an item.

Item ID

Enter (map) the item you want to add the update note to.


Enter the text content of the update.

The HTML formatting is supported.

List Updates

Retrieves a list of all updates in your account.

Limit Set the maximum number of updates Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.

Watch Item's Update

Triggers when a new update is created for the selected item.

Limit Set the maximum number of updates Ibexa Connect will return during one cycle.
Board ID Select or map the board that contains the item you want to watch for new updates.
Item ID Select or map the item you want to watch for new updates.


Execute a GraphQL Query

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Select the method of the API call you want to use. Monday supports both methods:

  • GET
  • POST


Enter the desired GraphQL query. See Monday API documentation for examples and available queries.


                           mutation {
  change_column_value (
    board_id: 364921717,
    item_id: 364921724,
    column_id: "text",
    value: "\"ABCD\""
  ) { id }


When you copy the query from the API documentation examples, the module may throw the RuntimeError due to a Parse error:



WORKAROUND: Copy and paste the query to Notepad or a similar text editor that removes formatting and then copy and paste it to the Query field.


GraphQL has a first-class way to factor dynamic values out of the query, and pass them as a separate dictionary. These values are called variables. Please find more information about using variables in the Monday API documentation and in the GraphQL documentation.





                                       mutation MyUpdateText($newText:JSON!) {
  change_column_value (
    board_id: 364921717,
    item_id: 364921724,
    column_id: "text",
    value: $newText
  ) { id }


See the screenshot below. Please note the quotation marks around the value.

