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Google Groups

The Google Groups modules enable you to create, update, list, retrieve, or delete groups and members in your Google Groups.

Getting Started with Google Groups


  • An admin G Suite account

In order to use Google Groups with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a G Suite account and be an administrator of the G Suite domain.

Connecting Google Groups to Ibexa Connect

To connect your Google Groups account to Ibexa Connect follow the general instructions for Connecting to services.

After you click the Continue button, Ibexa Connect will redirect you to the Google Groups website where you will be prompted to grant Ibexa Connect access to your account.


Confirm the dialog by clicking the Allow button.


List Groups

Retrieves groups in your domain.

Your Domain Enter or select the G Suite domain you want to list groups from.
Query Enter the search query. For more information and examples please refer to the Search for groups documentation.
Member Email or ID Enter user's or group's primary email address, or user's ID. You can retrieve the ID, for example, using the Get a Member module.
Sort Order Select whether you want to sort results in descending or ascending order.
Limit Set the maximum number of groups Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Group

Retrieves group details.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Group

Creates a new group.

Your Domain Enter or select your G Suite domain you want to create a group for.
Group Name Enter the name of the group you want to create. E.g. Sales Group.
Group Email Prefix Enter the prefix of the group's email address. E.g. sales_group (for the*email address).*
Description Enter the description of the group. E.g. This is the Sales group.

Update a Group

Updates a group.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create a Group section above.

Delete a Group

Deletes a group.


When a group is deleted:

  • All members of the group are deleted. The member's user accounts are not deleted.

  • The group archive is deleted.

  • Messages sent to the deleted group's address are not delivered. Instead, the sender receives a bounce message.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group you want to delete.


List Members

Retrieves members of the selected group.

Group ID

Enter (map) or select the group you want to retrieve members for.


Select the role of the member you want to filter results by.

  • OWNER – This role can change send messages to the group, add or remove members, change member roles, change group's settings, and delete the group. An OWNER must be a member of the group.

  • MANAGER – This role is only available if the G Suite is enabled using the Admin console. A MANAGER role can do everything done by an OWNER role except make a member an OWNER or delete the group. A group can have multiple OWNER and MANAGER members.

  • MEMBER – This role can subscribe to a group, view discussion archives, and view the group's membership list. For more information about member roles, see the administration help center.

Include Derived Membership

Enable this option to list also indirect memberships.


Set the maximum number of members Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Get a Member

Retrieves member details.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group that contains the member you want to retrieve details about.
Member ID Enter (map) or select the member you want to retrieve details about.

Add a Member to a Group

Adds a member to a specified group.

Group ID

Enter (map) or select the group you want to add a member to.

Member's Email

Enter the email address of the member you want to add to the group.

Delivery Settings

Select mail delivery preferences of the member.

All Mail: All messages, delivered as soon as they arrive. Daily: No more than one message a day. Digest: Up to 25 messages bundled into a single message. Disabled: Remove subscription. None: No messages.


Select the role you want to assign to the member.

  • OWNER – This role can send messages to the group, add or remove members, change member roles, change group's settings, and delete the group. An OWNER must be a member of the group.

  • MANAGER – This role is only available if the G Suite is enabled using the Admin console. A MANAGER role can do everything done by an OWNER role except make a member an OWNER or delete the group. A group can have multiple OWNER and MANAGER members.

  • MEMBER – This role can subscribe to a group, view discussion archives, and view the group's membership list. For more information about member roles, see the administration help center.

Update a Member

Updates the membership of a user in the specified group.

Group ID

Enter (map) or select the group that contains the member you want to update.

Member ID

Enter (map) or select the member you want to update.

Member's Email

Enter the email address of the member you want to update.

Delivery Settings

Select mail delivery preferences of the member.

All Mail: All messages, delivered as soon as they arrive. Daily: No more than one message a day. Digest: Up to 25 messages bundled into a single message. Disabled: Remove subscription. None: No messages.


Select the role you want to assign to the member.

  • OWNER – This role can change send messages to the group, add or remove members, change member roles, change group's settings, and delete the group. An OWNER must be a member of the group.

  • MANAGER – This role is only available if the G Suite is enabled using the Admin console. A MANAGER role can do everything done by an OWNER role except make a member an OWNER or delete the group. A group can have multiple OWNER and MANAGER members.

  • MEMBER – This role can subscribe to a group, view discussion archives, and view the group's membership list. For more information about member roles, see the administration help center.

Remove a Member from a Group

Removes a specified member from the group.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group that contains the member you want to remove.
Member ID Enter (map) or select the member you want to remove from the group.

Group Settings

Get a Group's Settings

Retrieves settings of the specified group.

Group Email Enter (map) or select the group email of the group you want to retrieve settings for.

Update a Group's Settings

Updates group's properties.


Group Email

Enter (map) or select the group email of the group you want to retrieve settings for.


An extended description to help users determine the purpose of a group. For example, you can include information about who should join the group, the types of messages to send to the group, links to FAQs about the group, or related groups. Maximum length is 4,096 characters

Allow External Members

Select whether members external to your organization can join the group.

Allow Web Posting

Select whether members are allowed to post from web.

Archive the Group

Select the Yes option to set the group as archived and inactive.New messages to this group are rejected. The older archived messages are browseable and searchable.

Message Moderation Level

Select the moderation level of incoming messages. Possible values are:

  • MODERATE_ALL_MESSAGES: All messages are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group.

  • MODERATE_NON_MEMBERS: All messages from non group members are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group.

  • MODERATE_NEW_MEMBERS: All messages from new members are sent to the group owner's email address for approval. If approved, the message is sent to the group.

  • MODERATE_NONE: No moderator approval is required. Messages are delivered directly to the group.

Who Can Discover

Select the set of users for whom this group is discoverable.

Who Can Join

Specify who can join the group.

Who Can Moderate Content

Specify who can moderate content.

Who Can Moderate Members

Select who can manage members.

Who Can Post Messages

Select one of the options for posting messages.

  • NONE_CAN_POST: The group is disabled and archived. No one can post a message to this group.

    • When archiveOnly is false, updating whoCanPostMessage to NONE_CAN_POST, results in an error.

    • If archiveOnly is reverted from yes to no, whoCanPostMessages is set to ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST.

  • ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_POST: Managers, including group owners, can post messages.

  • ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_POST: Any group member can post a message.

  • ALL_OWNERS_CAN_POST: Only group owners can post a message.

  • ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST: Anyone in the account can post a message.

  • ANYONE_CAN_POST: Any Internet user who is outside your account can access your Google Groups service and post a message.

Who Can View Group

Select permissions for viewing the group.

Permissions to view group messages. Possible values are:

  • ANYONE_CAN_VIEW: Any Internet user can view the group's messages.

  • ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_VIEW: Anyone in your account can view this group's messages.

  • ALL_MEMBERS_CAN_VIEW: All group members can view the group's messages.

  • ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW: Any group manager can view this group's messages.

  • ALL_OWNERS_CAN_VIEW: Any group owner can view this group's messages.


Add an Alias to a Group

Adds an email alias to a group.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group you want to add the alias to.
Your Domain Enter or select your G Suite domain that contains the domain you want to add the alias to.
Alias Name Enter the alias name. E.g. <your_alias_name>

List Aliases

Retrieves all aliases for the group.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group you want to retrieve aliases for.
Limit Set the maximum number of aliases Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.

Delete an Alias

Removes an alias from the specified group.

Group ID Enter (map) or select the group you want to remove an alias from.
Alias Enter (map) or select the alias you want to remove from the group specified above.


Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.




Enter a path relative to:

  • the Google Groups option, e.g. /v1/groups

  • the Google Group's Settings option, e.g. /v1/groups/{group_email}

For the list of available endpoints, refer to:


Select the HTTP method you want to use:

GET to retrieve information for an entry.

POST to create a new entry.

PUT to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCH to make a partial entry update.

DELETE to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Members

The following API call returns all members in the specified group:


Google Groups


/v1/groups/{{the ID of the group you want to retrieve members from}}/members/




The result can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > members.

In our example, 1 member was returned:
