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The modules enable you to monitor, create, update, retrieve, or delete assets and comments in your account.

Getting Started with


  • A account

In order to use with Ibexa Connect, it is necessary to have a account. If you do not have one, you can create a account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connecting to Ibexa Connect

To connect your account to Ibexa Connect you need to create an API token in your account and insert it to the Ibexa Connect Create a connection dialog.

  1. Log in to your account.

  2. Go to the Tokens page in the Developer.

  3. Click the New button.


  4. Enter the name of the token, select the scopes you want to use, and click Create.

  5. Copy the provided token.

  6. Go to Ibexa Connect and open the module's Create a connection dialog.

  7. Enter the token you have copied in step 5 to the Your API Key field and click the Continue button to establish the connection.

The connection has been established. You can proceed with setting up the module.


Watch Assets

Triggers when a new asset is created.

Webhook name Enter the name of the webhook, e.g. Asset created.
Team ID Select the team this webhook will be created for.

Watch Deleted Asset

Triggers when an asset is deleted.

Webhook name Enter the name of the webhook. E.g. Asset deleted.
Team ID Select the team this webhook will be created for.

Watch Updated Asset Label

Triggers when an asset's status is set, changed, or removed.

Webhook name Enter the name of the webhook, e.g. Asset status updated.
Team ID Select the team this webhook will be created for.

Get an Asset

Retrieves asset details.

Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that contains the asset you want to retrieve details about.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder that contains the asset you want to retrieve details about.
Asset ID Select the asset or map the ID of the asset you want to retrieve details about.

Create an Asset

Creates a new asset.

Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that you want to create an asset for.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder you want to create an asset in.
Type Select whether to create a folder or file.
Name Enter the name of the new file or folder (as selected above).
File Type Select the type of file you want to upload.
File Size The file size in bytes.
Source URL Enter the URL of the file you want to upload.
Description Enter a brief description of the asset.

Update an Asset

Allows you to update an existing asset's name, description, or custom fields.

Asset ID Select or map the asset you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create an Asset section above.

Delete an Asset

Deletes a specified asset.

Asset ID Select or map the asset you want to delete.

List Assets

Retrieves all assets in the specified project's folder.

Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that contains the folder you want to retrieve assets from.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder you want to list assets from.
Limit Set the maximum number of assets Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Watch Comment

Triggers when a new comment or reply is created.

Webhook name Enter the name of the webhook, e.g. New Comment.
Team ID Select the team this webhook will be created for.

Watch Updated Comment

Triggers when a comment is edited.

Webhook name Enter the name of the webhook, e.g. Comment Edited.
Team ID Select the team this webhook will be created for.

Get a Comment

Retrieves details of the specified comment.

Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that contains the folder you want to retrieve assets from.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder you want to list assets from.
Asset ID Select or map the asset that contains the comment you want to retrieve.
Comment ID Select or map the comment you want to retrieve details about.

Create a Comment

Adds a new comment or reply to the asset.

Type Select whether you want to create a comment or reply to a comment.
Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that contains the asset you want to add a comment to.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder that contains the asset you want to add a comment to.
Asset ID Select or map the asset you want to add a comment to.
Comment ID Select or map the comment you want to add a reply to.
Text Enter the text content of the comment or reply.
Timestamp Enter the frame number in the video the comment should be linked to.

Update a Comment

Edits an existing comment.

Comment ID Select or map the comment you want to update.

Please find the descriptions of the fields in the Create a Comment section above.

Delete a Comment

Deletes a comment.

Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that contains the asset you want to delete a comment from.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder you want to delete the asset's comment from.
Asset ID Select or map the asset that contains the comment you want to delete.
Comment ID Select or map the comment you want to delete.

List Comments

Retrieves all comments of the specified asset.

Team ID Select or map the team that owns the project you want to use.
Project ID Select the project or map the ID of the project that contains the folder you want to retrieve comments from.
Folder ID Select the folder or map the ID of the folder you want to list comments from.
Asset ID Select the asset or map the ID of the asset you want to list comments for.
Limit Set the maximum number of comments Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


List Projects

Retrieves all projects for the specified team.

Team ID Select or map the team you want to retrieve projects for.
Limit Set the maximum number of projects Ibexa Connect will return during one execution cycle.


Make an API Call

Allows you to perform a custom API call.


Enter a path relative to For example /v2/teams

For the list of available endpoints, refer to the API Reference.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use - List Teams

The following API call returns all teams and its details in your account:






The result can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body.

In our example, the details of 1 team were returned:
