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Facebook Ads Campaign Management

With Facebook Ads Campaign Management modules in Ibexa Connect, you can monitor, list, and update all your ads and campaigns in your Facebook account.

To get started with Facebook Ads Campaign Management, create an account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Ibexa Connect scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory.

Connecting Facebook Ads Campaign Management to Ibexa Connect

  1. In your Ibexa Connect scenario, open the module you want to use.

  2. Next to Connection, click Add.

  3. Choose a name for your new connection.

  4. Click Save.

  5. When the window appears, log in to your Facebook account.

  6. Allow Ibexa Connect to access your Facebook account by clicking Continue.


You have now established the connection.


Watch Campaigns

Triggers when a new campaign is created.

Business ID Select the ID number of the business you want to watch campaigns for.
Ad Account ID Select the ID number of the ad account you want to watch campaigns for.
Limit Select the maximum number of campaigns Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

List Campaigns

Retrieves a list of campaigns by the ad account ID.

Business ID Select the ID number of the business you want to list campaigns for.
Ad Account ID Select the ID number of the ad account you want to list campaigns for.
Limit Select the maximum number of campaigns Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Update a Campaign

Updates a campaign by its ID.

Business ID Select the ID number of the business in which you want to update a campaign.
Name Enter a name for your campaign.
Daily Budget Enter the daily budget of the campaign.

Important: Daily budget of this campaign multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Lifetime Budget

Enter the lifetime budget of the campaign.


Lifetime budget of this campaign multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Spend Cap

Enter a spend cap for the campaign, such that it will not spend more than this cap. Expressed as integer value of the subunit in your currency.


A spend cap for the campaign multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Start Time

Enter a start time. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Stop Time

Enter a stop time. See the list of supported date and time formats.


Select the status of the campaign.

  • Active

  • Paused

  • Archived

  • Deleted

Bid Strategy

Choose the bid strategy for this campaign to suit your specific business goals.

  • Lowest Cost Without Cap

    Designed to get the most results for your budget based on your ad set optimization goal without limiting your bid amount. This strategy is also known as automatic bidding. Learn more in Ads Help Center, About bid strategies: Lowest cost.

  • Lowest Cost With Bid Cap

    Designed to get the most results for your budget based on your ad set optimization goal while limiting actual bid to your specified amount. This strategy is also known as manual maximum-cost bidding. Learn more in Ads Help Center, About bid strategies: Lowest cost.

  • Cost Cap

    Designed to get the most results for your budget based on your ad set optimization goal while limiting actual average cost per optimization event to a specified amount. Learn more in Ads Help Center, About bid strategies: Cost Cap.

Ad Set Bid Amounts

Add any child adset IDs to their respective bid amounts required in the process of toggling campaign from autobid to manual bid.

Ad Set Budgets

Add any child adset IDs and either daily budgets or lifetime budgets, required in the process of toggling between campaign budget and adset budget.

Budget Rebalance Flag

Select whether to automatically rebalance budgets daily for all the adsets under this campaign.

Campaign Optimization Type

Select the campaign optimization type.

  • None

  • ICO Only

Is SKAdNetwork Attribution

To create an iOS 14 campaign, enable SKAdNetwork attribution for this campaign.

Is Using L3 Schedule

Select whether the campaign uses L3 schedule.


Select the campaign's objective. If it is specified the API will validate that any ads created under the campaign match that objective.

  • App Installs

  • Brand Awareness

  • Conversions

  • Event Responses

  • Lead Generation

  • Link Clicks

  • Local Awareness

  • Messages

  • Offer Claims

  • Page Likes

  • Post Engagement

  • Product Catalog Sales

  • Reach

  • Store Visits

  • Video Views

Smart Promotion Type

Select the smart promotion type.

  • Guided Creation

  • Smart App Promotion

Special Ad Categories

Select any special ad categories for the campaign.

  • Employment

  • Housing

  • Credit

  • Issues Elections Politics

  • Online Gambling and Gaming

Special Ad Category Country

Select the country code of any special ad categories.

Ad Set

Watch Ad Sets

Triggers when a new ad set is created.

Business ID

Select the ID number of the business you want to watch ad sets for.

Effective Status

Select the effective status of the ad set. The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.

  • Active

  • Paused

  • Campaign Paused

  • Archived

  • In Process

  • With Issues

Is Completed

Select whether or not the ad set is completed.


Select the maximum number of ad sets Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

List Ad Sets

Retrieves a list of ad sets by the ad account ID.

Business ID

Select the ID number of the business you want to list ad sets for.

Effective Status

Select the effective status of the ad set. The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.

  • Active

  • Paused

  • Campaign Paused

  • Archived

  • In Process

  • With Issues

Is Completed

Select whether or not the ad set is completed.


Select the maximum number of ad sets Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Update an Ad Set

Updates an ad set by its ID.

Business ID Select the ID number of the business in which you want to update an ad set.
Name Enter a name for your ad set.
Status Select the status of the ad set.

* Active

* Paused

* Archived

* Deleted
Ad Set Schedule Add an ad set schedule, representing a delivery schedule for a single day.
Attribution Spec Add a conversion attribution spec used for attributing conversions for optimization. Supported window lengths differ by optimization goal and campaign objective. See Objective, Optimization Goal and attribution_spec.
Bid Amounts Enter a bid cap or target cost for this ad set. The bid cap used in a lowest cost bid strategy is defined as the maximum bid you want to pay for a result based on your optimization goal. The target cost used in a target cost bid strategy lets Facebook bid on your behalf to meet your target on average and keep costs stable as you raise budget.

Important: The bid amount multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 1 for the bid amount of 0.01 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 1 for the bid amount of 1 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Bid Strategy

Choose the bid strategy for this ad set to suit your specific business goals.

  • Lowest Cost Without Cap

    Designed to get the most results for your budget based on your ad set optimization goal without limiting your bid amount. This strategy is also known as automatic bidding. Learn more in Ads Help Center, About bid strategies: Lowest cost.

  • Lowest Cost With Bid Cap

    Designed to get the most results for your budget based on your ad set optimization goal while limiting actual bid to your specified amount. This strategy is also known as manual maximum-cost bidding. Learn more in Ads Help Center, About bid strategies: Lowest cost.

  • Cost Cap

    Designed to get the most results for your budget based on your ad set optimization goal while limiting actual average cost per optimization event to a specified amount. Learn more in Ads Help Center, About bid strategies: Cost Cap.

Billing Event

Select the billing event for this ad set.

  • App Installs: Pay when people install your app.

  • Clicks: Pay when people click anywhere in the ad.

  • Impressions: Pay when the ads are shown to people.

  • None

  • Offer Claims: Pay when people claim the offer.

  • Page Likes: Pay when people like your page.

  • Post Engagement: Pay when people engage with your post.

  • Thruplay: Pay for ads that are played to completion, or played for at least 15 seconds.

  • Purchase

  • Listing Interaction

  • Video Views: Pay when people watch your video ads for at least 10 seconds.

Daily Impressions

Enter any daily impressions.


Available only for campaigns with fixed CPM.

Daily Budget

Enter a daily budget of the ad set defined in your account currency.


Only allowed only for ad sets with a duration longer than 24 hours.


Daily budget for the ad set multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Daily Min Spend Target

Enter a daily minimum spend target of the ad set defined in your account currency.


To use this field, daily budget must be specified.


Daily minimum spend target for the ad set multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Daily Spend Cap

Enter a daily spend cap of the ad set defined in your account currency.


To use this field, daily budget must be specified.


Daily spend cap for the ad set multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Lifetime Budget

Enter a lifetime budget of the set defined in your account currency.


Lifetime budget of this ad set multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Lifetime Impressions

Enter any lifetime impressions.


Available only for campaigns with fixed CPM.

Lifetime Min Spend Target

Enter a lifetime minimum spend target of the ad set defined in your account currency.


To use this field, lifetime budget must be specified.


Lifetime minimum spend target of this ad set multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Lifetime Spend Cap

Enter a lifetime spend cap of the ad set defined in your account currency.


To use this field, lifetime budget must be specified.


Lifetime spend cap for the ad set multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 10000 for the budget of 100 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 30000 for the budget of 30000 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Start Time

Enter a start time. See the list of supported date and time formats.

End Time

Enter an end time. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Destination Type

Select the destination type of the ads in this ad set.

  • Undefined

  • Website

  • App

  • Messenger

  • Applinks Automatic

  • Facebook

Multi Optimization Goal Weight

Select the multi optimization goal weight.

  • Undefined

  • Balanced

  • Prefer Install

  • Prefer Event

`Optimization Goal

Select an optimization goal.

  • None

  • App Installs

  • Ad Recall Lift

  • Engaged Users

  • Event Responses

  • Impressions

  • Lead Generation

  • Quality Lead

  • Link Clicks

  • Offsite Conversions

  • Page Likes

  • Post Engagement

  • Quality Call

  • Reach

  • Landing Page Views

  • Visit Instagram Profile

  • Value

  • Thruplay

  • Derived Events

  • App Installs and Offsite Conversions

  • Conversations

  • In App Value

Optimization Sub Event

Select an optimization sub event.

Pacing Type

Add a pacing type of the campaign.

Promoted Object

Add an object this campaign is promoting across all its ads

RB Prediction ID

Enter an RB prediction ID number.

RF Prediction ID

Enter a reach and frequency prediction ID number.


Enter an ad set's targeting structure as a valid JSON string. See targeting.

Time Based Ad Rotation ID Blocks

Add any ad creatives ID numbers that displays at custom date ranges in a campaign. The list of ads to display for each time range in a given schedule.

Time Start

Enter a start time. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Time Sop

Enter a stop time. See the list of supported date and time formats.

Tune for Category

Enter a tune category.

  • None

  • Employment

  • Housing

  • Credit

  • Issues Elections Politics

  • Online Gambling and Gaming

Watch Ads

Triggers when a new ad is created.

Business ID

Select the ID number of the business you want to watch ads for.

Effective Status

Select the effective status of the ad. The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.

  • Active

  • Paused

  • Pending Review

  • Disapproved

  • Preapproved

  • Campaign Paused

  • Archived

  • Adset Paused

  • In Process

  • With Issues


Select the maximum number of ads Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

List Ads

Retrieves a list of ads by the ad account ID.

Business ID

Select the ID number of the business you want to list ads for.

Effective Status

Select the effective status of the ad. The status could be effective either because of its own status, or the status of its parent campaign.

  • Active

  • Paused

  • Pending Review

  • Disapproved

  • Preapproved

  • Pending Billing Info

  • Campaign Paused

  • Archived

  • Adset Paused

  • In Process

  • With Issues


Select the maximum number of ads Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Update an Ad

Updates an ad by its ID.

Business ID Select the ID number of the business in which you want to update an ad.
Name Enter a name for your ad.
Status Select the status of the ad.

* Active

* Paused

* Archived

* Deleted
Bid Amounts Enter the bid amount for this ad which will be used in auction instead of the ad set bid amount, if specified. Any updates to the ad set bid amount will overwrite this value with the new ad set value.

Important: The bid amount multiplied by the currency multiplier. For example, input 1 for the bid amount of 0.01 USD in case your account is in USD. Input 1 for the bid amount of 1 JPY in case your account is in JPY.

Audience ID

Enter the ID of the audience.

Conversion Domain

Enter the domain where conversions happen. Required to create or update an ad in a campaign that shares data with a pixel.


This field should contain only the first and second level domains, and not the full URL. For example

Display Sequence

Enter the sequence of the ad within the same campaign.

Draft Ad Group ID

Enter the ID of the draft ad.


Get a Reach Estimate

Retrieves the size of a target by the ad account.

Business ID

Select the ID number of the business.

Ad Account ID

Select the ID number of the ad account.

Geo Locations

Add any geographical targeting information.

  • Countries

  • Regions

  • Cities

  • ZIPs

  • Places

  • Custom Locations

  • Market Areas (DMA)

  • Electoral Districts

  • Location Types

Excluded Geo Locations

Add any geographical targeting information to exclude.

  • Countries

  • Regions

  • Cities

  • ZIPs

  • Places

  • Custom Locations

  • Market Areas (DMA)

  • Electoral Districts

  • Location Types


Select the genders you target.

Minimum Age

Enter the minimum age.

Must be higher than or equal to 13.

Maximum Age

Enter the minimum age.


Must be lower than or equal to 65.


Select the nationality.

Relationship Statuses

Select the relationship status.

Life Events

Select any life events.


Select the income.

Family Statuses

Select the family status.


Add any interests.


Select any specific behaviors.

Education Schools

Add any educational institutions.

Education Statuses

Select the education status.

College Graduation Years

Enter the college graduation year.


Earliest year allowed is 1980.

Education Majors

Add the education major.

Work Employers

Add the employer's name.

Work Positions

Add the work position.


Add the industry.

User OS

Select the device operating system.

User Device

Add the user device.

Excluded User Device

Add an excluded user device.

Wireless Carrier

Select the wireless carrier.

App Install State

Select the status of the app install.

  • Installed

  • Not Installed


Only for app-related objectives: mobile_app_*, canvas_app_*.

Custom Audiences

Add a custom audience.

Excluded Custom Audiences

Add a custom audience to exclude.

User Ad Clusters

Select any user add clusters.

Device Platforms

Select the device platform.

Publisher Platforms

Select the publisher platform.

Facebook Positions

Select the Facebook positions.

Instagram Positions

Select the Instagram positions.

Audience Network Positions

Select the audience network positions.

Messenger Positions

Select the Messenger positions.

Object Store URL

Enter the object store URL.


Used in mobile app campaigns. The url of the app in the app store.

Search Ad Interests

Searches for an interest by the name.

Name Enter the name of the interest.
Locale Enter the language of a particular locale in the format language_TERRITORY. For example, en_US.
Limit Select the maximum number of ad interests Ibexa Connect returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Permissions Information for Facebook Ads Campaign Management

Watch Campaigns - business_management, ads_management

List Campaigns - business_management, ads_management

Update a Campaign - business_management, ads_management

Watch Ad Sets - business_management, ads_management

List Ad Sets - business_management, ads_management

Update an Ad Set - business_management, ads_management

Watch Ads - business_management, ads_management

List Ads - business_management, ads_management

Update an Ad - business_management, ads_management

Get a Reach Estimate - business_management, ads_management ads_management

Watch Ads - business_management, ads_management

List Ads - business_management, ads_management

Update an Ad - business_management, ads_management

Get a Reach Estimate - business_management, ads_management