

Interfaces, classes, and traitsΒΆ

  • ContentTypeFacet

    This class holds counts of content with content type.

  • CriterionFacet

    This class holds the count of content matching the criterion.

  • DateRangeFacet

    This class represents a date range facet holding counts for content in the built date ranges.

  • FieldFacet

    This class represents a field facet which holds the collected terms for one or more fields.

  • FieldRangeFacet

    This class represents a field range facet.

  • LocationFacet

    Facet containing counts for content below child locations.

  • RangeFacetEntry

    This class holds statistical data for value ranges.

  • SectionFacet

    this class hold counts for content in sections.

  • TermFacet

    this class hold counts for content in sections.

  • UserFacet

    This class holds counts for content owned, created or modified by users.