

User.php : 9
Extends ValueObject

Base SPI Value object.

All properties of SPI\ValueObject must be serializable for cache & NoSQL use.


public $email

User.php : 30

User E-Mail address.

public string $email

public $hashAlgorithm

User.php : 51

Hash algorithm used to has the password.

public int $hashAlgorithm

public $id

User.php : 16

User ID.

public mixed $id

public $isEnabled

User.php : 60

Flag to signal if user is enabled or not.

public bool $isEnabled = false

User can not login if false

public $login

User.php : 23

User login.

public string $login

public $maxLogin

User.php : 70

Max number of time user is allowed to login.

public int $maxLogin = 0

Not used in kernel, should probably be a number of login allowed before changing password. But new users gets 0 before they activate, admin has 10, and anonymous has 1000 in clean data.

public $passwordHash

User.php : 37

User password hash.

public string $passwordHash

public $passwordUpdatedAt

User.php : 44

Timestamp of last password update.

public int|null $passwordUpdatedAt



ValueObject.php : 30

Construct object optionally with a set of properties.

public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $properties = [] ])

Readonly properties values must be set using $properties as they are not writable anymore after object has been created.


Name Type Default value Description
$properties array<string|int, mixed> [] -


ValueObject.php : 50

Function where list of properties are returned.

protected getProperties([array<string|int, mixed> $dynamicProperties = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Used by attributes(), override to add dynamic properties


Name Type Default value Description
$dynamicProperties array<string|int, mixed> []

Additional dynamic properties exposed on the object

Return values

array<string|int, mixed>