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Transactional email variables reference

The following variables are provided with an installation of Ibexa. You can use them when you create a template within an Actito transactional email campaign. If this extensive list of variables isn't sufficient, you can extend it to include additional variables.

Category Variable Description Example values Notes
Order processing orderId Order numerical ID 123
orderIdentifier Order identifier 660575f7-aa75-47af-b4d3-db2693f7e37c
orderCurrency Currency code EUR
orderSource Order source storefront
orderValueNet Total value (net) €700,00
orderValueGross Total value (gross) €749,50
orderValueVat Vat value €49,50
shippingAddressCountry Country code US
shippingAddressRegion Region California
shippingAddressLocality City Los Angeles
shippingAddressStreet Street 10250 Santa Monica Blvd
shippingAddressPostalCode Postal code 90067
shippingAddressFirstName Addressee's first name John
shippingAddressLastName Addressee's last name Doe
shippingAddressEmail E-mail address
shippingAddressPhoneNumber Phone number 123456789
billingAddressCountry Country code US
billingAddressTaxId Tax Identification Number i.e. VAT 12345678
billingAddressRegion Region California
billingAddressLocality City Los Angeles
billingAddressStreet Street 10250 Santa Monica Blvd
billingAddressPostalCode Postal code 90067
billingAddressFirstName Payer's first name John
billingAddressLastName Payer's last name Doe
billingAddressEmail E-mail address
billingAddressPhoneNumber Phone number 123456789
Payment paymentMethodIdentifier Technical identifier of payment method
paymentMethodName Human readable name of payment method
paymentMethodDescription Human readable description of payment method Prepaid cards and gift cards (offline ver.)
paymentMethodTypeName Human readable name of payment method type Offline
paymentStatus Technical identifier of payment status pending, failed Only available in PaymentStatusChange notification
Shipment shippingMethodIdentifier Technical identifier of shipping method
shippingMethodName Human readable name of shipping method
shippingMethodDescription Human readable description of shipping method
shippingMethodTypeName Technical name of shipping method type
shipmentStatus Technical identifier of shipment status Only available in ShipmentStatusChange notification
Product information Product numerical ID 123
products.code Product code (SKU) 123456 Product name iPhone 15 Pro 256GB Space Gray
products.url Product view URL
products.thumbnail Product thumbnail URL
products.quantity Quantity 5
products.unitPriceNet Unit price (net) €700,00
products.unitPriceGross Unit Price (gross) €749,50
products.subtotalPriceNet Subtotal price (net), quantity * unit price (net) €2700,00
products.subtotalPriceGross Subtotal price (gross), quantity * unit price (gross) €2749,50
User information userId Numerical ID 255
userLogin User login john.doe
userEmail User e-mail address
userName User name John Doe
Password reset token Token used to reset password 5bcc871f1a966db58c06187369813447
passwordResetUrl Absolute URL to reset password