Status Limitation is used to limit the access to Content based on its version status.
public mixed CONTENTTYPE = 'Class'
public mixed LANGUAGE = 'Language'
public mixed LOCATION = 'Node'
public mixed NEWSECTION = 'NewSection'
public mixed NEWSTATE = 'NewState'
public mixed OWNER = 'Owner'
public mixed PARENTCONTENTTYPE = 'ParentClass'
public mixed PARENTDEPTH = 'ParentDepth'
public mixed PARENTOWNER = 'ParentOwner'
public mixed PARENTUSERGROUP = 'ParentGroup'
public mixed SECTION = 'Section'
public mixed SITEACCESS = 'SiteAccess'
public mixed STATE = 'State'
public mixed STATUS = 'Status'
public mixed SUBTREE = 'Subtree'
public mixed USERGROUP = 'Group'
A read-only list of IDs or identifiers for which the limitation should be applied.
public array<string|int, mixed> $limitationValues = []
The value of this property must conform to a hash, which means that it
may only consist of array and scalar values, but must not contain objects
or resources.
Construct object optionally with a set of properties.
public __construct([array<string|int, mixed> $properties = [] ])
Readonly properties values must be set using $properties as they are not writable anymore
after object has been created.
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
array<string|int, mixed>
Returns the limitation identifier (one of the defined constants) or a custom limitation.
public getIdentifier() : string
Return values
Function where list of properties are returned.
protected getProperties([array<string|int, mixed> $dynamicProperties = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
Used by attributes(), override to add dynamic properties
Name |
Type |
Default value |
Description |
array<string|int, mixed>
Additional dynamic properties exposed on the object
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>