

Visibility.php : 23
Extends Criterion
Implements FilteringCriterion

A criterion that matches content based on its visibility.

Warning: This Criterion acts on all locations of a Content, so it will include hidden content within the tree you are searching for if content has visible location elsewhere. This is intentional and you should rather use LocationSearch if this is not the behaviour you want.



Visibility.php : 33

Visibility constant: hidden.

public mixed HIDDEN = 1


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Visibility constant: visible.

public mixed VISIBLE = 0


public $operator

Criterion.php : 23

The operator used by the Criterion.

public string $operator

public $target

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The target used by the criteria (field, metadata...).

public string $target

public $value

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The value(s) matched by the criteria.

public array<string|int, scalar>|scalar $value

public $valueData

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Additional value data, required by some criterions, MapLocationDistance for instance.

public Value $valueData



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Creates a new Visibility criterion.

public __construct(int $value)


Name Type Default value Description
$value int -

Visibility: self::VISIBLE, self::HIDDEN



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Criterion description function.

public getSpecifications() : array<string|int, Specifications>

Returns the combination of the Criterion's supported operator/value, as an array of Specifications objects

  • Operator is one supported Operator, as an Operator::* constant
  • ValueType is the type of input value this operator requires, either array or single
  • SupportedTypes is an array of types the operator will accept
  • ValueCountLimitation is an integer saying how many values are expected.
// IN and EQ are supported return [ // The EQ operator expects a single value, either as an integer or a string new Specifications( Operator::EQ, Specifications::FORMAT_SINGLE, Specifications::TYPE_INTEGER | Specifications::TYPE_STRING ), // The IN operator expects an array of values, of either integers or strings new Specifications( Operator::IN, Specifications::FORMAT_ARRAY, Specifications::TYPE_INTEGER | Specifications::TYPE_STRING ) ]

Return values

array<string|int, Specifications>