

LocationQuery.php : 14
Extends Query

This class is used to perform a Location query.



Query.php : 19
public mixed SORT_ASC = 'ascending'


Query.php : 20
public mixed SORT_DESC = 'descending'


public $aggregations

Query.php : 73
public array<string|int, Aggregation$aggregations = []

public $facetBuilders

Query.php : 68

An array of facet builders.

public array<string|int, FacetBuilder$facetBuilders = []

Search engines may ignore any, or given facet builders they don't support and will just return search result facets supported by the engine. API consumer should dynamically iterate over returned facets for further use.

public $filter

Query.php : 38

The Query filter.

public Criterion $filter

For the storage backend that supports it (Solr) filters the result set without influencing score. It also offers better performance as filter part of the Query can be cached.

In case when the backend does not distinguish between query and filter (Legacy Storage implementation), it will simply be combined with Query query using LogicalAnd criterion.

Can contain multiple criterion, as items of a logical one (by default AND)

public $limit

Query.php : 92

Query limit.

public int $limit = 25

Limit for number of search hits to return. If value is 0, search query will not return any search hits, useful for doing a count.

public $offset

Query.php : 82

Query offset.

public int $offset = 0

Sets the offset for search hits, used for paging the results.

public $performCount

Query.php : 104

If true, search engine should perform count even if that means extra lookup.

public bool $performCount = true

public $query

Query.php : 51

The Query query.

public Criterion $query

For the storage backend that supports it (Solr Storage) query will influence score of the search results.

Can contain multiple criterion, as items of a logical one (by default AND). Defaults to MatchAll.

public $sortClauses

Query.php : 58

Query sorting clauses.

public array<string|int, SortClause$sortClauses = []

public $spellcheck

Query.php : 97

Spellcheck suggestions are returned.

public Spellcheck|null $spellcheck = null



ValueObject.php : 31

Construct object optionally with a set of properties.

public __construct([array<string, mixed> $properties = [] ])

Readonly properties values must be set using $properties as they aren't writable anymore after object has been created.


Name Type Default value Description
$properties array<string, mixed> [] -


ValueObject.php : 54

Returns list of available properties' names.

protected getProperties([array<int, string> $dynamicProperties = [] ]) : array<int, string>

Override to add dynamic properties.


Name Type Default value Description
$dynamicProperties array<int, string> []

Additional dynamic properties exposed on the object

Return values

array<int, string>

