

ContentUpdateStruct.php : 16
Extends ContentStruct

This class is used for updating the fields of a content object draft.


public $creatorId

ContentUpdateStruct.php : 39

Creator user ID.

public mixed $creatorId

Creator of the version, in the search API this is referred to as the modifier of the published content.

WARNING: Standard permission rules applies, only the user set here will be able to change the draft after being set as modifier, and only if (s)he has access to edit the draft in the first place.

Optional creator of version, current user will be used if null

public $fields

public array<string|int, Field$fields

public $fields

public array<string|int, Field$fields

public $initialLanguageCode

ContentUpdateStruct.php : 25

The language code of the version. In 4.x this code will be used as the language code of the translation (which is shown in the admin interface).

public string $initialLanguageCode

It is also used as default language for added fields.



ValueObject.php : 31

Construct object optionally with a set of properties.

public __construct([array<string, mixed> $properties = [] ])

Readonly properties values must be set using $properties as they aren't writable anymore after object has been created.


Name Type Default value Description
$properties array<string, mixed> [] -


ContentStruct.php : 32

Adds a field to the field collection.

public abstract setField(string $fieldDefIdentifier, mixed $value[, string|null $language = null ]) : void

This method could also be implemented by a magic setter so that $fields[$fieldDefIdentifier][$language] = $value or without language $fields[$fieldDefIdentifier] = $value is an equivalent call.


Name Type Default value Description
$fieldDefIdentifier string -

the identifier of the field definition

$value mixed -

Either a plain value which is understandable by the corresponding field type or an instance of a Value class provided by the field type

$language string|null null

If not given on a translatable field the initial language is used


ValueObject.php : 54

Returns list of available properties' names.

protected getProperties([array<int, string> $dynamicProperties = [] ]) : array<int, string>

Override to add dynamic properties.


Name Type Default value Description
$dynamicProperties array<int, string> []

Additional dynamic properties exposed on the object

Return values

array<int, string>

