This class provides all version independent information of the Content object.
Indicates if the Content object is shown in the mainlanguage if its not present in an other requested language
Indicates if the Content object is shown in the mainlanguage if its not present in an other requested language.
The unique id of the content type item the Content object is an instance of
The content type id of the Content object.
Current Version number is the version number of the published version or the version number of a newly created draft (which is 1).
Current Version number is the version number of the published version or the version number of a newly created draft (which is 1).
@deprecated 4.6.7 accessing magic getter is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0.0. Use ContentInfo::getId() instead.
The unique id of the Content object.
@deprecated 4.6.7 accessing magic getter is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0.0. Use ContentInfo::isHidden() instead.
The main language code of the Content object. If the available flag is set to true the Content is shown in this language if the requested language does not exist.
The main language code of the Content object.
@deprecated Use ContentInfo::getMainLocationId instead
Identifier of the main location.
If the Content object has multiple locations, $mainLocationId will point to the main one.
Content object modification date
Content modification date.
@deprecated 4.6.7 accessing magic getter is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0.0. Use ContentInfo::getName() instead.
The computed name (via name schema) in the main language of the Content object.
For names in other languages then main see VersionInfo
the user id of the owner of the Content object
The owner of the Content object.
true if there exists a published version false otherwise
True if there exists a published version, false otherwise.
date of the first publish
Content publication date.
a global unique id of the Content object
Remote identifier used as a custom identifier for the object.
@deprecated 4.6.2 Use ContentInfo::getSectionId instead. The section to which the Content object is assigned
The section to which the Content object is assigned.
status of the Content object
Status of the content.
Replaces deprecated API\ContentInfo::$published.
__construct() ¶
Construct object optionally with a set of properties.
Readonly properties values must be set using $properties as they are not writable anymore after object has been created.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
$properties | array<string|int, mixed> | [] | - |
getContentType() ¶
Return values
getId() ¶
Return values
getMainLanguage() ¶
Return values
getMainLanguageCode() ¶
Return values
getMainLocation() ¶
Return values
getMainLocationId() ¶
Return values
getName() ¶
Return values
getOwner() ¶
Return values
getSection() ¶
Return values
getSectionId() ¶
Return values
isDraft() ¶
Return values
isHidden() ¶
Return values
isPublished() ¶
Return values
isTrashed() ¶
Return values
getProperties() ¶
Function where list of properties are returned.
Used by attributes(), override to add dynamic properties
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
$dynamicProperties | array<string|int, mixed> | [] |
Additional dynamic properties exposed on the object |
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>