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Icon Twig functions


ibexa_icon_path() generates a path to the selected icon from an icon set.

Argument Type Description
icon string Identifier of an icon in the icon set.
set string Identifier of the configured icon set. If empty, the default icon set is used.
<svg class="ibexa-icon ibexa-icon--medium ibexa-icon--light">
    <use xlink:href="{{ ibexa_icon_path('edit', 'my_icons') }}"></use>

The icons can be displayed in different colors and sizes.

Icon color variants

By default, the icon inherits the fill attribute from the parent element. You can change it by using one of the available CSS modifiers:

Modifier Usage
--light To be used on dark backgrounds
--dark To be used on light backgrounds
--base-dark To be used on light backgrounds
--primary To use the primary back office color
--secondary To use the secondary back office color
<svg class="ibexa-icon ibexa-icon--dark">
    <use xlink:href="{{ ibexa_icon_path('edit') }}"></use>

Icon size variants

The default icon size in the back office is 32px. To change the default size, in the template add the modifier to the class name.

<svg class="ibexa-icon ibexa-icon--medium">
  <use xlink:href="{{ ibexa_icon_path('create') }}"></use>

The list of available icon sizes:

Modifier Size
--tiny 8px
--tiny-small 12px
--small 16px
--small-medium 20px
--medium 24px
--medium-large 38px
--large 48px
--extra-large 64px

Icons reference

The following icons are available out-of-the-box:

Icon Identifier
about-info about-info
about about
airtime airtime
align-center align-center
align-justify align-justify
align-left align-left
align-right align-right
approved approved
arrow-right arrow-right
article article
assign-section assign-section
assign-user assign-user
author author
autosave-error autosave-error
autosave-off autosave-off
autosave-on autosave-on
autosave-saved autosave-saved
autosave-saving autosave-saving
b2b b2b
back-current-date back-current-date
back back
banner banner
bell bell
bestseller bestseller
block-add block-add
block-invisible block-invisible
block-visible-recurring block-visible-recurring
block-visible block-visible
blog_post blog_post
blog blog
bold bold
bookmark-active bookmark-active
bookmark-manager bookmark-manager
bookmark bookmark
box-collapse box-collapse
browse browse
bubbles bubbles
button button
business-deal-cash business-deal-cash
campaign campaign
captcha captcha
caret-back caret-back
caret-double-back caret-double-back
caret-double-next caret-double-next
caret-down caret-down
caret-expanded caret-expanded
caret-next caret-next
caret-up caret-up
cart-upload cart-upload
cart-wishlist cart-wishlist
cart cart
catalog catalog
category category
checkbox-multiple checkbox-multiple
checkbox checkbox
checkmark checkmark
circle-caret-down circle-caret-down
circle-caret-left circle-caret-left
circle-caret-right circle-caret-right
circle-caret-up circle-caret-up
circle-close circle-close
circle-create circle-create
clicked-recommendations clicked-recommendations
clipboard clipboard
collapse collapse
collection collection
comment comment
connect connect
column-one column-one
column-two column-two
components components
contentlist contentlist
content-tree content-tree
content-type-group content-type-group
content-type-content content-type-content
content-type content-type
content-write content-write
copy copy
copy-subtree copy-subtree
core core
content-draft content-draft
create-content create-content
create-location create-location
crop crop
create create
custom_tags custom_tags
customer customer
customer-portal customer-portal
customer-portal-page customer-portal-page
customer-type customer-type
dashboard-clean dashboard-clean
dashboard-type dashboard-type
dashboard dashboard
database database
date-updated date-updated
date date
discard discard
download download
drag drag
drafts drafts
dropdown dropdown
earth-access earth-access
edit edit
embed embed
embed-inline embed-inline
erp erp
error-icon error-icon
error error
expand-left expand-left
explore explore
events-collected events-collected
facebook facebook
factbox factbox
fields fields
file-text file-text
file-video file-video
file file
filters-funnel filters-funnel
filters filters
flag flag
flash flash
flip flip
flip-horizontal flip-horizontal
flip-vertical flip-vertical
focus focus
un-focus un-focus
focus-image focus-image
folder-empty folder-empty
folder folder
form-data form-data
form form
future-publication future-publication
gallery gallery
go-right go-right
go-to-root go-to-root
go-up go-up
h1 h1
h2 h2
h3 h3
h4 h4
h5 h5
h6 h6
hide hide
history-file history-file
history history
home-page home-page
image-center image-center
image-editor image-editor
image-left image-left
image-right image-right
image-variations image-variations
image image
imported-items imported-items
information information
input-hidden input-hidden
input-line-multiple input-line-multiple
input-line input-line
input-number input-number
italic italic
keyword keyword
landing_page landing_page
landingpage-add landingpage-add
landingpage-preview landingpage-preview
languages-add languages-add
languages languages
last-purchased last-purchased
last-viewed last-viewed
layout-switch layout-switch
layout-manager layout-manager
link-content link-content
link-remove link-remove
link-anchor link-anchor
link link
list-numbered list-numbered
list list
location-add-new location-add-new
localize localize
lock-unlock lock-unlock
lock lock
logout logout
maform maform
mail mail
markup markup
media-type media-type
media media
merge merge
move move
newsletter newsletter
news news
notice notice
open-newtab open-newtab
open-sametab open-sametab
options options
order-management order-management
order-history order-history
order-status order-status
object-state object-state
panels panels
previewed previewed
paragraph-add paragraph-add
paragraph paragraph
pdf-file pdf-file
personalize-block personalize-block
personalize-content personalize-content
personalize personalize
pin-unpin pin-unpin
pin pin
places places
place place
portfolio portfolio
price price
previewed previewed
product_list product_list
product product
product-catalog product-catalog
product-category product-category
product-low product-low
product-type product-type
profile profile
publish-later-cancel publish-later-cancel
publish-later-create publish-later-create
publish-later publish-later
publish publish
publish-hide publish-hide
qa-catalog qa-catalog
qa-company qa-company
qa-content qa-content
qa-form qa-form
qa-product qa-product
quote quote
radio-button-multiple radio-button-multiple
radio-button radio-button
rate-review rate-review
rate rate
recent-activity recent-activity
recently-added recently-added
recommendation-calls recommendation-calls
redo redo
refresh refresh
rejected rejected
relations relations
restore-parent restore-parent
restore restore
reveal reveal
review review
roles roles
rss rss
save save
save-exit save-exit
schedule schedule
search search
sections sections
send-review send-review
server server
settings-block settings-block
settings-config settings-config
sites-all sites-all
slider slider
spinner spinner
square square
stats stats
strikethrough strikethrough
subscriber subscriber
subscript subscript
superscript superscript
swap swap
system-information system-information
table-add table-add
table-cell table-cell
table-column table-column
table-row table-row
tag tag
tags tags
telephone telephone
timeline timeline
trash-empty trash-empty
trash-notrashed trash-notrashed
trash-send trash-send
trash trash
twitter twitter
unarchive unarchive
underscore underscore
undo undo
upload-image upload-image
upload upload
user user
user_group user_group
user-add user-add
user-blocked user-blocked
user-recycle user-recycle
user-tick user-tick
user-type user-type
users-personalization users-personalization
users-select users-select
variation-1-1 variation-1-1
variation-3-2 variation-3-2
variation-4-3 variation-4-3
variation-16-9 variation-16-9
variation-custom variation-custom
version-compare version-compare
version-compare-action version-compare-action
versions versions
video video
view-custom view-custom
view-desktop view-desktop
view-grid view-grid
view-hide view-hide
view-list view-list
view-mobile view-mobile
view-tablet view-tablet
view view
wand wand
warning-triangle warning-triangle
warning warning
wiki-file wiki-file
wiki wiki
workflow workflow
vertical-left-right vertical-left-right
menu menu
hierarchy hierarchy
cart-full cart-full
sites sites
interface-block interface-block
full-view full-view
un-full-view un-full-view