


Interfaces, classes, and traits

  • ContentId

    Sets sort direction on Content ID for a content query.

  • ContentName

    Sets sort direction on Content name for a content query.

  • ContentTranslatedName

    This class is the base for SortClause classes, used to set sorting of content queries.

  • CustomField

    Sorts search results by raw search index field.

  • DateModified

    Sets sort direction on the content modification date for a content query.

  • DatePublished

    Sets sort direction on the content creation date for a content query.

  • Field

    Sets sort direction on a field value for a content query.

  • Location

    This is the base for Location SortClause classes, used to set sorting of Location queries.

  • MapLocationDistance

    Sets sort direction on the MapLocation distance for a content query.

  • Random

    Sets sort random on a content query.

  • Score

    Sorts search results by relevance score.

  • SectionIdentifier

    Sets sort direction on Section identifier for a content query.

  • SectionName

    Sets sort direction on Section name for a content query.

  • Target

    Struct that stores extra target informations for a SortClause object.